Monday, 31 May 2021

Renault Clio IV 2017 HFM key programming - (AVDI + VVDI Prog)

 Purpose: try to add card on 2017 clio IV with R.E.T


Option 1. add card on 2017 clio IV with AVDI 

Best and safest method is remove HFM, read on table and then program with avdi.
Remove HFM take 1 minute, reading dump 15 minutes if you 100% focus, rest is 5 min so whole job take might take 30 min

Dealer should reprogram your HFM on just a minutes, for a silly price (maybe 50 euro). I mean should, because when it happened to me when nobody had a clue and no info on any forum, my dealer couldn't do this for 3 weeks!!! Good luck


How to use AVDI together with VVDI Pro?

With AVDI And R.E.T And Blank KEYS, You Can Solve Your Problem, By Following This Method:

First Of All, You Need To Read The HFM Via VVDI PROG, Then Find A Full Dump For Your HFM ( NOT VIRGIN ), Then Write It,

Then, With AVDI Online, Or Normal AVDI Commander, You Will Proceed As All Key Lost, Like This AVDI Will Get ISK And Pin Code And Program Key Card,

We Return Now To R.E.T, You Go HFM And You Change Vin, The Go To ESCL Section, And Clear Immo Code, Then Return To Learn ESCL To The HFM,

Now The Car Will Get Ignition, But Of Course No Start, Then Now, You Read ECU Dump, You Virgin Eeprom With R.E.T, You Write Back Virgin Eeprom To Ecu,

Finally, Plug Back Ecu To Car, Again With R.E.T, Learn Virgin ECM To Car, Clear All DTC, And Start Your Car.

By This Method You Will Like Make A New Kit For The Car.

It's Not Necessary To Have AVDI To Do All Key Lost In Clio 4, R.E.T, Is Enough, But With AVDI, it's more easier, Specially in online commander, ( OBD Job, And Follow Steps ), But For People Who Have R.E.T Only, Yes It's Possible AKL, It's Will Require A Tronsponder Programmer ( Tango, AVDI... ), And Also HFM Data, Readed By Programmer ( VVDI PROG... ), I Leave In Attachment The Tutorial To How To Proceed.


Also For VVDI PROG Writing, Yes It's Totally Safe, I Made A Lot Of HFM Clone With It, ( Read Write Perfectly)


In This Case Reading The Crashed HFM, Will Contain Virgin HFM Data.


Option 2. How to use Xhorse VVDI Prog to read HFM?

Vvdi prog can read!

dont select Others->Renault->HFM
but go direct to the mcu and select the right type and read.


i used upa and vvdiprog, and orange5clone.
All with different pinouts.
Mind your settings, baudrate etc.
Orange5 swaps rx tx
Upa for instance, uncheck stop on error.
vvdiprog (jump the next part for VVDI Pro Renault HFM Pinout)


Anyway, they all can do it

RET does have a few options:
pin from hfm dump
reset hfm to virgin
learn hfm, at least one card, belonging to the car, must be available!
Never used these RET options myself, and if they help in this case.


UPA Pinout (and VVDI Prog use the FLMD1 pin).


Program Renault Clio IV 2017 HFM


VVDI Pro read FLMD1 and finally find it.

Read hand free module on Renault Clio4 card reader, it is Renesas V850 D07F3633.


Program Renault Clio IV 2017 HFM

Program Renault Clio IV 2017 HFM

Program Renault Clio IV 2017 HFM

the vvdi prog have the right pinout. (Check if the hfm the same is because you have different versions)
Only if ypu try to read the chip it dont works.
you need go back to select it manual. And the it works fine!


for reading:


Program Renault Clio IV 2017 HFM



Program Renault Clio IV 2017 HFM

Option 3: Dealer is Also a good choice

Simply go to main dealer , say battery drain & car not start , it's an common problem ...
under 120€ car is repair !


For the option 1 AVDI and option 2 VVDI Pro, Is For People Who Can't Access To Dealer, Or They Don't Have Renault Dealer In Their Country/City, Or Simply Who Want To Fix It by themselves.

Not Too Much Time, It's Just The First Time It's Look Little Hard, But In Reality It's Easy, ( 50% Obd Job, 25% Soldering And Programmer Job, 25% Little Patience ).


Hope it helps!

Opel Agila 2005 odometer correction - Digiprog 3

 I changed the speedometer on an Opel agila 2005 because the speedometer was broken, now I wanted to write the original odometer reading. I have the Digiprog 3 and use the cable 29/2 do you know which pins I have to solder to make it work?


Digiprog 3 Opel agila 2005 odometer correction instruction

There is the software for the digiprog where you can read exactly which pins you have to use for the individual adapters:

I see you have only 3 wires, use No. 59 adapter.


Digiprog 3 Opel agila 2005 odometer correction instruction

Digiprog 3 Opel agila 2005 odometer correction instruction

Have fun!

Can VVDI MB used for CGDI smart keys?

 Xhorse stop with BE key, because the chip making problem, the vvdi MB key have stopped recently. someone try cgdi key with xhorse mb? Did work?


Answer: Yeah, CG keys work with VVDI MB tool perfectly...Quality is as good as Xhorse key. Only difference is You don't get Points like from Xhorse keys.... and I didn't tested to see if frequency can be changed through software or with resistance!


This is the source of Xhorse BE key:


CGDI key compatible with VVDI MB

This is the source of CGDI MB BE key:


CGDI key compatible with VVDI MB

Alright, to be the number one to order Xhorse BE key / CGDI MB BE key, first come first served.

Thursday, 27 May 2021

CGDI MB mileage correction for Benz chassis w205 2016

 Car model and year: Benz chassis w205 2016


Purpose: mileage correction


Mileage Programmer to use and review:

  1. Xtool x100 pro2: Failure


  1. cgdi mb + MB CAN Filter (item: sk227+se133-a): Yes, working, if your car is contained.


Please refer to the list I gave you, if your car contains it, you can use cgdi mb + MB CAN Filter (item: sk227+se133-a).

Benz chassis w205 2016 mileage correction


Alright, this is Benz chassis w205 2016 mileage correction tool recommendation.

Used Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Adds Key on 2019 VW Polo MQB49/5C

 Done 2019 VW POLO MQB 49/5C add key success today.

The Xhorse vvdi key tool plus pad was used throughout the process.
Add key mqb platform (Johnson cluster and new MQB49/5C type on key tool plus are online. Read data with key tool plus pad, then sent it for online calculation(cost 1 token-must be charged before).
You have to use a token to add a spare key from the working key.
After 3 minutes I got immo data file which was automatically saved into the device. After that, you make a dealer key (use xhorse proxy MQB style) and program to the car as usual.

This is a test report from one of the customers.

Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Adds Key on 2019 VW Polo MQB49/5C

Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Adds Key on 2019 VW Polo MQB49/5C

Xhorse VVDI Key Tool Plus Adds Key on 2019 VW Polo MQB49/5C

Tuesday, 25 May 2021

NISSAN XTRAIL 2016 key programming - Xtool x100 pad3

 Hello, guys, how are you going? Today I am using Xtool X100 PAD3 to program key for NISSAN XTRAIL 2016 successfully, it is Es AES chip

Xtool x100 pad3 NISSAN XTRAIL 2016 key programming


Xtool x100 pad3 NISSAN XTRAIL 2016 key programming

Xtool x100 pad3 NISSAN XTRAIL 2016 key programming

Creadits to@ Pablo Bertiz


For more Nissan models and years that Xtool X100 Pad3 can program key for, please read Xtool x100 pad3 NISSAN carlist:

How to solve Xentry cannot be activated when using Benz VCI C6

 I got Benz VCI C6, after PC Crash Xentry wis/asra and epc are Not Running. I contact at the dealer for remote assistance.

Benz VCI C6 remote assistance for Xentry



Finally! I got reply:

The xentry software is activated, the driver is also installed, you connect the car to test.


At first, I thought the car is no connected yet. The dealer found the voltage is only 1.29v. That is not the car but a power supply in my office, that was the USB Power.

Benz VCI C6 remote assistance for Xentry


WIS/ASRA and EPC are running too, I can test it on a car

Benz VCI C6 remote assistance for Xentry


Thanks to their remote assistance from , the engineer is my hero.

For your information, I also have MB SD C4, whenever I encounter problem, I contact them for remote assistance, and they manage to help solve them, they do a great job.

iprog v85 free download and installation instruction

 iprog v85 is verified working fine and available at This article is available with the free download link and installation guide.


Free download iprog v85:

Password: oipqga


Any of these iProg ECU programmers are tested working with V85:

iprog v85 free download and installation

How to install iprog v85?

Unzip Iprog V85 folder.


Computer -> Manage -> Device Manager -> right click on "iProg universal programmer" and select "Update Driver software ->

iprog v85 free download and installation

Select “Browse my computer for driver software”.

iprog v85 free download and installation

Search for driver software in this location, click on "Browse" for


Click on "Next".

Click on "Install this driver software anyway".

Installing driver software.

Windows has successfully updated your driver software.

iprog v85 free download and installation
iprog v85 free download and installation

Operate: Computer -> Local Disk © ->Iprog V85 -> Iprog+ V85 ->right click on “iProgProV85” and send to Desktop (create shortcut).

iprog v85 free download and installation

On the desktop, open “iProgProV85” and ready to operate iProg V85 to do airbag, dashboard, car radio, ecu, eeprom, immo, mcu and special functions.

iprog v85 free download and installation
iprog v85 free download and installation

iProg ProV85 options:

Including General, editor, explorer, language.

iprog v85 free download and installation
iprog v85 free download and installation
iprog v85 free download and installation


Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Autel Im608 + xp400 Mercedes Sprinter 2001 AKL Programming

 Autel MaxiIM Im608 + xp400 programs key successfully for Mercedes Sprinter 2001 with All key lost.

It takes 30 min , immobox is behind the instrument cluster...easy for remove it , and read it and prepare 1 key.

Mercedes Sprinter 2001 AKL programming (used Autel Im608 + XP400)

Mercedes Sprinter 2001 AKL programming (used Autel Im608 + XP400)



Autel IM508 smart keys (for Subaru 2018 - 2021)

 2018 to 2021 Subaru smart keys success with Autel MaxiIM IM508. Just reset the smart box. Wait 15 minutes and success. You can use used keys also!! Best to remove this relay so the stinking horn honking doesn't drive you crazy!!

Autel IM508 smart keys (for Subaru 2018–2021)

Autel IM508 smart keys (for Subaru 2018–2021)

Autel IM508 smart keys (for Subaru 2018–2021)

Autel IM508 smart keys (for Subaru 2018–2021)


Credits to @ Steve Sze


Good source of Autel MaxiIM IM508 with XP400 PRO:

Monday, 10 May 2021

Orange5 in-circuit wiring diagram for 2013 Land Rover

 Need orange5 in-circuit wiring diagram for XC2361A-56 mcu in Airbag module BJ32-14D374-AC (2013 Land Rover).

Here is the photo of the board attached.
Orange5 in-circuit wiring diagram for XC2361A-56

Here is the other side attached.
Orange5 in-circuit wiring diagram for XC2361A-56

It is confirmed that RST and TRST and Reset are the same.
Here is two pinout diagram i found . They both looks like the same in regards to connection points for programmer.
So here are the conversion from Orange5 to the pinout below.

Orange 5 Pinout diagram below:
If any problem, please re-check the soldering for the pinsout, also check the settings in the software, check usb port settings.
Note: Please apply 12 volt supply
Orange5 in-circuit wiring diagram for XC2361A-56 Orange5 in-circuit wiring diagram for XC2361A-56

The diagram provided are wrong .. you will end up bricking the ecu!!!
short ground to the board in 2 places
log1 needs connecting and lift up pins 60&62 from mcu

Anyway, you can refer to the label on Orange 5 device.
Orange5 in-circuit wiring diagram for XC2361A-56

Any question on Orange 5 device, please contact at

Xprog 6.12 Wiring Teaching (HC08 Mc68H)

 I bought Xprog 6.12 ECU Programmer and want to read this MCU has 64 pin

HC08 Mc68H (OL72A)

Xprog 6.12 HC08 Mc68H (OL72A) Wiring Diagram


Look at Xprog 6.12 HC08 Mc68H (OL72A) Wiring Diagram:

Xprog 6.12 HC08 Mc68H (OL72A) Wiring Diagram



How Godiag GT100 help program VW Porsche key AKL via OBD2?

 When you have VW or Porsche cars with all keys lost, and tried to use Key Programmer like VVDI2 to program new key, it failed to communicate with the car via the OBDII connector, then get one Godiag GT100 or GT100+, which can activate the meter and immobilizer by short-circuiting 1-16PIN.


Attach the image of the brief schematic diagram.

Godiag GT100 help program VW Porsche key AKL via OBD2

Godiag GT100 help program VW Porsche key AKL via OBD2


Good source of Godiag GT100:

Friday, 7 May 2021

CGDI BMW software update introduction

 CGDI BMW software V3.2.1.0 NEW Update (2021.04.28)

  1. BMW EGS Change: Added 6HP(E series):

(1)Read EGS ISN, EGS status, Reset adaptation, Modify VIN, ECU reset

(2)Some EGS supports 'Read EGS ISN': 7576211, 7572988, 7582344, 7582348, 7567223, 7567224, 7567406, 7568222, 7572416, 7573660, 7575795, 7575796, 7591972, 7605219, 7606220, 7591971, 7599827, 7607116


  1. CAS Mileage Reset: Added 'Sync ELV'


  1. N13/N20/N55/B38 Read/Write ISN:

(1)Added 'Modify VIN'

(2)Added type: EDC17C06, MEVD17.2.8


  1. FEM/BDC Key Match: Add 00002419.082_010_030, 00002419.083_010_010 two versions of FEM/BDC with key


  1. BMW Diagnosis: updated version DIAG_4.28.12


  1. Display optimization: BMW Data Repair, CAS1-3+ Key Match(OBD), BMW F/G Series Program


  1. Technical support video update


  1. Fix some bugs and optimize software perform


CGDI BMW software


Good source of CGDI BMW software:

Renault COM Connecting Bluetooth Tutorial

 Hello, I can't Connect my Renault COM Bluetooth Diagnostic and Programming tool to my Renault Espace III.

connect Renault COM via Bluetooth to diagnose and program


When I open the app ( 10.2.13) It says It doesn't detect superscan tool , then I try to do it using the configuration menu and the app says It has connected but then a new Windows pops up saying that the app have encountered a problem and shuts off replied:

Does the Renault-com device light up? Can you find the Bluetooth signal?


Answer: Yes it does, I'm not sure about the Bluetooth signal, in my last try it was detected but when I tried to scan a module the error message appeared again and the app shuts off again

The only one change I 'done in the process was changing the Bluetooth to a different port. replied:

You can judge in two ways:

  1. Open the device manager of the computer to see if the Bluetooth port is recognized.
  2. Search for Bluetooth on your mobile phone to see if there is a Renault-com Bluetooth signal.

If the Bluetooth signal is normal, please open teamviewer and give it to me remotely. After the device is connected to the car, I will look at it remotely.

If the Bluetooth signal cannot be searched, then the device should be malfunctioning


Alright, any question on Renault COM Bluetooth Diagnostic and

Programming tool, contact at

Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...