Wednesday, 29 December 2021

Can Autel IM508 program the ECU of second-hand Nissan Kicks?

 Problem: used Autel IM508 to program a used ECU for Nissan Kicks with new blade keys, it refuses to be programmed and only register them in bcm .. meanwhile when i return the original ecu and program it accepts !


Look at the error message below:

Autel IM508 program the ECU of second-hand Nissan Kicks

Autel IM508 program the ECU of second-hand Nissan Kicks


How to program a used ECU for Nissan Kicks?

You cannot use the Autel im608 to program

You need to log into your Nissan account and pay for a subscription so u can program the ecu, u will also need to buy Nissan software for j2534 box called NERS, it cost $300.


if it was a new pcm and u programmed it then there should be no issue.

if YOU did not program it with NERS it's not going to work.

you yourself PROVED that the pcm is the issue because the OE pcm takes keys just fine, the new pcm does not, the difference is it is not programmed to the vehicle. u need to actually program the pcm with ners while the new pcm is in the car.

like I have said before u need to put the new pcm in the car, turn laptop in, hook laptop up to j2534 and then connect j2534 to the obd2 port of the vehicle, then log into your Nissan account and fire up ners and finish the job.


I know for a FACT that u have NOT programmed that pcm to that car, u want to know how I know this? because if u programmed it with ners then u would have programmed the keys when u were programming, no need to unhook everything and then hook up ur key tool.

u can just put a pcm in a car and then program keys and expect it to work.


One more feedback and operation guide:

if it’s used one you can do it with Autel IM608 which I have done dozens of times.

  1. Go to special function under ECM on diagnostic section and write the new vin
  2. Go to NATS function in main menu on diagnostic section and select the ECM replaced and make sure you all your keys ready. Follow the instructions and done.

NERS is for updating the operating software or programming a blank module.

If 1 and 2 doesn’t work than do 2 first than 1 but it will definitely work.


What about other Autel scanners?

Also, I have tried MAXIFLASH JVCI and elite, pro and vcmi they all work with NERS.


Thanks to @ Scott Ford for his advice


Any question on Autel IM508 /IM608, please contact at

Launch X431 ProS Mini service reset Cayenne 9Y0 2020

 Car model and year: Porsche Cayenne 9Y0 2020 with 30,000 miles


Purpose: to do service reset



Got all the tools. BMW uses those spark plug sockets. Or at least the one I have is the right size.

I have a membership at PIWISTIS so the Porsche instructions with the toque specs will be there.


Just need to confirm the part number. The cheapest tool that will work on a 2020 cayenne in the Launch X431 ProS Mini.


If more the cayenne stores what service was done when. I paid for a brake fluid change and the didn't mark it. I wonder how I can fix that.



Part number is available at FCP for $30/each. X431 ProS Mini Scanner is $750. So for an extra $100 if I can DIY every other one will be $20 for shipping.



Step 1 done. Confirmed the launch x431 Pros Mini was confirmed to work by the company.

Today going or download the instructions. The good news is Of this works I can start to do my own oil changes.


Step 2 failed. There is a new PIWIS TSI site. You have to register, confirm you are a business, and promise not to share. So I applied for access and waiting to hear back.

---Well I am now a Porsche Partner network member. I think that means I can now access all Porsche repair documents. Downside is you have to agree not to share.


What do you need to do to become a Porsche Partner network member?

You have to fill out an application. With a business name and address. Then they review your application and grant you access. You have to swear to not share anything with anyone.

Then to actually see any documents it's $17/hour. Maybe $57/24 hours. And something like $3000 for a full year.

Once you learn to navigate it there is a lot of useful information. I buy an hour when I have a Porsche repair or service and then I print what I need and file it in a binder. The printed pages have a water mark with your name and the date across it so you can't copy and sell it.

I have done all the service on a 997 and a Macan with it. Including the 57 steps to remove the front carrier to change the belt and tensioner. It is very specific with pictures and torque specs.



As our hero continues to respond to himself...


Everything ordered

Launch Pros mini $779 off of

Spark plugs $180

1 hour to download instructions $17 at PPN


So to save $800, I just spent $1040


Will let you know how it goes


The TSI turned into the PPN. But when I put in my VIN all the information including service a s extended warranty come up. Pretty cool. Does not have a parts diagram I can follow.


You may find this to exploded parts diagrams helpful:

Those are the plugs I ordered. $29 each from FCP

Launch X431 ProS Mini service reset Cayenne 9Y0 2020



Launch Pros mini arrived today. It will communicate with the car. Will see if it resets the intervals when the time comes. Also looking to see if it can add when the service was done to the PCM. They forgot to add the brake fluid change and according to the PCM the final drive fluid has been changed 3 times. Now just waiting on the plugs.


Hope it helps!

Technical support by:

Launch X431 PAD 7 online programming function instructions

 Written in front: Launch X431 PAD 7 includes online programming function, but it is not turned on by default, and this function is not supported in North America.


Operation steps of Launch X431 PAD 7 configuration online programming function:
Go to options:
Other—Equipment—File Management—-cnlaunch folder—-X431PADV---assets directory, find the file named StdCfg.ini.

Launch X431 PAD 7 online programming function instructions

Launch X431 PAD 7 online programming function instructions

Launch X431 PAD 7 online programming function instructions


Open StdCfg.ini with a text editor and click the edit button on the upper right to make the file editable.
Find the two fields "OnlineFlash" and "Flash", their default value is 0, which means that the diagnostic software does not support online programming.
Change these two values ​​to 1, and then save. After the save is successful, the corresponding value will become 1, as shown in the circled part in the figure below, which means that the diagnostic software can support the online programming function.

Launch X431 PAD 7 online programming function instructions


Note: In addition to North America, which is not supported, other regions can be set and operated according to the above method.
For devices other than China, the "Online Programming" menu option will not be displayed on the home page, and it will only appear after entering the corresponding diagnostic software.

Technical support by:

Friday, 24 December 2021

How to fix VXDIAG VCX SE IDS "Checksum firmware failed"?

 Used VXDIAG VCX SE to run Ford IDS, got error "Checksum firmware failed!", look at the following images.

VXDIAG VCX SE IDS prompts Checksum firmware failed

VXDIAG VCX SE IDS prompts Checksum firmware failed

VXDIAG VCX SE IDS prompts Checksum firmware failed

VXDIAG VCX SE IDS prompts Checksum firmware failed

How to solve?

All can work no VM.


Here is installation instruction of Ford IDS

  1. Install Ford IDS-*
  2. Wait for the installation of Ford IDS - * * *, and restart the computer
  3. Install the Ford original VCI software_
  4. Install VX manager and Ford IDS driver
  5. Wait for VX manager and Ford IDS driver installation to complete
  6. Connect VCX device and install ids patch
  7. Use ids patch to open IDs and start diagnosis.


Ford_Mazda IDS Patch (No need VMware)!OV4RRC6B!seCWP6UCzOPWEDYlQxZ1iQ%C2%A0


Any problem with VXDIAG VCX SE for Ford IDS, contact at

Which mileage adjustment tools should BMW F20 choose?

 Problem: there is a BMW F20 2013 with FEM module. There will be an engine replacement with much less km on it. So want to set the km on dash according to the mileage of the new engine.

As I read on the forums on the dash there is probably a 160d0wq chip. In FEM there should be a 95128 eeprom. I have an R270+ and Iprog+ pro V85 programmer.
My question is... Is it a safe way to desolder the 95128 from FEM and read it with the correct tool. If it is, what tools can do this operation? I know Xhorse VVDI2 can reset FEM but I don't have that tool. I saw other guy has replaced the 95128 in FEM and on the dash next to the mileage a red dot appeared.

Recommendations for BMW F20 2013 95128 Cluster Calibration Tool

Experience for sharing: 

To correct the mileage you’re halfway there with the right tools to achieve your goal.

Firstly, you need to correct the EEPROM in the dashboard/instrument cluster. You can use the R270, but I would highly suggest getting the v2.0 eeprom adapter. I’ve got the iprog, CGDI CG PRO 9S12, and VVDI prog, and honestly it’s hit and miss with all those tools. With VVDI, you need to buy their 35160 chip, read and copy original file. Then take the new VVDI chip and write original data onto the chip. After that, you can change mileage and install into cluster. Just remember, mileage first!

Next step is mileage reset on the FEM. I have CGDI BMW, Autel IM608, and I’ll have Hextag in a few days. I can confirm you can easily reset mileage of the FEM with CGDI BMW once it’s in service mode via EEPROM. I haven’t seen a mileage reset on the Autel. The chip you’re going into get into service mode is 95128 for FEM. As far as the mileage being able to be read in the eeprom is above my abilities.
Once you have the correct mileage on the odometer and the mileage reset on the fem, you should be good.


Have you got it?

Any problem on the cluster calibration tools, contact at

Recommendation: ECU clone tool suitable for most cars

 Topic: looking for the ECU cloning tools for most cars, I wanna read out cs number and pincode for immobilizer. I think if I need ktag and kess v2 and fgtech galetto.

Which general ECU clone tools can be used on most cars

Let's read some experienced users' advice:

  1. You will be able to read the memories with those tools. For extracting data like CS/PIN You will need another tool and software like AVDI, Xhorse VVDI Pro, or other like that. Depends on what brand do You want to do.
    Also, keep in mind, that with Chinese tools You will be able to do old EDC16 at best. You can clone them 1 to 1 and will work. But with EDC17/MED17 and other newer ECUs from different producers are often blocked from cloning. EDC17/MED17 mostly have the OTP areas inside the MCU, that will prevent You from copying the whole memories. You need other, not so cheap tools that will let You read and modify data in cars to match engine ECUs.
    ktag and kess from china are usually a good start if You have some older cars to work on. But keep in mind, all the chiptuning tools like Kess/K-tag/Trasdata and so on, won't magically make the changes for You. Those tools are just that, tools to read/write memories. You have to know what to do with the files then. If You need to extract PIN then You need to know where it is and how to calculate it or You might need some specialist software that will extract it for You.


  1. I personally have ori Trasdata for ECU reading on bench, Chinese kess/mpps/galetto for older OBD reading/writing and ori AVDI and SMOK UHDS. With those tools I can program almost every immo related module in practically every car. I believe that autel can do something but tools like AVDI/SMOK/VVDI/CGDI or similar are also needed depending on what brands are You going to program.
    I decided that AVDI is the most versatile tools that will do a lot in every brand. If I were to focus only on Mercedes, I would probably go for CGDI, if BMW, Explorer or autohex. Fiat/PSA, I/O terminal is a good choice. For VAG group AVDI and VVDI are the best IMHO. So it really depends on what are You exactly trying to achieve.
    For cloning ECUs that can be cloned one to one, k-tag or trasdata will be good choice. Kess cannot clone as it only reads flash, can't read eeprom. For ECUs with OTP areas, like EDC17, You cannot clone one to one, and need other tools to do this. But it really depends on car brands. Some tools are better in one brand, some in other. Some will do all of them, but are less specialized if it comes for things other than IMMO programming.
    I always say, look what cars are the most popular in Your area, get the tools that cover all of systems in them, and then build up arsenal for other brands as You grow.


There will be more reviews on the working ECU cloning tools, you can search on google, after reading them, you'd better sit down and think what brand you will need. Any here is all Chinese ECU clone tools for your choice.

Monday, 20 December 2021

How to determine if IM608 can use IMMO function in your car

 To check Autel IM608 "key programming" function or "IMMO part replacement" function is supported your car or not, you can go to function viewer APP to check whether it is supported or not.(Mainly shown by pictures)

Autel IM608 IMMO function cannot be used, how to check its supported

Autel IM608 IMMO function cannot be used, how to check its supported

Autel IM608 IMMO function cannot be used, how to check its supported

If you are not sure what triangle and solid circle means, you can click on the question mark on the top right corner to get what it means.

Autel IM608 IMMO function cannot be used, how to check its supported

Autel IM608 IMMO function cannot be used, how to check its supported

Read atmega64a IC data using Xprog 5.5.5

 I managed to flash with Xprog 5.5.5 software, it is giving error when trying to read but it is able to ind device in xprog 5.5.5.

T7 - SCK
T10 - GND
T11- VDD

Now only if someone can extract working firmware from atmega64.

Read atmega64a IC data using Xprog 5.5.5



I forgot to lock fuse bits: you can update new hardware and it will work with 5.5.5. firmware. Tested

Today I done reading TMS370 with success.


Question: Can you confirm that you have downgraded to 5.55 the New Hardware version of Xprog (mine was on Firmware 6.12) to start working again ?



if it works with version 5.55. Version 6.12 crashed and since I couldn't find the files for the micro atmega64 (version 6.12) on the web, I found 5.55, I loaded them and it ran successfully. But I can't get the eeprom and flash files to bring it to version 6.12.


Have one newest Xprog V6.12 here:

Launch X431 user question collection and technical staff reply

 Launch X431 diagnostic tools are generally based on the Android operating system, and the tablet models and menu names of different devices may be inconsistent, but the functions are similar. In this article, there are 5 points of Launch X431 Frequently Asked Questions and Solutions, they are about software upgrade, factory resetting and reinstall app, clear app cache, application’s cache and data clearance, deleting software, Bluetooth connector’s firmware recovery.


1. Software Upgrade Instructions:

Every time there is a new version of a software update, mostly it means new features or new vehicles available, or software functionality problems have been solved with modifications. So, in the daily use of software, it’s better to keep all software updated.


Due to lack of memory in some tablets, resulting in many customers only update the diagnose software, but not update other common software, such as “APP application program”, “DiagBaseService App”, “DPU Link Manager Services”, “Firmware upgrade program”, “ECU AID”, and “Autosearch”, which may generate unsynchronized conflict and lead to abnormal diagnosis problems.


Failure to synchronize software upgrades may result in the following problems:


Some models or systems cannot diagnose and enter.

The software will break down when testing the car.

Some new Chinese car model cannot do oil reset.

Fault codes appear code not defined.

No channel list display for VW and Audi.

No long code display for VW and Audi.

It may lead to the failure of special functions such as matching and resetting


The following pictures within APP, must be update to latest version, if there is a new version available, click “update” in “software update” module will automatically update them to the latest version, please don’t stop those software update process.


APP application program

DiagBaseService App

DPU Link Manager Services

Firmware upgrade program



Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

2. Factory Resetting and Reinstall App

This procedure is applicable to X431 PRO series products, because the tablet is Android system, after a period will appear failure. The following failure phenomena can be fixed by factory resetting the tablet.

1) System is running too slow

2) Insufficient memory

3) Exit automatically when you open X431 App


4) X431 App break up when you open it.


Restore factory settings and reinstall system steps:


1). In the tablet desktop select settings (Note: you must remember the username and password of the X431 App, different tablet models may have different steps, but are generally the same):

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

2). Click on the reset options:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

3) Click factory reset.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

4)Select Erase SD card, make sure there is no useful data on the tablet and click below to restore the factory settings of the tablet, after completing the tablet reboot, first set the date and time to automatically obtain by internet, and then download APP to install.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

5)Go back to your desktop and click on your browser.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

6)Generally, LAUNCH official website will be defaulted, if not, enter website and select “User Account”>>”MyCar User” after entering.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

7)fill your device’s username and password to log in.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

8) Select the APP application program, click the download button on the right, download and install it.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

3. Clear APP Cache Instructions

This procedure applies to X431 full series products, because the tablet is Android system, after a period there will be failures. The following failure phenomena can be done to clear the APP cache to try to solve the problem.

System is running too slow


Flashback when diagnosing

An error in diagnostic service when diagnosing

The diagnosis appears to stop running


Clear APP Cache Steps:

1)Enter the APP, Select “User Info”. (Note: you must remember the username and

password of your device; different tablet models may have different steps, but are generally the same):

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

2)Click “Settings”:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

3)Click “Clear Cache”:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

4)Click OK to clear, the APP will restart after clearing, fill your account and password to log in again to test if the problem is solved, if the problem is not solved, you should factory resetting the tablet to have a try.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

4. Instruction for Application’s Cache And Data Clearance

These steps are suitable for the whole X431 series. As the operating system is Android, there might be some issues which cause the device unusable. If below issues appear, we could try to fix them through cache and data clearance:

1) App crash when opening the X431.

2) Message shows the diagnosis service has been stopped running.

3) App crash when proceeding the diagnosis service.

4) Popped out message shows the App has been stopped running.


Steps to clear the cache and data:

1)Click setting in the desktop to enter:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

2)Choose “App & notifications” and enter:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

3)Software service related to X431: “DPU Link Manager Service”, “DiagBaseService” and “X-431 PRO3” (These 3 names might be different from App to App), we will need to clear individually one by one.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

4)Enter Storage first, then click to clear the storage(data) and the cache one by one. Once it’s done, close and reopen 431 App again to check if the issue has been fixed. If still not, we will need to proceed a factory reset to resolve.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

5. Instruction for Deleting Software

When we face the below issues, we could delete the software and update again to fix the issues.

RAM is full.

Diagnosis service stop running when diagnosing by car type.

App crash when diagnosing by car type.

Disaccording between the software serial No. and smartbox serial No., please download and upgrade again or contact local dealer.

Open 431 App and click into User Info:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

In the left pull-down menu, choose diagnosis software clear:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

Click to check the software that you wish to delete, then click the delete button to proceed. If there are several issues and needs to delete ECUAID, then just delete and update it again. If the issue still exists, please contact Launch service engineer for help:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

6. Instruction for Bluetooth Connector’s Firmware Recovery

When we face the below issues, we could proceed Bluetooth connector’s firmware recovery to fix the issue.


1)Could not search for Bluetooth.

2)Could not connect to Bluetooth.

3)Part of systems could not be read or enter when diagnosing.

4)Majority part of systems could not be read or enter when diagnosing.


Steps for firmware recovery:

Bluetooth connector Powered, X-431 tablet connected to network, then opens X431 App and enter “User Info”.

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

Click Firmware Fix on the left, and system will automatically connect to the server to download software update to upgrade. Exit when it shows upgrade successfully, please contact Launch service engineer for help if the issue still exists:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

Explanation for Diagnosis Units:

When we meet British system units in reading diagnosis code, we could follow the below steps to set it to metric.


Example: temperature change between Celsius and Fahrenheit.

Open 431 App and click into “User Info”:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

Choose “Settings” in the left menu:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

Left click and switch to Metric system units, then restart the device:

Launch X431 tablet products common failures and solutions after sales

For all reliable Launch X431 full-system diagnostic tools and tablets, please refer to:

Wednesday, 8 December 2021

Launch X431 V (8inch version) support vehicle list

 Launch X431 V 8inch Tablet full-system diagnostic scanner can perform the service reset functions for hundreds of car makes. In addition to amazing & powerful diagnostic function, The most commonly performed service functions contain: AFS, BLEED, BMS, Gearbox, BRAKE, DPF, ETS, GEAR, IMMO, INJEC, OIL service reset, PROG, SAS, SUN, SUS   , TPMS etc.

You can refer to the official site for carlist

Launch X431 V (8inch version) support vehicle list

Launch X431 V 8inch vehicle coverage including reset functions:


1     Audi




5     BENZ

6     BMW

7     BXFIAT

8     BXGM






14   CMC



17   DEMO

18   DR(DR)

19   ECUAID)

20   EOBD2


22   FIAT

23   FLYER


25   GAZ(GAZ)

26   GM

27   HAFEI

28   HM(HM)


30   HONDA



33   IKCO

34   Indian Mahindra

35   Indian Maruti

36   Indian Tata

37   Isuzu

38   IVECO

39   JACTY

40   JIAO




44   KIA


46   LIFAN








54   MAXUS

55   MAZDA


57   MVM(MVM)


59   OPEL

60   PERODUA(Perodua)





65   QOROS


















83   ROVER

84   SAAB


86   SAIPA(Saipa)

87   SEAT

88   SGM

89   SKODA

90   SMART(Smart)





95   TATA


97   TPMS



100 VAZ(VAZ)



103 VW








Launch X431 V 8inch tablet tech support:

Will Super MB Pro M6 be better than its previous series?

 If you compare Super MB Pro M6 and its previous products, Super MB Pro M6 wins in hardware:

SUPER MB PRO M6, with the strong penetration of wireless test and WIFI signal, relieves the dependency on communication transmission cable during test, and greatly reduces restriction on testing distance. The device, adopts the framework concept of original C6 diagnostic tool, is able to replace original MB Star C4. Durable and easy to carry.2. SUPER MB PRO M6 is the only diagnostic tool on the market that is highly consistent with the original MB Star C6:

1) Fully compatible with the original software.

2) You can directly upgrade the newest firmware without installing additional driver.

3. ABS+PVT plastic structure adoption has the advantages as follows:

1) Impact-proof & easy to carry

2) Lower consumption on product shell against wireless signal

3) Great advancement of wireless communication distance & stability

4. SUPER MB PRO M6 adopts double-radiation mode (radiation fan & radiation fin). Radiation fan will automatically turn on high-power radiation mode when SUPER MB PRO M6 internal temperature over 35℃, greatly improving the stability and safety when programming.

5. Built -in network interface prevents deformation and damage from impact.

Look at the full package:

Super MB Pro M6 review better hardware than its predecessor

Super MB Pro M6 review better hardware than its predecessor

Contains: SUPER MB PRO M6 Main Unit, OBD2 16pin Cable, Lan cable, 38PIN Cable, 14PIN Cable and 4PIN Cable.

And look at the PCB board, it is good quality made.

Super MB Pro M6 review better hardware than its predecessor

Super MB Pro M6 review better hardware than its predecessor

Super MB Pro M6 review better hardware than its predecessor

Super MB Pro M6 review better hardware than its predecessor

Own one SUPER MB PRO M6 here:

Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...