Purpose: try to add card on 2017 clio IV with R.E.T
Option 1. add card on 2017 clio IV with AVDI
Best and safest method is remove HFM, read on table and then program with
Remove HFM take 1 minute, reading dump 15 minutes if you 100% focus,
rest is 5 min so whole job take might take 30 min
Dealer should reprogram your HFM on just a minutes, for a silly price (maybe 50 euro). I mean should, because when it happened to me when nobody had a clue and no info on any forum, my dealer couldn't do this for 3 weeks!!! Good luck
How to use AVDI together with VVDI Pro?
With AVDI And R.E.T And Blank KEYS, You Can Solve Your Problem, By Following This Method:
First Of All, You Need To Read The HFM Via VVDI PROG, Then Find A Full Dump For Your HFM ( NOT VIRGIN ), Then Write It,
Then, With AVDI Online, Or Normal AVDI Commander, You Will Proceed As All Key Lost, Like This AVDI Will Get ISK And Pin Code And Program Key Card,
We Return Now To R.E.T, You Go HFM And You Change Vin, The Go To ESCL Section, And Clear Immo Code, Then Return To Learn ESCL To The HFM,
Now The Car Will Get Ignition, But Of Course No Start, Then Now, You Read ECU Dump, You Virgin Eeprom With R.E.T, You Write Back Virgin Eeprom To Ecu,
Finally, Plug Back Ecu To Car, Again With R.E.T, Learn Virgin ECM To Car, Clear All DTC, And Start Your Car.
By This Method You Will Like Make A New Kit For The Car.
It's Not Necessary To Have AVDI To Do All Key Lost In Clio 4, R.E.T, Is Enough, But With AVDI, it's more easier, Specially in online commander, ( OBD Job, And Follow Steps ), But For People Who Have R.E.T Only, Yes It's Possible AKL, It's Will Require A Tronsponder Programmer ( Tango, AVDI... ), And Also HFM Data, Readed By Programmer ( VVDI PROG... ), I Leave In Attachment The Tutorial To How To Proceed.
Also For VVDI PROG Writing, Yes It's Totally Safe, I Made A Lot Of HFM Clone With It, ( Read Write Perfectly)
In This Case Reading The Crashed HFM, Will Contain Virgin HFM Data.
Option 2. How to use Xhorse VVDI Prog to read HFM?
Vvdi prog can read!
dont select Others->Renault->HFM
but go direct to the mcu and select
the right type and read.
i used upa and vvdiprog, and orange5clone.
All with different
Mind your settings, baudrate etc.
Orange5 swaps rx tx
Upa for
instance, uncheck stop on error.
vvdiprog (jump the next part for VVDI Pro
Renault HFM Pinout)
Anyway, they all can do it
RET does have a few options:
pin from hfm dump
reset hfm to
learn hfm, at least one card, belonging to the car, must be
Never used these RET options myself, and if they help in this
UPA Pinout (and VVDI Prog use the FLMD1 pin).

VVDI Pro read FLMD1 and finally find it.
Read hand free module on Renault Clio4 card reader, it is Renesas V850 D07F3633.
the vvdi prog have the right pinout. (Check if the hfm the same is because
you have different versions)
Only if ypu try to read the chip it dont
you need go back to select it manual. And the it works fine!
for reading:


Option 3: Dealer is Also a good choice
Simply go to main dealer , say battery drain & car not start , it's an
common problem ...
under 120€ car is repair !
For the option 1 AVDI and option 2 VVDI Pro, Is For People Who Can't Access To Dealer, Or They Don't Have Renault Dealer In Their Country/City, Or Simply Who Want To Fix It by themselves.
Not Too Much Time, It's Just The First Time It's Look Little Hard, But In Reality It's Easy, ( 50% Obd Job, 25% Soldering And Programmer Job, 25% Little Patience ).
Hope it helps!