Wednesday, 22 January 2025

Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD

 Today we’re gonna use Lonsdor K518 Pro to program a new 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 smart key. Here are the original car key and new key, the original key is working normally.

Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
  1. Read Immo Data

Immo & Remote >> BMW >> Select from type >> CAS4/CAS4+ >> Read data via OBD >> Read immo data

This function can read CAS and key info, check if the current car requires preprocess.

Click OK.

Turn the ignition on.

Turn on the hazard light to ensure the car isn’t in sleep mode.

The key info has been read and shown on the device.

The 1st, 2nd and 6th key positions have been occupied.

K518 Pro says this car doesn’t need to be preprocessed.

Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
  1. Backup & Restore Code

We don’t need to preprocess for this car, so we directly go to backup and restore code.

Backup code >> OK

Turn on the ignition.

Enter the file name to save backup data.

Backup successful.

Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
  1. Make Dealer Key

Go to "Make dealer key".

This functon can make new key into dealer key for the current car.

Click OK to continue.

Turn on the ignition.

There are 2 ways to generate dealer key by utilizing the ignition coil or the key slot.

Choose the empty key position(FFFFF), generate the key with ignition coil.

*We suggest to save this page image that shows the CAS number and details.

Put the new key on the sensing area.

The dealer key is generated and locked successfully.

Let’s test the remote function.

The new key lock and unlock OK. So does the original key.

Everything works well.

After confirmation, the key info page will appear with the new key.

Cancel to exit.

Let’s try if the car starts normally.

We can start the car.


Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD
Lonsdor K518 Pro Adds 2012 BMW 5 Series CAS4 Key by OBD

YANHUA ACDP Module 37: MB HU6 IC177 Mileage Correction

 New YANHUA ACDP Module 37 is designed for the Mercedes-Benz HU6 insturment module IC177(A167/A213/A247) with chip model R7F701403. No soldering or risk. Need to work with Mini ACDP 2.

Supported Vehicle Models

Support for Mercedes-Benz W247 A/B/CLA/GLA/GLB after 2019.

Support for Mercedes-Benz W177 CLA/GLA after 2019.

Support for Mercedes-Benz W167 GLE/GLS after 2019.

Support for Mercedes-Benz W213 E/CLS after 2020.

Support for Mercedes-Benz H243 EQA and X243 EQB after 2021.

Supported Instrument Modules

A247/ A167/ A213

YANHUA ACDP Module 37_MB HU6 IC177 Mileage Correction

APP Operation Path

Mini ACDP >> Benz >> HU6 ODO Module(IC177) mileage correction >> R7F701403(A167/A213/A247) >> OBD+ICP reset mileage >> Original module reset mileage/Replace module reset mileage

Step1. OBD backup data

Step2. ICP modify data

Step3. OBD modify KM

YANHUA ACDP Module 37_MB HU6 IC177 Mileage Correction
YANHUA ACDP Module 37_MB HU6 IC177 Mileage Correction

Connection Diagram

YANHUA ACDP Module 37_MB HU6 IC177 Mileage Correction

CGDI CG100X V1.7.0.0 Added VW MQB R7F701421 5D Meters Cluster

 Which VW MQB dashboard can do mileage correction by CG100X?

Currently, CG100X can support MQB R7F701401 (5A/5C/5D), R7F701402 (5A/5C), R7F701404 (5C/5D), R7F701406 (5C), R7F701407 (5A/5C), and R7F701421 (5D), D70F3525 (A2C81589600), D70F3526+95320, D70F3526 (A2C81589700), D70F3529, and D70F3532 (A2C81589500) dashboards mileage correction (need CG100X D1 Adapter).

CGDI CG100X Programmer newly added Volkswagen MQB R7F7014xx-Removal of capacitor way R7F701421 (Only 5D Meters) for dashboard in the newest software V1.7.0.0 on Jan. 11th, 2025.

Update Info:

  1. Added 43 models to dashboard.
  2. Added 2 models to airbag.
  3. Added 11 models to read-write.

The following models are added for dashboard.

BOneng Shangrao Bus CAT1023

Volkswagen MQB R7F7014xx-Removal of capacitor way R7F701421 (Only 5D Meters)

DongFeng Furuika PIC16F946

DongFeng Furuika 2021- PIC18F66K80

Toyota BZ4/BX4 R7F701441

Toyota Platinum 4X R7F701441

Toyota frontlander R7F701441

Toyota COROLLA R7F701441

Toyota Levin R7F701441

FOTON lead G5 2024- 24C16

FOTON Oman Galaxy 24C04

Hangzhou forklift Forklift PIC16F914

HELI Forklift PIC16F917

LEVDEO Electric car PIC18F45K80


LEVDEO S50 2018- PIC18F45K80

Long Xin WUjiLX500S 2022- 24C64

Meikesi Forklift PIC16F887

Nanjun Ruiyu STM32F105VC

qianjiang race sai450 24C02

Sanhuan Maker New energy 24C04

SAIC Chase MIFR9 24C16

lshikawa lsland Digger 95640

Tianlong Flagship 660 24C256 (Head unit) (mileage+Fuel consumption)

Wilma W6 FS32K146+24C64 (Entertainment console)

Ward AOlong R5F10xxx

Hyundai IX35 2023- 24C16 (4G16)

Hyundai Kustu 2023- 24C16

Hyundai Sheng Tu 2020- 9S12XHY128

Hyundai Elantra 2016- D70F3526

New energy Old man s pleasure K3 STM8S105K6


XCMG DIAOCHE 24C16 (Six pointers) mileage


Yutong Bus 2013- 24C08

Yutong Business bus 2016- 24LC16

YuJie 260 R5F10xxx

ChangAn Rui chengPLUS 2023- 24C64

ChangAn Auchan Z6 2023- 24C64

Know beans Know beans D3 24C02

TJFAW Yiqilingyuan 9S12HA48 (Two poiners)


ZOOMLION CarCrane 24C256

The following models are added for airbag.

FAW 1EA0–57K30-A R7F701A033 (encrypted)

ChangAn 3658100-MK01-BS03 R7F7010643 (encrypted)

The following models are added for dashboard read-write.

Aichi U5 2019- Dashboard 24C04+BCM D70F3637 (read write)

BYD AUTO BYD Chinese 2021- R7F701581 (read write)+24C16 (Dongfeng)

Volkswagen The Beatles 2017- D70F3427+ 95320 (read write)

Trumpchi GM8 D70F3532 (read write)

Geely 6608095757 R7F701330 (encrypted) (read write)

JieFang J6F EV R7F701441 (read write)

LOVOL Tractor PIC16F917 (read write)

LYNK&CO 8894157613 R7F701330 (encrypted) (read write)

qianjiang race sai600 24C16 (read write)

Nissan Sylphy S6J329 (read write)

ChangAn UNI-T 2023- 24C32 (read write)

CGDI CG100X V1.7.0.0 Added VW MQB R7F701421 5D Meters Cluster

Free down CG100X V1.7.0.0:

Learn more:

CG100X Added VW MQB RH850 R7F7014xx 5A and 5C Cluster

Wednesday, 15 January 2025

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean

 The LAUNCH has pushed major updates in version V10.40 of the ECU clone software. Working with LAUNCH X431 ECU & TCU Programmer

X431 X-Prog3 with PC Adapter or X431 diagnostic tablet with SmartLink C+ X-PROG 3 (support USB connection).


  1. Mercedes-Benz 4th generation 7-speed gearbox (VGS4–0-NAG2 & VGS4–500-NAG2) wiped clean.
  2. 3 ECUs for BENCH mode reading and writing.
  3. Optimization of BMW E83 data stream reading and software expiration prompt.

Software Updates

  1. Added read and write, personalization, clearing function for BOOT mode Benz transmission ECU VGS4–0-NAG2, VGS4–500-NAG2.
  2. Added BENCH mode Cadillac, Chevrolet transmission ECU T87A read and write function.
  3. Added read and write function for BENCH mode Great Wall transmission ECU 7DCT450.
  4. Added read and write function for BENCH mode Great Wall, Geely engine ECU MG1US008/MG1UA008.
  5. Optimized BMW E83 data read issue.
  6. Optimize the expired device usage status so that when the device is in the expired state, the functions released before the expiration can still be used. New updates are restricted to download when the free subscription is expired.

How to wipe clean 4th 7-speed Mercedes gearbox with X431?

The original car computer can still read data normally. Replace the second-hand gearbox computer for wiping and authorization

  1. First, open X431 ECU & TCU Programmer software, enter the ECU model.

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
  1. Click on the direct connection line diagram

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
  1. Follow the prompts and click OK

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
  1. There are two wiring methods for the wiring diagram: BENCH/BOOT. The BENCH mode is used to read data from the original car’s gearbox computer. When performing wiping and personalized functions on an external second-hand gearbox computer, both BENCH and BOOT modes need to be connected together.

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
  1. After connecting the wires, click to read TCU information.

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
  1. After successful information reading, click to read EEPROM data (BENCH).

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean

Click to read EEPROM data (BENCH), if BENCH mode cannot read, select (BOOT) mode.

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
  1. After the original vehicle ECU computer data is read, connect the external ECU computer (both BENCH mode and BOOT mode need to be connected at the same time), and then click on erase.

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
  1. Click on Personalization and select Original Car EEPROM Data Write.

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
  1. Click OK after successful personalization.

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean
  1. After personalization, click to read the TCU information to see if the ECU has been successfully erased, and then install the vehicle for programming and coding.

LAUNCH X431 4th 7-Speed Mercedes Gearbox Wiped Clean

Lonsdor K518 PRO-FCV: Nissan Primastar PIN damage solution

 Customer problem:

I tried Lonsdor K518 PRO-FCV on my Nissan Primastar, but can’t communicate.

I thought there was a problem with the OBD cable? (or units.)

Firmware was updated and 2 new licenses were activated.

OBD hardware self-test was tried. Connect 12v and OBD plugs (well secured)

Error: "Damage detected on pin 2! and pin 0!"

I also tried testing without an OBD cable, but got the same error…

No pins are broken or worn.

Lonsdor K518 PRO-FCV Program Nissan Primastar PIN 2 and PIN 0 Damage Solution
Lonsdor K518 PRO-FCV Program Nissan Primastar PIN 2 and PIN 0 Damage Solution
Lonsdor K518 PRO-FCV Program Nissan Primastar PIN 2 and PIN 0 Damage Solution
Lonsdor K518 PRO-FCV Program Nissan Primastar PIN 2 and PIN 0 Damage Solution engineer replied:
Please try the method below.

1.Do a self-test on hardware

Select Immo & Remote>> OBDII>> OBDII Hardware self-check

This function need to connect the device to 12V power and make sure the device is well connected with OBD cable.

Just connect OBD cable to device, no need to connect it to vehicle OBD port.

Lonsdor K518 PRO-FCV Program Nissan Primastar PIN 2 and PIN 0 Damage Solution

2.Update OBDII

If there is a problem after detection, go to update OBD2.

Select Immo & Remote>> OBDII>> OBDII upgrade>> OBDII upgrade

This function can update OBDII program.

Insert the OBD cable and 12V power supply into K518 Pro-FCV.

Detect OBDII info.

After upgrade, go to do hardware self-test again. The problem should be solved.

Tech support:

  1. Email:
  2. Skype:
  3. WhatsApp: +86 18750906257

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 vs. OBDSTAR DC706

 Some users don’t quite understand the difference between OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 (KeyMaster G3) and OBDSTAR DC706. To put it simply, G3 is a comprehensive diagnostic tool, while DC706 focuses on ECU.

This time we will not use the table for comparison, because the hardware specification comparison is not suitable for It doesn’t mean much for two tools with different specializations. I will only introduce the functional differences between the two.

OBDSTAR X300 Classic G3 vs. OBDSTAR DC706

Differences in ECU Programming:

  • DC706: Specialized for ECU cloning tasks with wider coverage, particularly in BCM and ECU functionalities.
  • X300 Classic G3: Can achieve similar functionalities as DC706 by purchasing additional licenses but is more of a general diagnostic tool.

Differences in IMMO Functions:

  • DC706: Does not support IMMO (Immobilizer) functions.
  • X300 Classic G3: Supports IMMO functions.

Differences in ODO METER Functions:

  • DC706: Does not support ODO METER (Mileage correction) functions.
  • X300 Classic G3: Supports ODO METER function(Car/ Moto), but requires paid activation.

Differences in Crash Reset(Battery/ Airbag/ SAS) Functions:

  • DC706: Does not support reset functions.
  • X300 Classic G3: Supports reset functions, but requires paid activation.

Summary of Key Points for Choosing:

  • DC706: Best for users focused on ECU/BCM/TCU cloning without requiring broader diagnostic capabilities. And if you need P001 multifunctional programmer, need to be purchased separately.
  • X300 Classic G3: Ideal for users seeking an expandable, all-in-one diagnostic and programming tool with additional features like IMMO. And G3 comes with MP001 (replace P003/P003+ adapter) and P004 adapters in default.

It should be noted that, just like the G3, which requires a software license to use related functions, the DC706 also has different software configurations, as shown in the following table:

DC706 software configurations

For tech support and best price Pls contact us:
WhatsApp: +44 7418609676

Monday, 6 January 2025

CG FC200 V1.2.5.0 Update: Added GM E83 Read and Write via Boot

 The newest software V1.2.5.0 of CG FC200 ECU Programmer was released on Jan.6th, 2025.

Check the related updated details and update your device ASAP.

CG FC200 V1.2.5.0 Update

Update Info:

Added the "Three readiness monitors not ready" function of GM E37\E38\E39\E39A\E78\E80\E83\E84 ECU

Added MELCO (Mitsubishi) series BENCH mode ECU:

MELCO E6T6xxxx MH8501F


MELCO E6T85xxx MH8601 test

MELCO E6T8xxxx MH8115 test

MELCO E6T7xxxx MH8611 test

MELCO E6T86xxx MH8115 test

Added BOSCH (Bosch) BENCH mode ECU\TCU:

MG1CS080 TC275TP test

INVCON2.3 TC1797

HV17.4.1 TC1797

  1. Added the "Repair of Lovol engine duration" of data processing to Lovol ECU: EDC17C63, EDC17CV54
  2. Added the BOOT mode read and write function for GM E83
  3. Added the function of reading and writing DFlash, PFlash, Maps, and ExtEEPROM separately for Mercedes-Benz SIM271DE
  4. Added the "Unlock" function of VOLVO MB279700–96xx
  5. Added "Read Password" function in Hyundai Kia CPEGP2.10.1 boot mode
  6. Bug fixes

Optimized the "Turn off anti-theft" function of EDC17C53, EDC17C63, and EDC17C81;

Optimized Porsche SDI10.x ECU wiring diagram;

Fixed the problem that Mercedes-Benz CRD3P.C0 and CRD3P.D1 can not be read and written;

Fixed the problem that DCM2.5 failed to write PFlash;

Fixed the problem that M7 failed to recognize but can read and write;

Fixed the problem that VGS2-FDTC failed to recognize after the updated version;

Optimized the process of M7.9.7, M7.9.7.1, ME7.9.7, ME7.9.7.1 to handle the "Three readiness monitors not ready" function;

Fixed the problem that Honda 37820 SH7058 does not communicate with ECU after writing data.

Autel Releases 2025 Toyota Lexus IMMO Update for IM508S/ IM608 II/ KM100

Autel has released a new Toyota and Lexus Immobilizer software update for the MaxiIM IM508S, IM608 II, and KM100 on Dec. 30th, 2024. IM508 and IM608 will receive this update soon.

Autel IM508S IM608 II KM100 Update 2025 Toyota & Lexus IMMO

Toyota IMMO Update:

1. Extended Model Coverage: Now supports models up to 2025, including:

  • Camry HV
  • Grand Highlander (Fuel/Hybrid)
  • RAV4
  • Tacoma
  • Land Cruiser
  • Prius and more

2. Optimized VIN Decoding Function

Lexus IMMO Update:

1. Extended Model Coverage: Now supports models up to 2025, including:

  • LC Series
  • LS Series
  • TX Series
  • GX Series
  • RZ Series and more

2. Optimized VIN Decoding Function

Regional Updates:

  • North America:

The All Keys Lost function has been removed from devices in this region.

  • Other Regions:

For 2025 Toyota/Lexus models with the same system as 2024/2023 models, Autel key programmer can still perform the All Keys Lost function.

Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction

 This is a tutorial on how to do Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction with Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 + Module 35.

  • Turn on the ignition to get the instrument panel on.
  • Record the original mileage
  • Remove the instrument to disassemble it, confirm the chip model is RF7F01441.

Power on Mini ACDP and open app, confirm the device has been bound.

Module >> TOYOTA ODO >> R7F701441

Connect the interface board to the device properly, instruction can be check in "Help".

Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction
Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction

Identify Info >> OK

Please use the ACDP standard power adapter(voltage+ 12V, current > = 2.5A)

Connect the ACDP, interface board, and instrument module.

Continue >> Continue

Checking information, it says the chip need pre-processing.

Click OK.

Identify chip info finish.

Pre-process chip >> Backup data >> OK >> Continue >> Continue >> Continue

Don’t power off or unplug the device while reading chip data.

Please save chip data.

Read chip data finish.

Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction
Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction
Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction
Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction

Decrype chip >> OK >> Continue >> Continue >> Continue

During the chip preprocessing, it’s porhibited to power off or unplug the device.

Pre-process chip is finish.

Return to previous menu.

Reset mileage(auto mode) >> OK >> Continue >> Continue

The info display chip DO NOT need preprocessing now.

Click "Continue".

Please save the original data of the instrument.

Chip model: R7F701441

Mileage(km): 1200

Click "Continue" to adjust mileage: 1100km

Writing chip data…

Reset mileage finish.

Install the instrument panel into the car, check if the mileage displayed on the instrument panel is normal.


Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction
Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction
Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction
Yanhua ACDP Toyota R7F701441 Semi-LCD Mileage Correction

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Lonsdor K518 Pro Program 2023 Leapmotor C01 Smart Key

 Today we are gonna use Lonsdor K518 Pro to program 2023 Leapmotor C01 smart key by OBD. The white key is the original key and the other is a new universal wired remote.

Lonsdor K518 Pro Program 2023 Leapmotor C01 Smart Key

Let’s get start.

Immo & Remote >> Leapmotor >> C01 >> PEPS >> Key count

The count of key is 2.

We choose "All key lost".

Attention: This function will delete all programmed key, and all the working key need to be programmed.

Now the current number of keys is 0.

All the keys have been deleted.

Lonsdor K518 Pro Program 2023 Leapmotor C01 Smart Key

Enter key learning mode…

Press and hold UNLOCK button for 2s.

Press and hold LOCK button for 2s.

Program completed.

Following we choose "Add key".

The programmed key doesn’t need to program again.

The current number of keys: 1

Press the UNLOCK and LOCK button once.

Press and hold UNLOCK button for 2s.

Program completed.

The current number of keys: 2

Whether to program next one? Press "Cancel".

Lonsdor K518 Pro Program 2023 Leapmotor C01 Smart Key
Lonsdor K518 Pro Program 2023 Leapmotor C01 Smart Key
Lonsdor K518 Pro Program 2023 Leapmotor C01 Smart Key
Lonsdor K518 Pro Program 2023 Leapmotor C01 Smart Key

Let’s try the remote control.

Both lock and unlock can work. And start the car smoothly.

This is programming 2023 Leapmotor C01 smart key with K518 Pro successfully.

Lonsdor K518 Pro Program 2023 Leapmotor C01 Smart Key

Reference video:

Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...