Wednesday, 27 January 2021

2014 Range Rover sport keyless add key by Autel IM608

 Using Autel MaxiIM IM608 for 2014 Range Rover sport keyless add key, 2 mins job. Ignition off, Autel turns ignition on itself. Confirm this then click button of new remote a few times and it matches.10 mins all in with cutting. Easy via OBD.

Autel IM608 2014 Range Rover sport keyless add key: Impressive


Impressive Job, right? About this car model, there are 2 frequently-asked questions:


Do people generally find IM608 safe to try?

Answer: fk72 from 15 on are encrypted and need removed...dpla safe through obd.


Upto 2014 should b alright by obd everytime? Or still a chance its encrypted.

Answer: still a chance of encryption if it has been to dealer for security update...autel reads KVM type anyway,so if fk72 don't proceed via obd.


Good luck!

Download and update Ksuite 2.70 software for Kess v2 engineer would like to share with all of you the Ksuite 2.70 free for Kess v5.017 eu & china clone online. Besides, in increasing number of users download and test it and report working greatly without any problem.

Download and update Ksuite 2.70 for Kess v5.017 eu & china clone online


Kess V2 Ksuite 2.70 What's New:

1.Fix Bugs

2.Reduce 80% Wake Up Error

3.Fix Checksum Error

4.Fix RSA Error

5.Fix Unmatched Key Error

6.Pcr2.1 Unlock Corrected

7.OBD2 read and write edc15v edc15p edc15vm without problem

8.Writing edc17 VAG without problems

9.Optimize Running Speed


Attach one image which shows some workable protocols:

Download and update Ksuite 2.70 for Kess v5.017 eu & china clone online


Free Download Ksuite 2.70 for Kess V2 5.017 online version

Password: g311lg

Please contact at to have the Weiyun account to download it quickly.


Free source from mhh forum:

Tested working interface:  

EU & china clone online Ksuite 2.70 (for example Item No. SE137-B1, SE137-C3, SE137-C1)


Internet connection is allowed.


Compatible with: Win7, Win 8 and Win10 32bit 64bit

Available with these languages: English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese

Download and update Ksuite 2.70 for Kess v5.017 eu & china clone online


Ksuite 2.70 Installation Video:



So far, some users tested Ksuite 2.70 with Kess V2 and reported the results:

  1. Tested with china 5.017 EDC15P+ VAG worked fine Read / Write

Download and update Ksuite 2.70 for Kess v5.017 eu & china clone online


  1. Tested on EDC17c46 VW Caddy and write no problem. Also test edc16c39 read and write no problem. Kess 5.017


  1. Read EDC17C46 by OBD. has already been done on the bench previously. Flashed original then flashed mod and both times no problem.


  1. Just done read / write on VW Golf mk5 bkd with edc16u1 and no problem


  1. Smart edc16c34 no problem.


  1. Tested with china 5.017. EDC16U1 GOLF BKD. worked fine Read / Write


What about Ksuite V2.70 for Ktag 7.020

Ksuit v2.70:

Update with 2.70 then use 2,25 work fine ktag update
1.Unzip Both Ksuites
2.Move both Ksuites to C-Drive
3.Open 2.70 folder , connect your KTAG , Run 2.70 and wait for update.
4.After update you will get Error about internet connection not available. This is normal.
5.Close 2.70 , disconnect KTAG then connect KESS.
6.Open 2.70 as normal and DONE!

***The test report: It will have an error "Connection to the internet not detected..." and engineer is testing, once it is tested working fine, we will public the good results.

How to download Renault Can Clip v202 Reprog v191

 Offer Renault Can Clip 202 free download source.

Torrent source:


OS: Windows 7, 10 x32
Language: Multilingual (English, French, German, Italian, Russian and other)
Works with clone RTL 2002 / Renault Can Clip Interface

The program for the diagnosis of electronic systems of cars Renault, Dacia, Samsung. Working with scanner Renault CAN Clip only.

Renault Can Clip v202 Reprog v191 download and installation guide


The method to activate:

Inside the folder "Activation (Patch V3)"

Please follow the instruction from the above link to operate. source:

Renault Can Clip v202 -

Reprog v191 -

pass / yavheni

Credits to @ yavheni


Working with RLT2002 clone on win7-32bits.


To be upgrading the Renault Can Clip v202 installation.

Sunday, 24 January 2021

2008 Ford's odometer correction tutorial, using GODIAG GD801

 Have one car 2008 Ford Mondeo with 142369KM, hook GODIAG GD801 up to it for mileage correction via OBD. The whole procedure is done in 5 minutes.

Look at 2008 Ford Mondeo with 142369KM:

And turn on GODIAG GD801, as you can see, it has options: Diag Program, Update, My data, Teamviewer, settings. And there are 6 options at the bottom line.

I tap “ Diag Program”.

Cluster calibrate -> Ford /Lincoln -> Ford / Lincoln V30.92 -> Ford -> Mondeo -> 2007–2010-> 4 Pointer Color Meter -> Mileage Calibration -> Read note -> Input a new mileage value for example 142000 -> Calibration complete -> and you will see the new value on the dash.

GODIAG GD801 is done a great job!

Several ways to add another key to BMW E60 2004

 I have BMW 525 D E60, 2004, 177 hp. My father lost the first key and we're currently using the 2nd key. I bought a blank key and a local locksmith cut it . We're able to lock/unlock the door manually, but nothing else, which is kinda expected, because I haven't programmed it. For only program one or even 10 CAS2 keys, Autohex II is soothing luxury. Xhorse VVDI2 is verified working by an increasing number of users and its price drops down to 1186 EUR. Yanhua Mini ACDP is the cheapest working one and the price is less than 800EUR.


1st option: Expensive one Autohex II

Buy Autohex II BMW Full Package tool and program the key yourself. I guarantee you can do it by obd! I am 100% sure it is a very good tool but not worth to buy just for 1 car (also not worth for 10 cars).

add another key to BMW E60 2004


2nd option: Xhorse VVDI2

I have BMW key with CAS2 and I make key in 2 minutes if cas 2 or cas 3 with Xhorse VVDI2 tool. If cas3+ then need around 15 minutes. I was making keys on all versions.

no need to remove cas on this car it is very simple 2 minutes job with vvdi2 tool. You can buy tool for 1186 EUR for sale

add another key to BMW E60 2004


Look this Google search - BMW FLASH Digital Kaos

7 pages with ask for help for BMW CAS modules - almost all of them after use VVDI2 and other Chinese tools by OBD

Also, you'd better read some locksmiths' option : Your Cas module is able to do via OBD but safest way is removing and direct connection with some tool for that job.

3rd option: Yanhua Mini ACDP BMW package

Besides, Yanhua Mini ACDP BMW package is also a decent key programmer for BMW all systems (CAS1 -4+, FEM & BDC) and its price is less than 800USD.

add another key to BMW E60 2004


Read this article which lists what BMW immobilizer system ACDP works with:


Hope it helps.



How to fix the failure of Saab OG 9-3 SE, using GM Tech2 Clone

 Car model and year: (2) Saab OG 9-3 SE’s (2000 and 2001)



I have an engine gremlin that is driving me nuts and I know that a new ignition will be needed soon for one of the cars, so it would be nice to be able to sort these out on my own.


Purpose: to troubleshoot engine and convertible top issues I am having and/or will have with the cars.


Saab scanner to consider:  Chinese GM Tech 2

I paid €391 shipped for one with everything (including a case),  literally last week. Looks like the price has gone back up a little, but after you factor in shipping, you're getting the CANdi module and the case for basically $20 extra, which seems worth it to me.

Use GM Tech2 Clone to repair Saab OG 9–3 SE



Image Source (with case):


Question: It seems the the OG models do not use the Candi model or the TIS2000 software. Is this correct?


Here are my personal point of view:

OG9-3 does not need CANdi.
The only reason for having TIS2000 is to be able to update the software on the cars. That's unlikely to be necessary at this point.

The TIS2000 that comes with the clones is not useful in any case. And to set up the computer for programming can involve a lot of work getting the computer to talk to the Tech II. So unless this is your hobby, just a plain Tech II with Saab V148 card is all you need.


However, I would point out, though, that it never hurts to have the CANdi module if you need to help other enthusiasts who would require that, or if, in the future, you were to get a newer car that required it.

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Which European vehicles does the vvdi key tool plus Immo Programming function support?

 To answer one customer's question: " I am mostly interested in Xhorse vvdi key tool plus European brands including Mercedes, Audi, VW, BMW, Opel e.t.c and especially Via OBD connection, not to read the codes on bench."


Here engineer take several videos for your reference:

Generally speaking, Xhorse vvdi key tool plus will program keys for a bunch of European cars like Alfa Romeo, Audi, Benz Smart, Benz, BMW, Citroen /DS, Fiat, Himiko, Jaguar, LandRover, Lancia, Maserati, Opel, Peugeot, Porsche, Renault, Saab, Skoda, Volvo, VW etc.


Video: vvdi key tool plus Immo Programming for European brands list


I attach several images for example:

Image 1: Home page -> Immo Programming -> Citroen /DS — Select by model

vvdi key tool plus Immo Programming function support

Image 2: Image 1: Home page -> Immo Programming -> Citroen /DS — Replace ECU.

vvdi key tool plus Immo Programming function support

Image 3: Home page -> Immo Programming -> Opel — Select by model

vvdi key tool plus Immo Programming function support

Image 4: Home page -> Immo Programming -> Peugeot — Select by type

vvdi key tool plus Immo Programming function support

Image 5: Home page -> Immo Programming -> Peugeot — Select by mode.

vvdi key tool plus Immo Programming function support



vvdi key tool plus good source:

Ford Transit MWB 2009 reset ABS, ESP and engine light on by Autel MaxiDiag MD808

 Car model and year: Ford Transit MWB 2009



Have done an engine swap today. Took a good used engine out of a 2009 mwb high top and put it into another mwb high top. Left the ECU in the van I was putting the engine in and just connected it all up.

Both vans are 2.4 115 6 speeds with JXFA engines. Connected the batteries up and it fired straight up and runs lovely. However,

The clocks work fine for about 5 seconds after start and then they go blank and display nothing but dashes. Also the ABS, ESP and engine management lights are lit.


Ford scanner to use:

Plugged my Autel MaxiDiag MD808 in and went to code read it and the scanner tried to access to the PCM, ABS or ESP systems.


Fault codes:

One code that was up was that the clocks had lost communication with the BCM.


Finally solved!

Turned out to be a bad earth by the fuse box bracket where the engine loom grounds to the wheel arch.

Simple fix which was nice. Haha! Don't regularly get many of them!


Here are some useful information that I'd like to share:

The PCM is basically matched to the engine and should stay with it's original engine, all the injection, pump calibrations etc are kept in the PCM.... and all the other modules with which it was originally matched....they're essentially coded to each other. They can be "re-coded" etc... but it can be a bit of a faff to do.

If swapping engines, it's best to transplant the original PCM with it.


If you swap PCM you need to re-initialise it an load calibration/as-built etc.
If he's swapped like for like then he should only need to code in injectors and do a set of learns rather than the faff of adding a module and doing pats and calibrations etc.
And yes need to do learns anyway afterwards.

Or swap, engine along with PCM BCM and keys. Then it's plug n play, apart from the possibility that the options in the BCM are different and you'd have to do module config to get certain options changed.

Think what's been done is fine enough if injector codes are done and a set of learns.
His electrical gremlins are something else...

Autel rest Ford Transit MWB 2009 ABS, ESP and engine light on



Autel MaxiDiag MD808 good source:

Xtool X100 Pad2 Program Mazda CX-5 All Smart Keys Lost

 Hello buddies, Happy New Year 2021. Today I used Xtool X100 Pad2 to program Mazda CX-5 All Smart Keys Lost, all are perfect.

Look at Mazda CX-5, its all smart keys lost.

Xtool X100 Pad2 Program Mazda CX-5 All Smart Keys Lost

Xtool X100 Pad2 Program Mazda CX-5 All Smart Keys Lost

It will auto identify current smart key number: 2.

Xtool X100 Pad2 Program Mazda CX-5 All Smart Keys Lost

It will have on-screen operation instructions in step by step.

Xtool X100 Pad2 Program Mazda CX-5 All Smart Keys Lost

Job is done: Xtool X100 Pad2 successfully program Mazda CX-5 All Smart Keys Lost.


Thursday, 7 January 2021

Golf 7 AKL MQB 5 MIN JOB with Autel IM608 / VVDI Key Tool Plus

   Golf 7 AKL MQB 5 MIN JOB Autel IM608



Golf 7 AKL MQB 5 MIN JOB with Autel IM608 / VVDI Key Tool Plus

  Good to know:

  Also Xhorse VVDI2 and VVDI Key Tool Plus are able to program Golf 7 AKL MQB, as long as you have MQB data.

  Question: Where did you get the MQB data?

  Answer: I didn’t do anything just pay he did everything on his own.

  Question: if you pay it get file online without change it… no?

  Answer: No CS is change 100 %

  Like when you make a « new identity » with odis online , the cs changes , there is a special number to send to the factory so that the keys can be prepared with the correct CS ( for dealer only ) if you do it with odis online crazy problem…

  With Autel is same CS change and if you order new « dealer key » never work because factory have old CS in key…

  I use this function with odis gecko is same but if you not dealer or independant not necessary to use… with Autel and with vvdi and lot of some other tool All key lost function change CS…All professional locksmith know it…


Change mileage on BMW 523i 2007 model, which tool?

   Hi, guys, Happy New Year 2021! Looking any possibility to change mileage on BMW 523i 2007 model? cgpro, autohex, R270+ any of them is able to archive this job.

  Let's read senior users experiences:

  Review 1: cas module can be adjusted thru obd via specific tools: cgpro, autohex… dashboard needs to open, desolder eeprom, change mileage and back. Services, battery and so on can be adjusted again via obd with standard bmw software.

  This is the place where you can purchase cgpro:

  cgpro can do the job by removing the module to read the data and then to correct the mileage.


Change mileage on BMW 523i 2007 model

  Review 2:

  R270+ can do this job and cheaper than cgdi only remove dashboard epprom 35080 decreases km and remove cas and reduce km both of reduce can do with r270+.


Change mileage on BMW 523i 2007 model

  To be updating…

Monday, 4 January 2021

JLR SDD V160 Free Download and Installation on Win7 8 10

 JLR SDD V160 is tested working like a charm with Mangoose cable and VXDIAG Nano etc, it is released at, this article shares the free source of SDD V160 and installation guide on WIN7 10.

JLR SDD V160 Free Download and Installation on Win7 8 10

JLR SDD V160 free download:

Step 1: free download SDD V160:

Step 2: free download SDD V160 driver:

 — -> For VXDIAG NANO SDD driver, download here:

Step 3: free download SDD V160 patch:!zBpSFarJ!phCGoR3RGYqOHYQa9kVBIw

SDD 160.00_FULL.exe: It applies to the user who requires when the SDD machine does not have the previous SDD software installed.

SDD 160_159 UPDATE.exe : It applies to the user who requires to update an SDD machine from the previous SDD software to the latest SDD Software.

SDD 160.01.exe: Contains SDD application enhancements and vehicle software updates and is to be installed after the FULL SDD Software

SDD V160 Language:

English, Dutch, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, German, Portuguese, Russian, French, Japanese

Release Date: 2020

Vehicle Coverage: Land Rover/Range Rover 2005 -2016 and Jaguars 1995 -2016

How to Install JLR SDD V160 on Win7 8 10 32bit 64bit?

SDD V160 is tested compatible with the following cables:

Mongoose PRO (SP205-C, SP205-B)

JLR HV I (not officially supported anymore but still working)

VCM II both original and clone

Da-Dongle J2534 VCI (replaced VCM I)

JLR VCI (Jaguar Land Rover approved SAE j2534 Pass-Thru interface)




thanks for watching!

Autel AP200 Sprinter 906 Regen DPF: Confirmed

 I have done a regen on my 2008 Dodge OM642 with the AP200.

This is the location where on the menu system:

Service\DPF\Benz_Sprinter\Automatic Selection \Read VIN\Sprinter\906(CAN2006)\Diesel\Hot Function\DPF\Engine OM642\DPF\Regen DPF

Autel AP200 Sprinter 906 Regen DPF: Confirmed
Autel AP200 Sprinter 906 Regen DPF: Confirmed
Autel AP200 Sprinter 906 Regen DPF: Confirmed

I bought one and received it yesterday… I can tell you that it is a lot better than Icarsoft MBII, in my opinion.

Here is the printout for the inlet port and EKAS position that you can compare to yours…

Autel AP200 Sprinter 906 Regen DPF: Confirmed


2006 CR-V ABS/VSA Module Replacement, Initialized with Autel MS908P

 Car model and year: Honda 2006 CRV

Purpose: recalibrate or “initialize” the ABS/VSA module after replacing with a used one.

What a high-level scan tool is supposed to be used?

I checked my 06 CRV with an Autel MaxiSys MS908P regarding this. The memorization procedure for the sensors don’t take long at all. After getting into the menu for it, the procedure takes less than 5 seconds to complete. The adjusted sensors are the steering angle sensor, brake pressure sensor, and lateral G sensor.

The Honda HDS program along with HIM can do the same thing. But it doesn’t have the “modulator bleed” function for forcing brake fluid into the VSA modulator like it does on my scan tool. Eric O used a pressure brake bleeder instead of this function on his scan tool. That method is faster for bleeding and pushing old brake fluid out of all four calipers.

The whole “initialization” and “calibration” and “sensor adjusting” are the same thing. Yes, I did the scan tool function for learning the sensor memorizations (same thing), and it took the scan tool 3 seconds to finish. That’s without changing the ABS module and, of course, the different sensors and solenoids inside. I don’t believe there is a big time difference though.

I also bought a cloned Honda HIM device for the same price IIRC ($100). I didn’t perform the procedure with it, but I believe it takes a similar amount of time.

You can bleed the brakes manually, but it will take a very long time to do so. And you will need an assistant to help you open and close the caliper bleed screws while you or the assistant pushes and releases the brake pedal. In the video Eric O. was able to depress the brake pedal and not worry about introducing air back into the system because of the forced air pushing the brake fluid from the top of the master cylinder reservoir and out of the calipers. If you have access to an air compressor, you can do this job yourself using a pneumatic brake bleeder. If you choose to do this, be sure to do your own research on which tool to pick. This method is easier and (probably) faster than doing it manually.

You can still drive the car after you manage to bleed all the air out but haven’t performed the memorization procedure yet. The ABS pump will be disabled, so drive at your own caution.

I never quite understood how to tell when those pneumatic bleeders were done getting the air out. I used two different models (one was Matco brand and idk the other one), and they both appeared to have air and barely any fluid coming through the clear hose I put on the bleeder screws. They fit snugly on the fittings too, so air was definitely not entering from the outside. And honestly, I just left it on each caliper screw for 5 minutes or so whenever I replaced brake calipers. I’ve never replaced ABS modules before, so I don’t know how long it would take to get all the air out.

The steering angle, lateral G, and pressure sensors are what both the scan tool and Honda HIM say what will be adjusted. This year model CRV doesn’t actually have the steering angle and lateral G sensors, only the pressure sensor. And from my understanding, only the pressure sensor inside the ABS module is calibrated, so don’t worry so much about it.

Before I had my scan tool, I took an 08 GMC Envoy to an auto shop to get the new throttle body relearn procedure done. They took their big Snap On tablet and did the relearn in 4 minutes, charging me $60 for it. It seemed an OK deal at the time for a few minutes of “labor.” I would try to find a shop or an independent mechanic that would charge a reasonable amount.

Edit: I may be mistaken about the pneumatic bleeder being faster than the two person method for bleeding brakes. If you have a good rhythm down, you can do it more quickly than using the pneumatic tool.

Credits to@ TarsalHook


Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...