Wednesday, 24 March 2021

What tool can be used for 2008-2012 Subaru Diesel Car diagnosis service reset

 Question: have 2008-2012 Subaru Diesel Cars to perform oil reset, DPF cleaning mod and reset, reprogramming, which tool are advised?



Advise you have one V2020.7 VXDIAG SUBARU SSM-III SSM3 SSM4 Diagnostic Tool, it will do, please look at its package image below.

2008–2012 Subaru Diesel Car diagnosis service reset


SSM4 Software version: V2020.7

Free download here:  (including SSM3 2018.10; SSM4 V22.60; FlashWrite 2)

OS: Windows XP, Windows 7

Language: English, German, Spanish, French, Italian

Wifi communication: confirmed

USB communication: confirmed


How to install SSM4 Software:


Subaru vehicles 2005- 2018 year, ssm4 works with the vehicles from 2016 onwards. Special dual cell processor for automotive, fully compliant with all vehicles protocols.


Fully compatible with SAE-J2534: confirmed


All System Diagnosis: confirmed


Each System Check: confirmed


Save various data sampled during fault diagnosis operations, and to load data for viewing after work is complete: confirmed


Immobilizer registration: confirmed


Read CF application measurement data: confirmed


Convert/Save measurement data on driving recorder: confirmed


After attaching the optional pulse/analog cartridge to SDI, connect the pulse/analog box to the SDI and using pulse/analog probe to perform analog sampling: confirmed


Program Subaru smart key : confirmed



Available to add Toyota, Honda, Porsche, JLR software to the device (contact for payment).



Digiprog 3 experience report (for Benz VW Toyota)

 My experience with Digiprog 3 Odometer Programmer.

Mercedes Benz OBD
w211 30 seconds
w212 pre-facelift 30 seconds (EIS)
w203 face lift 30 sec
w204 pre facelift 30 sec (EIS)
facelift 30 sec (EIS)

Experience with Digiprog 3 for Benz VW Toyota


70 percent Nissan, not good for navara/pathfinder 9s12, older dash works but certain one kills dash
Old ford ranger mcu dash ok solder pins on back

Another good tip is to make your own icp cable for digiprog , download cable pinout and make 123458 for in circuit programming works very well.

hope this info can help.


More Digiprog 3 V4.94 mileage correction feedback:

Can't Benz C6 OEM DOIP VCI be used with Xentry?

 I purchased the BENZ C6 OEM DOIP Xentry Diagnosis and am having some issues with it. It appears that it cannot communicate with a Xentry. I do have my own WLAN dongle since one was not provided but am unsure if i set up the dongle correctly or what else needs to be done to get it connected. I questioned the seller's engineer and finally they help me connected it to the vehicle by Teamviewer.

Benz C6 OEM DOIP VCI Not used with Xentry Solution


Image 1: VCI cannot be used. Firmware is older than the installed program version.

Benz C6 OEM DOIP VCI Not used with Xentry Solution



Image 2: Not paired with Xentry Diagnosis VCI.

Benz C6 OEM DOIP VCI Not used with Xentry Solution



Image 3: WLAN stick of diagnosis computer not found.


The seller help me by Teamviewer:

I have Benz software installed not on the desktop. When the seller help me by Teamviewer, they may also double click that Mercedes Icon at the top and all the shortcuts are there.

Benz C6 OEM DOIP VCI Not used with Xentry Solution


The engineer replied:

This is c6 wifi, the password is 12345678, if you need to connect to c6 wifi, the remote will be disconnected.

Benz C6 OEM DOIP VCI Not used with Xentry Solution


And I questioned:

Got it, do i need to use the wireless dongle to connect to it or can I use my laptops built in adaptor?


The engineer replied:

No. If you use wireless connection, you need to disconnect the usb cable.

If your computer has a built-in wireless network card, you don’t need this dongle:

Benz C6 OEM DOIP VCI Not used with Xentry Solution


Finally! Thanks to his quick help I connected it to the vehicle.

Benz C6 OEM DOIP VCI Not used with Xentry Solution


Hope it helps if you have the same problem.


If you are also interested in buying BENZ C6 OEM DOIP Xentry Diagnosis, I recommend you go to, their customer service is great.

Monday, 22 March 2021

What equipment can be used for Honda OEM

 Hello, friends, Need Honda OEM Software and Device. engineer recommend vxdiag and HDS.


Option 1. vxdiag vci Honda

It supports Honda ecu BCM programming.

Look at the product image:

Honda OEM Software and Device Advice

Price: €187


Option 2. Honda HDS HIM

It will perform as the same as that of the specialized repair equipment of the car factory. It can program ECM.


Look at HIM image:

Honda OEM Software and Device Advice

Price: €92


Tip: do not choose North America to when installing the software, please choose this other option. Because some regional software functions have limitations.


Watch video on How to Install Honda HDS HIM 3.102.004 on Windows 7:


The true clone tools running the HDS software have identical features to the dealer ones.
They are basically dealer tools with cracked software so you don't have to be logged onto the Honda dealer network or $$ subscriptions for them to function.

Things that may not work include reprogramming or updating computer modules.
This requires firmware files for the ECU's etc which asfaik come from the Honda servers.
I've never looked at this aspect in any depth.

Legislation in the EU afaik also stopped manufacturers locking down the tools and forced them to allow independent garages access to them as well as authorized dealers.


HDS HIM Good review:

I'm back with an update, and happily it's positive. I now have a working HDS for $100 US.
It took me a while to get it going because for some reason the USB-serial adapter I was using was only allowing partial communication between the HIM and my laptop. I could program the HIM and see it respond, and it even passed a self-test with the loopback plugs they give you. But it wouldn't connect the HDS to the vehicle. After numerous tries I decided to swap out the adapter for another one and it connected right away. I had to mess around a bit to make the HDS accept a fake repair order # and then I was in. Did some poking around and even cleared some (presumably old) DTCs that were lurking in areas where an OBDII scanner would never see them. I'll check again at a later time to see if any come back.
I might have played around for longer but it's rather cold outside here today so I called it quits for now.

TLR- Buy this. If your laptop doesn't have a hardware 9-pin serial port you'll need a USB-serial adapter, they do offer one as an option with the unit or you can get one from Amazon, computer store etc. Just make sure you can return it if it doesn't work.


For more reviews, google them.



Ksuite V2.70 ECU read and write test report

 Ksuite V2.70 free download for Kess V2 V5.017: (password: g311lg). After downloading it, please install it on any of windows XP, win7 /8 /10 (setup video: , and then enjoy it.

Ksuite V2.70


Ksuite V2.70 Test Reports:

- well my ksuite loads a bit faster than 10-20 sec because i have an i7 processor and 8GB of ram , well it dit not update anything , SD card did not got update too , just compared three versions 2.23 2.53 and 2.70 , nothing changed in them.


- GOLF EDC16U34 read write ok


- This 2.70 has changed VAG EDC17CP14 to no read on OBD

Unmatched Key N is on BMW due to chks issue

No issue with EDC15 on 2.23


- It works only with clone kess V2 V5.017.


- What about edc17c60 and c64: I tested before on 2.53 EDC17C64 golf 7 2.0 tdi with tprot ON. Only write with suitable VR file. VR file works when ecu have Tprot, Kess clone can write EDC17C64 with TprotON (with suitable file), also file was without checksums. So Kess clone also did good chk.


- Passat EDC17_C46 Write without problem


Using Tip:

  1. Question: Wake up error MED17.5 after try 2.70 problem the same.

How to fix this:

roblem is not in the software. He put the computer down on the table and hung it with octopuses. Give him a good voltage and see if he will give you another mistake.

gasoline computers have some read and write problems. Do you think the original Kess doesn't make that mistake? Well, I will answer you: he gives it. This error depends on many things: wrong protocol, wrong speed, low voltage, problem in Kess, immo protection.


  1. If Ksuit 2.70 not read or write the ECU, try back to Ksuite 2.53 (download link: password: i4cwgr)



Order the best Kess V2 V5.017 master here:

How to solve VVDI2 FEM BDC prompt "current SW version doesn't support"

 Question: I went to a BMW F30 all keys lost today. FEM on the bench connected through test platform I can read key data but when I go to prepare FEM I get and error message "current SW version doesn't support by tool please prepare with e-sys" what do I need to prepare with e -sys? I've done spares and lost all keys for f30 2015 420d 2015 +2016 never had any issues just this one.

VVDI2 FEM BDC current SW version dont support



Option 1.

Downgrade SW: e sys - is a soft for BMW programming - maybe to downgrade it to lower version that is supported.

You need to flash it with E-Sys to a newer, supported version, the VVDI will do it.


Option 2:

If you are not very good to play with Esys you can use Autohex which doing this process a bit different. It is matching the software as it likes and after going through. Takes much much longer and sometimes comes with some strange errors and you need support to help.



- I use Autohex full to update and unlock.
Just update fem body and gateway and then unlock.


-I have Autohex lite locksmith version and regularly must ask the support to downgrade the FEM by teamviewer

VVDI2 FEM BDC current SW version dont support


What about other tools i.e Yanhua ACDP?

Same as vvdi and other tools you need to downgrade fem.


Hope it helps!

Friday, 19 March 2021

How about the evaluation of Xtool X100 PAD2 key programming?

 As time goes by, more and more locksmiths purchase and test Xtool X100 PAD2 Key Programmer, and can't help share with other locksmiths in the world their joy of success and meanwhile seeking solutions to their problems. In this article, we have collected the latest test reports since 2021 for your reference.


2012 HYUNDAI i20 pin read Ok, key program ok {3 minute}

Xtool X100 PAD2 Key Programmer Test Reports in 2021

Xtool X100 PAD2 Key Programmer Test Reports


Fiat 500 Year 2009, Done in 2 minutes, Bravo xtool x 100 pad2 Pro

Citroen Berlingo 2019 UK SUCCESS

Pulled pin with working key Type 1

Programmed OEM remote) key,

Would not communicate under Vehicle selection,

Programmed under system Type 4

It was with global version Xtool PAD2.


2014 Ford Transit Custom EU5 spare remote key inside 20 seconds. this was a EU5 van so 2012 - 2016. Was almost instant just like truecode.

Xtool X100 PAD2 Key Programmer Test Reports

Xtool X100 PAD2 Key Programmer Test Reports



-New card key Renault Laguna



- 5min (the real working time was a minute.)

With x100pad 2 pro

Xtool X100 PAD2 Key Programmer Test Reports


VW Touareg 2008 European version with Id46 key. Done successfully with Xtool PAD2.

Xtool X100 PAD2 Key Programmer Test Reports


Jeep Wrangler 2007 all key lost, done by Xtool PAD2.


xtool x100 pad 2 pro do akl for vw bora 2005.


Jeep grand cherokee 2007y with xtoolpad2 no problem.


Oven Key Opel 2015 done by xtoolpad2 no problem, guide:


Xtool pad 2 can program a 2002 dodge stratus keyfob, need to use eeprom to read pin out of antenna.


Hyundai i20 2015 Spare keys added very quick.


Renault Scenic 2010 work with x100 pad2, Very fast! I did more than 3 of them.


Jeep Grande Cherokee 2012 is possible to add key with xtool.




Suzuki alto k10 all Lost key xtool pro 2


To be updating...


Thanks all users.


Thanks Laurance for editing

2M2 Magic Tank prompts "App not installed" 100% solution

 For all locksmiths who have this 2M2 Magic Tank error "App not installed", just uninstall and install from the below link, tested 100% working fine.


Good luck!


If not work, contact at  for the tech support of 2M2 Magic Tank Automatic Car Key Cutting Machine

Friday, 12 March 2021

corsa c 2006 1.2 80hp ME 7.6.2 to read with kess galletto and mpps

 Have a corsa c 2006 1.2 80hp ME 7.6.2 to read with kess galletto and mpps, I need to explain step by step how to read this ecu... the power supply are 12.8v 1 A.


Before it is working, I connect the wire like this:

-2 red wire on the +12V pin 18 and 51
-1 black wire from gnd pind 5
- from pin 43 i put the orange wire can L
-from pin 11 i put yellow wire l line .

kess galletto mpps read corsa c 2006 1.2 80hp ME 7.6.2 correctly

kess galletto mpps read corsa c 2006 1.2 80hp ME 7.6.2 correctly

kess galletto mpps read corsa c 2006 1.2 80hp ME 7.6.2 correctlykess galletto mpps read corsa c 2006 1.2 80hp ME 7.6.2 correctly



How to read it correctly?

Try option 1: Use K-line

kess galletto mpps read corsa c 2006 1.2 80hp ME 7.6.2 correctly


Test result:

Start data reading...ERROR data1

don t work


Try option 2:

It works (ME7.6.2) in the Can line, must have the 832K ori bin file or fix it with mpps18 or the beautiful tool works in K-line_ IOterminal. Repeat Bosch ME7.6.2 works in line can and reads in normal mode in line can. I assume that my ecu is Eeprom in masonry and the line does not work. Anywhere, if your ecu works and you do not read in line can with galletto 100X100 galletto does not work in line can the instrument's mcu is walled up, you have to buy a new mcu and re_firmware the Galletto mcu.


See inside

Picture Correct:

kess galletto mpps read corsa c 2006 1.2 80hp ME 7.6.2 correctly


Try option 3:

This Corsa (Z12XE) is an ME1.5.5 ECU not ME7.6.2!
It uses K-Line not CAN!

To boot this ECU up on the bench connect:
12v to pins 17, 18, 33, 49
Ignition to pin 51
K-Line to pin 2
GND is the casing itself

512Kb file


Good luck!


MD808 Pro exclusion mode P0088 error for 2010 MB ML350 Bluetec

 Have 2010 Mercedes Benz ML350 Bluetec, and I'm getting a P0088 FUEL PRESSURE TOO HIGH error code. Car won't rev over 3,000 RPM... mostly can't even get past 2,500 RPM. Car starts up like a champ, but hesitates on acceleration... hardly goes over 50mph, and coughs and jerks at low speeds in traffic. I've had black smoke come out of the exhaust twice in about 3 weeks. The last one happened when I was climbing up a hilly bridge and the truck struggled a bit. Parts/equipment are hard to come by where I am, so all I have access to is a generic code reader. Hence the P code.


What to do next?

Diesel engines do not have "P" codes. Buy yourself a Benz scanner.


Which MB scanner to own?

You can order a scanner type reader on the internet and have it delivered to you. Here is my recommendation: Autel MaxiDiag MD808 Pro, it is shipped from UK warehouse, for the UK user, it is no tax.

P0088 Troubleshooting



I was able to find a shop with an Autel scanner that gave me 2 diesel codes. So here's what I got:


11BF00 - The control deviation during the rail pressure regulation via the pressure regulator valve (in closed status) is too high. (Stored)


13AF00 - The soot content of the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) is too high. (Stored & Current)


Explanation of the 2 codes:

With regard to the DPF code, this is something that 'should' clear itself if you drive the car long enough on a trip with a good sized part of it over 45 mph or so.
I understand this would be aggravating in limp mode.
Think, enough speed on an open road to at least be tempted to put it in cruise. And I think the duration should be round about 10 minutes.

Again, DPF regeneration/cleaning should just happen. That is, if other components are operating normally.

So, you have a fuel rail pressure control issue.
If you feel up to changing the left hand rail out, or having someone do it - then drive the car, even without using the scanner to clear the code.
The ECU should detect the change in conditions and then clear the fuel system fault (if this fixed the issue). If so, you would come out of limp mode.
Then, continuing on your hypothetical journey, the ECU would decide at some point that conditions are right to do a DPF regen/clean.
When that regen cycle is complete, or perhaps after another drive cycle wherein the ECU detects the DPF soot level to be normal again, ECU may clear the DPF code.
(Perhaps check engine light now goes out)


The DPF code might also involve other causes such as a blocked, stuck, or otherwise inoperative DPF pressure differential sensor. (These aren't terribly expensive, but a little awkward to access)
The overall soot load can increase as a result of too long running in limp mode, if the engine would rather be building boost (more airflow and cleaner burn).
You may have leak(s) in the charge air system, etc. - But first, I would address the fuel rail pressure issue.

If you see or get referral to a shop which works on diesel Vito(?) vans or Sprinters, they should be also able to work on your car.

Hope this helps.



Thursday, 11 March 2021

What hardware can read eeprom for MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster

 Car model: Audi A3 8L 2002 8L0920932M Magneti Marelli cluster


Purpose: to read and write the eeprom of the mcu chip


2 Motorola chips:
Big one:
V8.51 DG128AH

Small one:
504000001109 HG


Attached photos to see the chips for yourself.

Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster
Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster
Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster
Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster

Which one contains the eeprom data with mileage, pin etc? What hardware can read and write these chips?


  1. Read eeprom 912DG128 - Xprog, UPA ...


  1. DSP3+ will do it also, carprog, x-tool as well.

I have been mainly using Xprog V5.55. This is the best source of Xprog:

Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster

And testing images below:

Connect the adapter to Xprog;

select chip (i.e Microchip 24xx128)

Click on "Read", it will show the VIN number.

Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster
Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster
Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster

What about Carprog, does it read the data as the same as that of Xprog?

We select chip.

Reading the chip

Save this file.

Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster
Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster
Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster
Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster

So, their data has no differences.


Reading eeprom MM Audi A3 8L 2002 cluster


Monday, 8 March 2021

How to solve Ktag 7.020 prompt "Hardware configuration not supported"

 Some users feedback KTAG 7.020 pops up an error "Hardware configuration not supported", for example when they read any of bosch ME9.2 ECU, EDC16U34, EDC16U1, sid206, maps, E53 4.4 N62 DME ME 9.2 etc.


Then how to fix this problem? Here I have sorted out some solutions:

Possible reason 1:

Use Kess instead, KESS works perfectly. KESS is reading and writing it.


Possible reason 2:

Try BDM 100, if you have, it's best for BDM this ecu (Bosch ME9.2 ECU)

Or FGTECH is better at BDM reads than KTAG. Especially a KTAG clone.


Possible reason 3:

Open ecu and check bdm pins with needles.

For example, we were doing on BDM pins. Actually fitst thought that one of the pin is dirty but it turned out it’s completely missing... So this was the issue. Bdm pins damaged. Most probably ecu got water damaged. Ecu is placed in standing position with connectors upwards and if water goes in it will drain down and concentrate around bdm pins.


Possible reason 4:

BMW ME9.2 second hand dme is easy to virginize and sync to car, even if you don't have old dme.

You just have to make sure it's the same hardware as before, sync EWS-DME, and then flash with WinKFP and code with NCS Expert.

Send someone the last 7 of VIN and they can look up the flash version it would need for WinKFP...

Possible reason 5:

The voltage that reaches the ecu is insufficient, check the power supply and the bdm adapter. For example, in bosch you have to put the power supply above 13.40v.


For example:

so I simulated the same ME7 .xxx reading using both adapters.


with the 12V 2A adapter , the ktag voltage output to ECU was 11.6

with the 13.8 25A power supply the voltage was 13.5 ...


so it's clear that ktag uses the build in buck converter and regulators just for proprietary use and to power up the ecu will pretty much use the "raw" voltage / current from the input source.

Hardware configuration not supported


Possible reason 6:

Problem with the socket.


KTAG 7.020, BDM 100 and FGTECH tech support:


Good luck!

Use Autel MS908 Pro to encode headlights for Benz W212 W213

 Have headlight coding on the W212 W213 airbag module, Vediamo with MB sdconnect C4 is working, also Autel MS908pro and Launch X431 are working with online subscription. Although Launch X431 and Autel MS908pro are expensive, I'm not joking.

Launch X431 also encode air bag modules W204 GLKW204, The VIN in the air bag module needs to be replaced, X431 can do that.

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

Autel MS908pro is fantastic and easy tool for coding and programming with backup old installed software possibility!!!

I Have used ms908 many times to program, upgrade, change vin, etc, worked every time for me on Mercedes and BMW but you have to be in subscription for all options to work but it is much cheaper than signing up to merc and bmw.


3.Vediamo can code Benz W212 W213 headlight but you still need MB C4 MUX.


Guide on coding day and night brightness for Mercedes W212, W204, X204 / Encoding Day Light (DRL):


On my car, the brightness of the cilia Day mode 100%. Night mode works 60%.

And today I want to show how to change the brightness of the day and night mode works 100%.


You can increase the brightness of the night mode up to a maximum of 60%.

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

Open Vediamo and select CBF file SAMF_172.

The same cbf file is needed for Mercedes W212, W204, X204 and other cars.

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

Right click + properties and select speed 500, so that you can connect to ECU.

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

Enter Variant coding and select “VCD_Parameter_T agfahrlicht”.

This is for the cilia to work together with DRL.

Select “ECU_Coding” and then “Continue”.

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

This is for the cilia to work together with DRL.

The same for Mercedes W212, W204 and other cars.


This parameter is responsible for the brightness of the night mode of the cilia.

The brightness is set to 5%. You can set 30% or 40%, Maximum 60%.

Click on “ECU_Coding” to continue.

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

The daytime mode of the cilia brightness is set to 40%, you can set 90% or 100%, maximum 100%.

Click on “ECU_Coding” to continue.

Benz W212 W213 headlight coding(Autel MS908pro)

Close and exit.

The encoding is complete and the brightness of the eyelashes in the daytime will be 90%.


Alright, the best solution is to use Vediamo to code Benz W212 W213 headlight with MB C4 MUX.


Good luck!

Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...