Monday, 27 March 2023

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Customer problem:

After reading and writing this edc17c60 with PCMTuner, the car starts one time, registers two DTC's, and starts never more.

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner engineer offers the suggestion as below:

You need to perform Tprot off patch on your flash file.

You must manually correct the tprot. Writing is usually corrected starting at 63%. From now on, if so, it's because tprot corrects you well.

After correcting tprot, make checksum with winols and turn off checksum in PCMTUNER Magic Car Tool.

Here is the detailed instruction.

Step 1: Download and install FlexHEX

Access to download the FLEXHEX installation file (FlexHEX Editor Version 2.7)

Operating system: Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/7/8/10

After downloading, go to install the FLEXHEX setup

Accept license agreement>> Choose destination folder>> Install

Wait a moment till the installation process is completed.

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Step 2: Change TPROT OFF in FlexHex

Open FlexHex

Click file>> Open>> File

Select the original file

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Find the 13-byte sequence on our Ori:

2D 0F 00 00 DF 32 04 80 1D C8 D6 A4 00

or 2D OF 00 00 DF 32 04 80 1D C8 8E 83 00

Note: the first 8 bytes in green always are the same

for TPROT OFF change to:

2D 0F 00 00 DF 32 04 80 00 00 00 00 00

Need to change the last 5 bytes with 00

Click Search to quickly find the common 8 bytes from our 13-byte sequence

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Then change the preceding 5 bytes to Zeros (00) and save the file

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Step 3: Change Tprot off in WinOLS

Open WinOLS

Click Project>> File

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Select the original file

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

In the Found Properties item, tick off ECU producer: 0171D0

Then next

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Confirm the project properties and click Finish

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Quickly find the bytes to change as below

Click Find>> Byte sequence/Text…

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

When the replace interface pops up, copy the 13-byte sequence in the original file as step 2 and paste it to the corresponding place, also input the new tropt off, then tick the item "Replace with", and click Replace all

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Then click Project >> Export& Import>> Export file…

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

When it prompts "One or more checksums/patches/sync- blocks are currently not calculated correctly", click "Correct them now".

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner

Enter a new file name such as Tprot to save the file

Solving PSA EDC17C60 Start-Up Issues with PCMTuner


Have any PCMTuner ECU programmer problems, feel free to contact us:

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