Wednesday, 28 December 2022

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

 Is it possible to read and write JCB EDC17 CV44 with KT200 ECU programmer no need internet?

Yes. KT200 has added a new feature- read and write ECU/TCU via OBD/Bench/Boot/BDM/JTAG for the outdoor without internet. The KT200 Offline Workstation is required. It has officially completed testing, works as perfect as KT200 online version.

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

Tips and guide to use KT200 Offline Workstation:


There are two USB disks (black and white) in the KT200 Offline Workstation package.

  • The black is the U disk which contains software and installation instructions. It must be installed online before it can work offline.

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

The current KT200 offline software is V22.11.20.

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

  • The white is the dongle that is used to activate license.

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

Operation guide:

First plug the black USB into the computer, no need to connect to internet

Then run the setup to install KT200 offline software

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

If it appears the KT200 firmware updating prompt 'Please press button below to update firmware', just skip it by clicking the close button.

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

After installing offline software, make sure the C drive has a capacity of 15G or more so that you have enough space to run the installation of KT200_ftp.

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

After installation, insert the white dongle and run the KT200.exe program to complete the first update activation

Press 'Yes' to update license

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

Complete the activation, and then open KT200 offline software on the desktop to read and write ECU

Click 'Select driver'

Select BENCH MODE>> JCB>> TC1767-JCB>> EDC17 CV44>> OK

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

Click 'CONNECT' to connect to the server and read ECU info

Then click 'Read All'

Input a filename to backup the original data

Wait a moment to read the data till complete


KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

KT200 Offline Workstation Read and Write JCB EDC17 CV44

How to get a KT200 Offline Workstation USB Dongle?

It is only available for the KT200 Full Version.

KT200 Auto version users can't use offline workstations, must update auto version to full version.

(If you update the Auto version to Full version, the offline workstation will be $50 only).

In order to thank all customers' support, if you purchase the full configuration version from, you can get a set of offline workstation equipment for free (device is free, and you only need to pay for $50 shipping charge)

Users who purchase from other channels are not eligible for this activity.

The campaign lasts until 2022.12.30.


Even with the USB dongle, your KT200 still need to connect to the KT200 online server once every 15 days.

Yanhua Mini ACDP + Module 12 Program Volvo Add Key & AKL

 This is a tutorial on how to use Yanhua Mini ACDP + Module 12 to program Volvo key adding & all keys lost. Need to remove the CEM module from vehicle, which is behind the copilot glove compartment.

To check connection info, please click "Help".

Required Accessories

OBP+ICP adapter

ACDP host

8PIN cable

CEM interface board

CEM module

  • Install CEM interface board.
  • Align D1-D4 test points. Lock the board with PCB lock. As long as D1-D4 test points are aligned, then all test points are aligned.
  • Connect OBP + ICP adapter & CEM interface board with 8PIN cable. Connect ACDP host & power up.

    1. Yanhua Module 12 programming Volvo key (All Key Lost)

      Yanhua Module 12 programming Volvo key (All Key Lost)


      Mini ACDP>> Volvo >> IMMO >> S80(2009–2016) >> Semi-Keyless >> Read CEM password >> ICP mode(Recommended)

      Follow the help prompts to properly connect the adapter, interface board and CEM module.

      Pin detection passed. If the detection fails, please check and clean the test point.

      Check the vehicle info, press "Continue".

      Save CEM password data.

      Put CEM module back to the vehicle. Connect ACDP host with vehicle OBD port.

      Yanhua Module 12 programming Volvo key (All Key Lost)

      Yanhua Module 12 programming Volvo key (All Key Lost)

      Yanhua Module 12 programming Volvo key (All Key Lost)

      Add key >> OK

      Press Start button in the car.

      Make sure CEM module is installed, press "OK".

      Select CEM password data file.

      Check VIN number & the number of keys, press "Continue".

      Insert the key to be programmed into the card slot.

      Confirm the number of keys after adding new key.

      Add key successfully!

      Yanhua Module 12 programming Volvo key (All Key Lost)

      Yanhua Module 12 programming Volvo key (All Key Lost)

      Autel Scanner AutoAuth FCA SGW Authorization Problem and Solution

       This post mainly shares the solution to fix the Autel scanner vehicle security gateway unlocking problem such as AutoAuth (North America) authorization, FCA SGW authorization, Renault Nissan gateway, FCA 12+8 Adapter, 16+32 gateway adapter, etc.

      1.If there is a gateway on the vehicle, the diagnostic line needs to access the ECU module through a specific gateway connector or authorized by the OEM manufacturer. The main models involved are shown below (Generally, special connectors can be used to wrap the gateway)

      Make Model/YearSafety gatewayBypass connector Direct access

      Autel Scanner AutoAuth FCA SGW Authorization Problem and Solution

      Diagnostics: Clear Codes, Bi-Directional Function, Active Tests, Actuations and Relearns.

      2.At present, FCA vehicle gateway unlocking can use AutoAuth authorization, FCA SGW authorization, or general special connector (Autel FCA 12+8 Adapter); The Renault Nissan Gateway can be u<Autel 16+32 Gateway connector).

      3.How to open AutoAuth for FCA vehicle?

      Check the article

      Or watch the video

      4.For FCA vehicles, the AutoAuth can be enabled in the diagnostic menu on Autel IM508 or IM608 device, and the AutoAuth needs to be opened in the anti-theft menu, which is only supported by the devices of North American Contract (0063). Other devices using the anti-theft function need to use a special connector around the gateway.

      5.How to open FCA SGW authorization for FCA vehicle?

      Step 1: Send your official order to

      Step 2: Please do not forget to specify the device's serial number and the desired expiry date of the FCA license. For the active devices, you can decide to adjust the expiry date of the FCA license according to the expiry date of the tool's software updates, the price will be calculated accordingly. If you do not specify any particular deadline in your order, the license will have 1 year duration;

      Step 3: Please note that the FCA license does not work if the software license period of your devices has expired;

      Step 4: It's not possible to buy the licenses for the devices that have not been activated.

      Note: E-commerce devices may not support this method

    2. When Renault does the key matching function, there is a function that prompts 8.80 dollars to unlock the gateway. (It will be encountered in some models)
      1. The solution applies to these Autel tablets:

        Autel MK808, MK808TS, MK808BT, MP808, MP808BT, MP808TS, DS808

        MS906, MS906S, MS906BT, MK906BT, MS906PRO, MK906PRO, MS906TS, MK906PRO-TS, MS908S PRO, MK908, MK908PRO

        Elite II, Ultra, Ultra lite, D1 plus, D1 MAX, IM1, IM508, IM608, D1, D1 LITE, BT1, BT1 LITE, ITS600E, TBE200E, BT608E, BT506, BT508

        MK808S, MK808S-TS, MK808S-BT, MP808S, MP808S-BT, MP808S-TS, DS808S

        MK908PRO II, MK908II, IM608 II, IM508S, MS908SPRO II…

        Monday, 19 December 2022

        Autel IM508 Program 2020–2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A All Keys Lost

         Autel MaxiIM IM508 Key Programmer (In 2022 we recommend Autel IM508 + XP400 Pro) is able to program 2020–2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A all keys lost by OBD with free pin code. Follow the steps below to learn how to do.

        Connect Autel IM508 to OBD,

        IMMO >> Hyundai >> Manual selection >> Europe >> I10(AC3) >> 2020- >> Smart key >> Yes >> Immo status scan >> Read PIN >> Read pin code(4A smart card)

        This function only supports models with 4A chip type smart card. Please ensure the key type is correct!

        Press the START button, turn the Hazard warning light on.

        Password was read out: 439476.

        Autel IM508 Program 2020–2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A All Keys Lost

        Autel IM508 Program 2020–2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A All Keys Lost

        Autel IM508 Program 2020–2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A All Keys Lost

        Autel IM508 Program 2020–2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A All Keys Lost

        All keys lost(guided) >> Start

        This function supports add key and all key lost;

        Performing this function will erase all existing keys, all the old keys must be relearned again to be able to use normally. Press "Yes" to continue.

        Turn the ignition off

        (note: the instrument screen is black)

        Open and then close the driver door once!

        Please enter the 6-digit security code: 439476

        Click "OK" to complete the following steps:

        Within 5s after "OK" is pressed. Use the back or top of the Universal Smart Key to hold down the START button for 5s until the anti-theft lamps flash.

        (If the operation failed with the prompts, please remove the key case and re-execute the above steps so that the key chip can be successfully.)

        Programming succeeded.

        Number of current keys: 1

        This is how to program 2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A all keys lost with Autel IM508.

        Autel IM508 Program 2020–2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A All Keys Lost

        Autel IM508 Program 2020–2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A All Keys Lost

        Autel IM508 Program 2020–2022 Hyundai i10 ID4A All Keys Lost

        Mercedes-Benz W204 ABS Power On by OBDSTAR MT501

         OBDSTAR MT501 Bench Test Platform not only supports dashboard power on for Mercedes- Benz 205, 213, 222, W204, W212 and W221, but also supports ABS power on for Benz W204 on bench.

        Part I: OBDSTAR MT501 Benz dashboard power on

        OBDSTAR MT501 Activate Benz W205 W211 W221 Dashboard on Bench

        Part 2: OBDSTAR MT501 Benz W204 ABS power on

        1.Prepare all device & accessories

        • OBDSTAR MT501 main unit
        • Main cable
        • OBDSTAR P004 adapter+ P004 Jumper
        • 12V2A Charger
        • OBDSTAR T008 cable: Mercedes- Benz three-way connector (204 chassis, etc)
        • Mercedes- Benz W204 ABS Pump

        Mercedes-Benz W204 ABS Power On by OBDSTAR MT501

        2.Step-by-step guide

        Power on OBDSTAR MT501

        Enter Test Platform function and agree with the disclaimer

        Select ABS >> ABS V30.01 (newest software version)>> Benz 204 Chassis ABS Pump

        Mercedes-Benz W204 ABS Power On by OBDSTAR MT501

        Mercedes-Benz W204 ABS Power On by OBDSTAR MT501

        Click Guide to check the detailed operation method

        Click Pinout to check the PINOUT diagram

        Mercedes-Benz W204 ABS Power On by OBDSTAR MT501

        Follow the wiring diagram to connect MT501 and Benz W204 ABS

        Connect OBDSTART P004 Jumper to Benz W204 ABS Pump

        Connect OBDSTAR MT501 tablet with P004 adapter

        Connect one side of the T008 connector to MT501, and connect the other side to P004 adapter (the remaining end of T008 is for a diagnostic device)

        Mercedes-Benz W204 ABS Power On by OBDSTAR MT501

        Then connect P004 adapter and P004 Jumper

        Supply power to OBDSTAR MT501 tablet with the charger

        Press the start button on the P004 adapter and push the number key to ON

        Mercedes-Benz W204 ABS Power On by OBDSTAR MT501

        Mercedes-Benz W204 ABS Power On by OBDSTAR MT501

        After connection, click Start to perform the function

        There are two options on the interface: Start and Stop.

        Click Start

        After ABS pump power on, connect the diagnostic tool and T008 connector for diagnosis.

        Mercedes-Benz W204 ABS Power On by OBDSTAR MT501

        Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM/ BDC All Keys Lost

         Question: How to read BMW F30 FEM ISN to program keys with Yanhua Mini ACDP? What are the steps, please show me.

        Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

        Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

        Step1. Read DEM ISN Code

        Query the basic info of the vehicle according to VIN. Here's taking F chassis, DEM model B38 as an example. Click "Help" to check connection diagram.

        Find the DME module in the vehicle.

        Prepare all required accessories:

        DME module, B38 interface board, 20PIN cable, OBP+ICP adapter, ACDP host.


      2. Connect B38 interface board correctly to the DME.
      3. Short circuit the CAN resistor on the OBP+ICP adapter to the "CAN-R JOIN".
      4. Connect ACDP host, OBP+ICP adapter, B38 interface board and DME.
        1. Mini ACDP>> BMW >> DME ISN >> Bench mode read/write DME ISN >> Fxx >> B38(MEVD1723) >> Read/write ISN >> OK

          Save EEPROM data.

          Export >> Save

          Reading ISN data finished.

          Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

          Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

          Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

          Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

          Step2. Program Keys

          Click "Help" to check FEM connection diagram.

          Remove FEM module from vehicle. It's generally at the lower part of A column at the passenger side.

          Prepare all required accessories:

          Blank key, ACDP host, FEM/BDC interface board, OBP+ICP adapter, Puncture socket, 20PIN cable, 12V cable, 8PIN cable, FEM module.


        2. Install the FEM/BDC interface board, connect 12V cable.
        3. Connect the 8PIN cable with the puncture socket. Loosen the knob on the socket, make sure take the tips back. After confirming the correct direction, hold on the socket with left hand and tighten the socket with right hand.
        4. Connect the 8PIN cable to the adapter and FEM/BDC interface board with 20PIN cable. Connect the ACDP host and the OBP+ICP adapter. Power on and prepare for app operation.

          1. Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

            Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

            FEM/BDC >> IMMO/Mileage >> Add key(all key lost) >> FEM/BDC initial programming process >> Method1: Automatic ICP programming

            Check the VIN, mileage and version info, save screenshot.

            FEM/BDC was preprocessed.

            Whether re-execute the operation of FEM/BDC initial programming process? Yes

            Pin detection passed. If it fails, please clean the memory chip and reinstall the puncture socket.

            Save all backup files.

            Preprocessing the FEM/BDC. The whole preprocess takes 5–20 minutes.

            Please wait…

            If ACDP APP prompts the device to be abnormal or loses connection, please do not do anything, and wait patiently for 20 minutes, the device will automatically complete the remaining operations to ensure the module is normal.

            The file is backed up.

            Successful function execution.

            Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

            Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

            Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

            Program key >> OK >> Import the saved ISN code file >> OK >> OK >> Select a blank key channel displayed as FF >> Learn

            Put the new key close to the emergency starting induction antenna(located on the lower right of the steering wheel.)

            Learning key…

            Program ignition key succeeded.

            The new key has been added.

            Click "Exit" to complete.

            Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost

            Yanhua Mini ACDP Program BMW FEM or BDC All Keys Lost


            Wednesday, 7 December 2022

            OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Program 2018- Toyota Camry 8A-A9 Proximity Key

             OBDSTAR X300 DP PlusX300 Pro4 works with the newest TOYOTA & LEXUS IMMO software V32.74 can perform over 90% TOYOTA/ LEXUS vehicles proximity key programming (all keys lost) and supports vehicles with gateway read smart key ECU IMMO data by OBD (world first released, no need any adapters). The OBDSTAR Key SIM simulator is required.

            Part I: Which Toyota car models are added?

          2. Add 2018- proximity (8A-A8) all keys lost (free pincode) for below models:
              • TOYOTA CROWN
              • TOYOTA LAND CRUISER
              • TOYOTA HIGHLANDER (petrol)
              • TOYOTA PRADO
            1. Add 2018- proximity (8A-A9) all keys lost (free pincode, smart key ECU with 24 pin) for below models:
                • TOYOTA ALPHARD
                • TOYOTA VELLFIRE

                3.Add proximity (8A-A9) key programming (free pincode, smart key ECU with 27 pin)

                4.Add proximity (8A-AA) key programming (free pincode, smart key ECU with 27 pin)

                5.Add proximity (4A) key programming (free pincode, smart key ECU with 27 pin)

                6.Add read smart key ECU IMMO data by OBD for below models (more models in testing):

                • TOYOTA ALPHARO
                • TOYOTA CAMRY
                • TOYOTA C-HR
                • TOYOTA CROWN
                • TOYOTA HIGHLANDER
                • TOYOTA IZOA
                • TOYOTA LAND CRUISER
                • TOYOTA LC200
                • TOYOTA PRADO
                • TOYOTA PRIUS
                • TOYOTA RAV4
                • TOYOTA VELLFIRE
                • LEXUS LC
                • LEXUS LC570
                • LEXUS RX series
                • LEXUS RX450H
                • Toyota Camry 2017-
                • Toyota Prius 2016-
                • Toyota C-HR
                • Lexus LC570 2016-
                • Toyota LC200 2016-
                • Lexus RX 2015- etc

                Kindly notice:

                Functions above need to work with CAN Direct Kit & Key SIM

                All TOYOTA simulated cards work well.

                Key SIM supports DST40–94/DST40-D4, DST80–98, DST80-F1, DST80–78, 8A-88/8A-A8, 8A-A9, 8A-39, 8A-AA, 4A, Toyota H (Blade 8A).

                Toyota-24 cable is not included in the CAN Direct kit (need to purchase additionally)

                Part II: How to add key/all keys lost for 2018- Toyota via OBD?

                Takes OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus as an example


                Prepare all devices, then connect X300 DP Plus (Key Master DP Plus) with the vehicle by OBD cable via the main cable

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                2.Menu function path

                CAR IMMO>> Asia>> TOYOTA LEXUS SCION>> TOYOTA LEXUS SCION V32.75 (newest software version)>> Manual Select Model>> TOYOTA>> USA- CANADA>> CAMRY>> PROXIMITY>> 2018-

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                Step 1: Read Immo Data

                Tap Read Immo Data>> OBD

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                Connect the tablet to internet and make sure the internet connection is normal

                Press emergency flasher switch, and press the start button 5 times

                Read the immo data successfully, and then enter the filename to save it.

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                Step 2: Make Simulated Card (Key SIM)

                Select the IMMO data file just saved

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                Select Key Sim Simulator

                Connect the OBDSTAR 5–1 Key SIM Simulator to X300 DP Plus

                Generate simulator card successfully

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                Move the simulated card close to the start button and try to light the meter. If you can light up the meter normally, use the simulated card instead of the original key for the (Add smart key) operation.

                The simulated key makes engine started successfully

                OBDSTAR X300 DP Plus Key Programming for 2018- Toyota Camry

                Finally, you also add keys (free pincode) or do all keys lost via IMMO data files.


                Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

                 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...