Sunday, 17 November 2019

Use Inpa or ISTA for 2001 BMW E38 750IL turn off DRL

Car model: 2001 BMW E38 750IL
Mechanical issues: relatively straightforward to correct, such as a window regulator needing replaced, lock rod disconnected from the trunk latch, etc. the previous owner made issues worse. For example, the cluster was replaced at some point with one that has ~6k miles more than stated. Tamper dot is ON as a result Now I have to get the correct mileage from the LCM and re-sync the cluster to match.
BMW diagnostic tools to try:
ELM327 Bluetooth adapter: refused to connect to the car
Carly (for BMW): refused to connect to the car
Inpa and ISTA Rheingold: Yes
Inpa and Rheingold did all I needed so far, once used NCS expert, got an error trying to code, just needed to clear FSW man file in work folder, then coding was done. I believe PA Soft BMW scanner is actually remake of Tool32 with user friendly interface.
I believe there are already hundreds of guides on the net. Just google for coding with NCS, or for instance for Rheingold there is the original manufacturer user guide which is for Ista-D, since Rheingold is actually Ista-D, the user guide can be easily applied to Rheingold. In many cases you will have DIY instructions for a particular job (for example how to code LCM), but it would be very hard to make instructions for all the possible jobs one might imagine. And the instructions are for most common issues known. There are not many instructions for Tool32, probably most of them will be about how to register new battery, but that is the case you need Tool32, there are many things one CAN do with Tool32, but not many one WILL do in real life. After all, they are engineering level programs (Inpa, NCS, Winkfp), not for everyday use. or one tells you he wants his interior lights soft off, and so on. One guide I could write is how to understand what is car diagnostics and coding, and programming. And my first recommendation would be, don't play with any program unless you really need to solve a particular issue. I know people having no issue with car, and then they read a few things about WinKfp, they buy K+Dcan cable, and try to "update" their ECU, from their PC user background they might think update is always good, but updating car ECU is not the same as updating our antivirus on PC, and they end up with bricked ECU) Sad, but true) The poor won't know that for programming you need more serious cabling like GT1, beside that you need a stable voltage, and besides all ask yourself "Do I really need to do it?"

For the latest progress, please check:

Cheap Inpa: 15euro
Best ISTA Rheingold:


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