Wednesday, 9 February 2022

How to solve Launch X431 Pad VII device stuck (no response)?

 After the X431 Pad VII is powered on, the prompt "X-431 pad VII does not respond" is displayed. At this time, it is generally necessary to reinstall the main program to try whether it is related to the version, or reinstall the latest version to try. But the Launch diagnostic tool is a closed system. If it is a little troublesome to restore the factory settings and then install, is there any simple way?


Check the method offered by engineer as below.

Here takes X431 PAD V as an example. This method applies to X431 V/V+/VII, X431 PROS


Step 1: Uninstall the current APP

First, click ‘Other Modules’ on the main menu

Solve Launch X431 Pad VII Does Not Respond Problem

Select Tablet Setting>> Apps

Solve Launch X431 Pad VII Does Not Respond Problem

Solve Launch X431 Pad VII Does Not Respond Problem


Then select the related X431 scan tool name

Solve Launch X431 Pad VII Does Not Respond Problem

Right click the point icon in the upper right corner to uninstall updates

Solve Launch X431 Pad VII Does Not Respond Problem

Read the prompt ‘Replace this app with the factory version? All data will be removed’, then click ‘OK’ to continue

Uninstall finished

Solve Launch X431 Pad VII Does Not Respond Problem


Step 2: Login X431 tool

Reboot the X431 tool

When it shows ‘Find New Version’ info, just click ‘CANCEL’.

Click ‘Intelligent Diagnose’ to login with your available username and password

Solve Launch X431 Pad VII Does Not Respond Problem


Step 3: Update software

Click ‘Software Update’ and ‘Select All’ to update all software

Solve Launch X431 Pad VII Does Not Respond Problem


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