Friday, 10 August 2018

How to make Part D (C3) work with Xentry XDOS 07.2018?

Hi dear friends,…..which version of Xentry Diagnostic Openshell do you use for your Par D C3? what about the latest and best/populous version used for C3? Here are tips and guides for you, including possibility of a way to make working C3 mux with the latest Xentry XDOS 07/2018 (with old vehicle naturally)?

If there is any chance it will work, first thing is to play with toolkit.ini

It will be in c:\program files\Mercedes-Benz\SDconnect Toolkit\bin\toolkit.ini or C:\Program Files (x86)\Mercedes-Benz\SDconnect Toolkit\bin\toolkit.ini

There will be a line that says UseComPorts=
Here add the port number you wish to use.

Also there will be another line that says SkipComPorts=all
Change this to ;SkipComPorts=all
in detail…
Original line=

Modified line=

Adding ; at beginning of line means that this line is to be ignored.

Hopefully this should mean SDnetControl will detect your interface.

However I have no idea if this still works, I have a feeling Xentry won’t work, and I can’t say if DAS will work.

I’m guessing it should work with HHT if you have it installed on a 32 bit system

But note that since 2016-01 part D is replace with part Z (bosch vci). so if you want to use C3, you have to use old driver.
i suggest use xentry xp/xdos up to 12/2015 and the most famous and favorite is 09/2014.

Honestly, 09/2014 is the best version for C3.. anything after that you have to do too many fixes to get it fully working..

I managed to get Xentry 05/2016 to work with my PartD aka C3. It’s just a fun project because you still can’t work on cars 2009/2010 and up that require Xentry.

Xentry 5/2016 is the last version as I indicated above that will work with a PartD.

It is not work with new cars another speed of CAN.

Btw, if you have offline coding, 11/2012 is the best.

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