Thursday, 27 September 2018

What is the CHEAPEST way to add Toyota smart keys?

There are optional solutions to make new keys to Toyota with Techstream software or some auto key programmers. Some by the dealer, some diy. Here, you will get the cheapest way to make it.

The Options
A.) Pay the dealership.
This was quoted at ~$400. I called 2 local dealerships (I’m in the GTA) and was quoted 2 different prices, with the second dealership referring me to an agent (which I had previously found online).
B.) Pay an agent / locksmith
This was quoted at $250 but I’ve only found 1 so far. I was told it was an OEM part and would have 6 months of warranty. Any referrals in the GTA would be much appreciated.
Edit: After a number of calls, the cheapest I could find was $180 and $200.
C.) Partial DIY
I see that I can buy the Smart Key online for about $110 and bring it to a dealership or agent/locksmith to have it programmed into the car. I was quoted $50 by the dealership. Any referrals to purchasing OEM Smart Keys online would be much appreciated.
Edit: This option can be very highly “YMMV” as each dealership’s policy may differ regarding used keys (some may do it, some may do it but fail, and others may opt not to do it at all)
D.) Full DIY
If you have a laptop, Techstream software, a connecting cable, and the Smart Key, you can DIY. Its unclear whether the “Ignition Key” portion can be DIY with Techstream (someone please clarify). If you cannot, this seems to defeat the benefit and would seem more beneficial to pursue the Partial DIY option above.
The Techstream software is referred to as $20 or less on the obd2 shops like ($20 around to get “Techstream” and “Mini VCI”)
The website for Techstream shows a subscription model with varying options. I’ve looked at few posts in the forums but overall am lost on the full DIY option.

Confirmed possible! Requires a SEED code calculator which is another $15 for 1 code.
E.) Ski-Mask Approach
According to this post:, all this can be avoided for the low low price of $17. (joking)
The cheapest should the fourth solution: full do it yourself to make a new key.

Here is the how-to’s for reference.

You should have:

Smart Key: The circuit board # inside the to-be-programmed Smart Key matches your existing key(s).
Techstream: You should be able to run the program without an error appearing. There is typically a manual step to have the program launch properly (modify IT3System.ini, “TISFunction = 1” to “TISFunction = 0”)
MVCI Cable: When you plug it into your PC, you should hear the iconic “ding” sound. If you don’t, it would suggest a lose connection (I experienced this and had to open up my cable to get it working). You should also launch the “XHorse Firmware Update Tool” (it comes with the cable’s drivers) and click “Device Info”, which will confirm whether it can communicate with the cable or not (for this check, it does not need to be plugged into the car, only to your PC)

Here you go…

Once you have everything ready to go, start your car and launch Techstream. Leave the driver’s door OPEN for the entire duration.
Click “Connect to Vehicle”
Note: As the procedure I’m running through takes about 20 minutes total, its recommended to have the car running to ensure the battery doesn’t drain out. If you can’t start the car, its mentioned in other bulletins to have the car hooked up to a backup battery
Techstream should automatically detect your car (mine was a 2010 RAV4, ignore the details in the image, its just for reference), except for an option or two (I had to indicate “/w Smart Key” functionality and that my car was “2WD”)
After a while, you will arrive at the System Select page. I suggest you copy-paste your VIN# to Windows notepad so that you have it handy later (applicable for used Smart Key registration only)
All of the ECUs will be yellow. You can click “Health Check” to have Techstream go through each of the ECUs and determine its status, which takes a few minutes and will change their colour. If you decide to skip the “Health Check”, you can still click on the individual ECU you’re looking for and it will read only that specific ECU (you’ll be waiting a few seconds instead of minutes, its basically the same as the “Health Check”, but only for that ECU).

The ECU I needed was labelled “Smart Key” (2010 RAV4, if your vehicle differs, so may your options)

Once in there, select “Utility” on the left-hand side and you will arrive at this screen.

Now, if you had a NEW Smart Key, the process is relatively straight forward. You can simply click on the “Smart Code Registration” option, which there are 2 of. Both options work, the Classic is older and has less explanations, while the new one has more text and is more user-friendly.
The steps basically consist of; 1.) only have 1 Smart Key in the car at a time, 2.) first start with the Master Key (existing key) and tap it on the ignition button, 3.) remove the key (more than 1 meter from the car) and bring the NEW Smart Key inside, tap it on the ignition button. 4.) Place the NEW Smart Key on the passenger seat until prompted otherwise. 5.) Done.
All of the steps need to be done within 30 seconds of each other, as indicated on the screen (there will be a counter counting down).
The only option that appears to work is the “Smart Code Reset” function. I tried a number of different things but I couldn’t get the used Smart Key to register under any of them except this one (which requires a SEED code, $)
Within the “Smart Code Reset” function, you will arrive at this screen.


You can click on the “Get Pass-Code” button, which will take you to another screen that allows you to copy the 96-digit SEED code (the first one doesn’t seem to let you copy, despite being able to click on it).
Do not close the Techstream window that has the SEED code displayed (the first one).Techstream generates a new SEED code every time you enter the function, so if you close out of it, you lose that session. If you re-enter it, a new SEED code will be supplied and any SEED passcode you received from a calculator will be useless (you can’t re-open a previous session).
NOTE: While you may read in Techstream that its recommended to avoid having wireless devices such are cell phones or your PC’s WiFi on when registering Smart Keys, I had my laptop with WiFi turned on for the entire process and didn’t encounter any issues or interference. With respect to supplying a calculator with your VIN# and SEED code, I would highly recommended that you do all of it through copy-paste instead of manually typing. This would help you avoid any unintentional typos (as that would end up costing you money for a new SEED passcode).
You now need to go to one of those “calculator” websites I mentioned ( (was $15 USD) or (25EUR for 5 codes) and paste your VIN# and SEED number. When I used, the 6-digit passcode was generated instantly.
Reminder #1: Do not close the Techstream window that has the SEED code displayed (the first one).
You can then go back into Techstream and paste the code in.
Reminder #2: Remember to leave the driver’s side door OPEN. Do not close it as it will interrupt the reset procedure. If the function fails for whatever reason, DO NOT CLOSE THE DRIVER’S DOOR. You may still be able to try again or carry through with the remaining steps successfully (other post’s have reported so).

You will then arrive at this screen, where you simply wait for 16 minutes.

I suggest you stay nearby (I was playing a game on my phone) and set an alarm a minute before you expect the timer to end and avoid touching or moving anything (I left the laptop on the car seat and sat on the ground outside, most specifically because my particular cable was defective and had a loose connection, so I wanted to avoid any movement that may risk losing the connection).
Once the timer ends, it will tell you the procedure is complete (successfully)… but you’re not done yet!
In order to register your keys, you now need to select one of the other options (I chose “Smart Code Registration (Classic)”).
Note #1: Previously, if you used this function, you’d choose the first option (“I am just registering keys”) but it would fail if you were trying to register a used Smart Key. Now you will select the third option instead.
Note #2: In case you’re curious, choosing the third option before performing the “Smart Code Reset” will simply result in an error before you even get to load the function. It will produce a message to the effect of “Cannot initialize, reset function not detected”.

(ignore the locksmith bit, I couldn’t find a better picture but will try to upload another one, with the correct option selected)
Here, you will select the third and longest option “I am Registering keys and have replaced the ID Code Box and Smart ECU or have performed Smart Code Reset
When you hit next, you will be asked to eventually tap the key on the ignition button. It has been recommended by other users that the USED key be tapped first and any existing (previously linked) keys to be tapped last.
After this is done, you can click “Register” to finalize the session.


Friday, 21 September 2018

KEYDIY KD-X2 is The best and cheapest 48 cloning tool, WHY?

KEYDIY KD-X2 review of 48 96bit chips copy:

Djordje Maric Just do it :) Vw Tiguan 48 cloning, finished under 4 minutes

Carlos Velasquez Works really well. About 7 minute calculation time.

Barry Starer I have done over 20 so far and not a single failure yet. (USA market)

Rudolf Louw Very good!!

Frank Wen X2 for 48 96bit is the fastest and most reliable! If you try now it might give you results in seconds. Last week KD increased calculation speed again. Have a try and post results here tomorrow!

Luis Villegas A few weeks ago i did 2016 VW Passat no issues and fast CN-6 chip

Ryan Ingram Just done a 2006 Fiat Doblo using the KD-X2 for the first time. Job done in minutes. Well impressed

Copyllaves Vera Garcia Good

Paul Turley Just done one for 2014 golf. Had to wait 15 minutes though

(Credits to all contributors for sharing their feedback)

KD-X2 and 48 Transponder Test Report:

VW polo 48: successful
VW Passat B6 2010: successful to clone 48. Online on 48 transponder
2013 Chevy Captive (CN3 chip): successful
Fiat Panda 2001 id33 of T5 and NB multifunctional: successful
Passat B7 2013: successful
Passat B6 2010: successful
2011 Chevy Captiva (CN3 chip): successful
Ford Focus 2003 (CN5): successful
2003 Honda Accord (T5 chip): successful
Suzuki swift 2007 Cn3: successful
Citroen C3 2014 cn3: successful
Citroen c5 2007 (nb multifunctional): successful
Yamaha motorbike cn5: successful
Toyota aygo ID70 on LKR02 /cn2: successful
Ford Focus 2003 cloning CN5: successful (CN5 for 4D.)
Suzuki swift 2007 Cn3: successful
Yamaha motorbike cn 5: successful
Citroen C3 2014 cn3: successful
Europe Citroen C1: successful
Peugeot 107: successful
Toyota aygo ID70 on LKR02 /cn2: successful
wv polo key 48 transponder: successful in the 48 original trasnpondar cloning online
vw polo white meter: successful
Passat B7 2013: successful to clone 48 transponder
Cloned a Polo 2009 and a Daf LF truck id48 on a normal blank id48 transponder: successful
Passat B6 2010 and Passat B7 2013: successfully add regular 48
Fiat 48 transponder cloning: successful. Already used CN6 with CN900 mini with firmware update.
Vw transporter T5 2013: successful, calculate id48 and copy well

Citroen c5 done perfectly 2007 (nb multifunctional): successful
transponder cloning then re synced remote
to resync remote, you can not program only remote but when the chip is generated it can work but still will fail from time to time download "wikirke" on your phone

Vw Polo 2007 successfully on CN 6: successful
Interesting note: At the stage when need to verify original key, kdx device turned off and kd soft asked to check equipment etc. But when turned on kd again everything finished fine.

Passat B7 2013 clone 48 transponder: successful
possible to clone on regular 48 transponder
They are wizzards with special powers
Online cloning with 150 free coins earned after generating B or NB remotes. On regular 48 transponder.

Cloning in kdx2: I had no problem sniffing data
X2 turns off to save battery. Calculations are done on a server and sent back to X2 once completed.

Kdx2 copy 4C to YS01 chip (old cn900 that can use as 4C/4D): successful

1999 Ford F-150: failed!

So KEYDIY KD-X2 is the first clone machine who can clone on regular id48...
The best and cheapest 48 cloning tool!!!


Sunday, 16 September 2018

How to use Condor Mini + Tibbe Jaw M3 cut Jaguar 8 cut key

How-to's:How to use Condor Mini + Tibbe Jaw M3 cut Jaguar 8 cut key 

It’s aimed to cut a Jaguar 8 cut key with a Condor Mini machine

Have just cut the key and it seems to be 1 cut in front / 1 cut behind in placement.

Q: How far should this screw be in / how far out should it be??

A: tbe1

Q: How much does the rear screw need to stick out?

A: It is necessary to re-adjust the position of the key in the vice.

Q: what the best way to make sure it lines up in the correct place perfectly.

A: With the correct attitude, the machine itself will go to the right distance to puncture the key into the position of the first secret. at Ford it is shorter.

Q: I will give it another go fingers crossed lol

A: if properly configured for the Ford device, then do not re-adjust the vise of the length of the bolt. stand the workpiece of the key and cut it

Q: how far out do you have your screw?

A: in the vice, the key is the Ford, and the milling cutter has entered the required length independently. Do not be afraid

Q: the last cut i did was wrong it was to far forward by nearly a complete cut

A: It is necessary to adjust when the milling cutter stands in such position as at me on a photo. remove the vice and adjust the depth of the key with the screw, each time looking closely at how the milling cutter is positioned. The cutter must be in the position of the first secret

you do not have a vise

as you adjust the screw, tighten the fixing nut so that the screw does not hang and unwind. I'm sorry, I've got to go to the client.

try to insert the key deeper. with effort.


Saturday, 15 September 2018

How to Use Xtool X-100 X100 PAD2

Original X-100 PAD2 not only provides customers with professional key programming but also supports special functions for workshop including mileage adjustment, oil service light reset, timing belt service light reset, tire pressure warning light reset, EPB reset, throttle body reset, DPF reset, battery reset,steering angle calibration and OBD-II engine diagnosis.

2.What's more, the X100 PAD2 adds VW 4th & 5th IMMO.

Easy registration with X-100 PAD 2 connected to WIFI. Don’t bother to use PC for registration.

Connect to vehicle directly with cable


One-click update via WIFI.Get the latest software whenever you want ! Never miss the update with pop-up update reminder!


Remote access, which is perfect for training, demonstration and even remote

Diagnosis reports in PDF file. Print out the diagnosis report and show it to car owners when they come and fetch their cars.
They will be really happy knowing what kinds of problems have been fixed for their cars.
Key programming for 4th,5th immobilizer of VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda:

Matched Dashboard Type for 4th ,5th immobilizer of VW/Audi/Seat/Skoda:

CDC24C32,NEC24C32,9S12,NEC24C64,NEC24C64 color screen,Jiangsen,NEC95320,NEC24C64 white screen. 

Odometer  Adjustment

TPS Throttle Body Adaptation:

BMS Reset (Battery Reset):
x100-pad2-toyota (1)

EPB Electrical Parking Brake Adaptation:


Steering Angle Calibration: 
x100-pad2-escape (1)

Tire Pressure Warning Light Reset (Manual Operation)

EEPROM Adapter Features:

1.PIN Code Reading
2.ECU Initializing
3.Chip Programming
x100-pad2-eeprom (1)

4 System Diagnosis: Engine Control Module,Brakes,Central Electrics and Airbag.Basuc function:Reand fault codes,clear faule codes.
x100-pad2-control-unit (1)


Friday, 14 September 2018

What’s the BEST solution of Xentry XDOS Installation & Activation failure?

This is the best solution for newbies who has trouble in 09.2018 Xentry XDOS installation or activation:

Why do I think it’s the best for newbies?
Because the full kit (SDconnect C4 + 09.2018 XDOS + Dell D630)  is handy and help save a lot.

All software is installed on the Dell D630 laptop, done before shipping to your end.
With the dedicated serial port on D630, there is no issue for users…. it was plug and play… the HDD with Mercedes software is loaded into the Dell laptop and WIS/EPC and XENTRY/DAS has been activated with “activation keys” before can use it for Mercedes-Benz diagnostics, coding or programming with SD connect C4, when you receive the package.


Note that HTT-WIN is updated to 09.2018 Mercedes software disk. Software released in 2017 and 2018 doesn’t come with HTT-WIN. But now, it comes again!

On a side note, Dell D630 is second-hand but 100% functional - no worries!

With the SD connect C4 full kit, you’ll NEVER have issues of setup on a laptop, installation and activation as what the users complaints

Attach: Error and solution on Dell D630

Error: have now installed it on my recently acquired Dell 630. Everything installed well, however when I get to the point of using it and it automatically goes to use HHT(as my car is a 1993 model)it says"diagnostic connector is being initialised" however then it says"com port assigned! close other use!"
Solution: go to the windows system menu in control panel and under the harware section look at the com port assignmennts and make sure the com port you designated isn't already assigned to something else.

also, does the dell630 have a dedicated RS232 com port or are you using a usb/pcmcia/cardbus to RS232 converter.

This is the best solution for newbies who has trouble in 09.2018 Xentry XDOS installation or activation:

Why do I think it’s the best for newbies?
Because the full kit (SDconnect C4 + 09.2018 XDOS + Dell D630) is handy and help save a lot.
All software is installed on the Dell D630 laptop, done before shipping to your end.
With the dedicated serial port on D630, there is no issue for users…. it was plug and play… the HDD with Mercedes software is loaded into the Dell laptop and WIS/EPC and XENTRY/DAS has been activated with “activation keys” before can use it for Mercedes-Benz diagnostics, coding or programming with SD connect C4, when you receive the package.


Note that HTT-WIN is updated to 09.2018 Mercedes software disk. Software released in 2017 and 2018 doesn’t come with HTT-WIN. But now, it comes again!
On a side note, Dell D630 is second-hand but 100% functional - no worries!

With the SDconnect C4 full kit, you’ll NEVER have issues of setup on a laptop, installation and activation as what the users complaints


Attach: Error and solution on Dell D630

Error: have now installed it on my recently acquired Dell 630. Everything installed well, however when I get to the point of using it and it automatically goes to use HHT(as my car is a 1993 model)it says"diagnostic connector is being initialised" however then it says"com port assigned! close other use!"
Solution: go to the windows system menu in control panel and under the harware section look at the com port assignmennts and make sure the com port you designated isn't already assigned to something else.

also, does the dell630 have a dedicated RS232 com port or are you using a usb/pcmcia/cardbus to RS232 converter.


How to Clone VAG MQB Transponder by Autel or OTOFIX?

  Autel AT100 Super Transponder Chip is specially designed to work with Autel MaxiIM KM100 , IM508 series, IM608 series, and OTOFIX IM1/...