Sunday, 28 January 2018

How to do VAG MQB dashboard odometer correction?

There are two options of MQB dashboard odometer correction: Xhorse VVDI2 and Obdstar tools (Obdstar X300M, H110 or key master, etc.)
So, how to chose and which one is better?
In details…
Both the Xhorse and Obdstar tools are confirmed to work no issues for VAG MQB.

VVDI2 VAG MQB Immobilizer & dashboard: confirmed!
vvdi vag mqb immo

Obdstar H110 VAG MQB dashboard: confirmed!
Obdstar X300M VAG MQB dashboard: confirmed!
Obdstar key master VAG MQB dashboard: confirmed!
But, they’re kind of different, esp in price, function and car list as well..
Xhorse is much more expensive than Obdstar tools but Xhose supports MQB immo and dash while Obdstar supports dash only.
Note that Xhorse VVDI2 is the only key programmer can be used for VAG MQB platform instrument immobiliser. Instrument with NEC35XX (Continental/VDO)
VVDI2 works perfect in BMW and VAG key programming.
Have it if BMW key programming is required.
If not, go for Obdstar tools – cheaper but working good, support more MQB types
If you need a tool for VAG immo and dashboard, go for Obdstar H110;
If you need a universal odometer correction tool, go for Obdstar X300M;
If you works for a workshop, go for Obdstar key master and you’ll never look back.
Ps. Obdstar X300M and H110, at the same price, depends on your need.
Youtube: Obdstar tools working for VAG MQB dashboard
The last, MQB car list comparison.
VVDI2 MQB car list:
VVDI2 now supports part of VAG vehicles only.
Check the list here:
Audi A3/S3 2014+
Audi Q2
VW Golf7
VW Polo(MQB)
VW Tiguan II
VW Touran II
VW crafter 2017+
VW Passat B8 without virtual cockpit
Skoda Octavia III 2014.07+
Skoda Rapid 2015.06+
Skoda Kodiaq
Skoda Superb III
Seat Ibiza/Ateca/Toledo 2015.06+
Note 1: This type only supports cars with cluster Continental/VDO. JCI type and virtual cockpit is not included
Note 2: MQB Immobilizer function supports original blank key and MQB key made by VVDI2
Note 3: Part of original blank key not support write data
Note 4: MQB Immobilizer function require extra license. Customers who have copy 48 (96 bit) license will get MQB license for free
Obdstar tools MQBNEC35XX list:
(01) VW GOLF SPROTSVAN 2014.06-
(02) VW GOLF 7 2014.06-
(03) VW PASSAT B8 2014.06-
(04) VW POLO 2014.06-
(05) VW TIGUAN 2014.06-
(06) VW TOURAN 2014.06-
(07) Skoda FABIA 2014.06-
(08) Skoda OCTAVIA 2014.06-
(09) Skoda RAPID 2014.06-
(10) Skoda SUPERB 2014.06-
(11) Seat IBIZA 2014.06-
(12) Seat LEON 2014.06-
(13) Seat TOLEDO 2014.06-
(16) Audi A3 2014.06-
(17) Audi Q2 2014.06-
(1) Amarok NEC+24C64 2014.06-
(2) Bora
JC 2013
NEC+24C32 VDO 2009-
NEC35XX 2013-2015
VDO K line
(3) Beetle
NEC+95320 MM
Beetle k line
(4) Caddy
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
2008- CDC
VDO K line
(5) CC
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
(6) CDC 2007-
(7) Cross Lavida
NEC35XX 2013-2015
(8) EOS
2008 CDC
NEC+24C64 VDO -12
VDO K line
(9) Gran Lavida
NEC35XX 2013-2015
VDO K line
(10) Lavida
NEC+24C64 VDO -12
NEC+95320 MM
NEC35XX 2013-2015
2007-2010 CDC
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
GOLF5 -2006
GOLF5 2007- CDC
NEC35XX(Four Generation)
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
VDO K line
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
VDO K line
JC 2013
K Line -09
NEC35XX 2013-2015
NEC+24C64 2014.06-
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
B8 NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
VDO K line
NEC+24C64 VDO -12
NEC+95320 MM
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
VDO K line
2007-2010 CDC
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
(19)Santana  NEC35XX 2013-2015
2008- CDC
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO K Line
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO K Line
NEC+24C64 2014.06-
2008- CDC
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
NEC+95320 MM
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
2006- CDC
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
VDO K Line
Color Meter
Type 1(2013)
Type 2
White Meter(2013-)
VDO -12
VDO K line
(1) A1
(2) A3
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
(3) A4
RB4 2002-2005
RB8 2006-2007
(4) A4L
(5) A5
(6) A6 1998-2004
(7) A6L
(8) A8L
(9) Q2
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
(10) Q3
2013 Models
(11) Q5
(12) Q7
(13) R8
R8 2007-
(14) S5
(15) S8 2007-2011
(16) TT 2007-2010
(1) Fabia
VDO K line
NEC+24C64 VDO -12
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
VDO K line
(2) Octavia
2007- CDC
NEC+24C64 VDO -12
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
VDO K line
(3) Rapid
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
VDO K line
(4) Rapid Spaceback
2014-2015 NEC35XX
VDO K line
(5) Superb
NEC+24C64 VDO -12
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
VDO K line
(6) Yeti
NEC+24C64 2014.06-
NEC+24C64 2014.06-
NEC+24C64 VDO -12
VDO K line
NEC+24C64 VDO -12
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
VDO K line
NEC+24C64 VDO -12
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-
VDO K line
NEC35XX(MQB) 2014.06-

Friday, 26 January 2018

Mangoose Pro GM 2 FAQs

Collected frequently asked questions and answers of Mongoose Pro GM 2 china clone.

Is it only possible to enable Tech2win for 1 day? As far as I understand Opel Global TIS is only used for this right?
As far as I can tell, yes the only way to activate it is to use Opel GlobalTIS V32 (very specifically V32, V36 won’t work from what I hear) and perform a security access operation or do a software download. I just use boot Tech2Win using the generic BIN and select the security access. It automatically refreshes the license for a day. The next time you want to use it, you will have to do the same thing, assuming it’s more than a day later. I haven’t found any other work around yet.

Is there any shortcuts for older cars? For example Saab 9-5 from 2001?
Yes I think the Saab card goes all the way back to 2000 or something like that. It might even be 1998. It has options for the 9-5 but I have yet to test it on one.

Is there any other tools you can use instead of the Mongoose Pro GM II?
The only other tool(s) I know of that might work are J2534-2 compliant tools that support the GM J2534-2 implementation. Tech2Win has an option to select ISO22900 or J2534-2 (could be -1, I apologize if I got this mixed up, I’m still learning all this nonsense). That would be, for example, a CarDAQ from DrewTech, but there are other tools out there from a lot of other manufacturers that support the -2 spec.

What is the requirements on the device? Any specific protocols etc?
I’m running all this on an old MacBook Pro 15″ from 2007, running OSX 10.10 with Parallels 10 on an XP virtual machine. No issues. Protocols are built into the tool if you buy it. Just install the software for it and you are good to go. It will automatically be detected by Tech2Win if you follow the instructions correctly.
Do you have the possibility to test this setup on an even earlier Saab 9-5?
No I currently do not, as I don’t have one and I don’t know anybody in San Antonio that has one and wants to let me play around with it.

Also I tried to get the Tech2Win v2.256 from MHAuto but only found a copy that did not include the SAAB NAO and downloading it using GlobalTIS did not work.
The Saab BIN that you need is SAAB NAO 9.250. It definitely is in the MHH Auto download. I had to hunt it down to find it after the installation. But if you search your machine you should be able to figure out where Tech2Win put it. If I recall, it installed it in my machine in some random ***** public documents directory in Windows. Just search for “Tech2Win” on your machine to locate that folder. That’s where the other BINs are for GM NAO, Saab NAO as well as a few others.

Found a hacked version of the SAAB 148.000 bin but the guy pretty much just changed the file header with a hex-editor. Seems a bit too much cowboy for my taste. Maybe that’s why they had problems with earlier Saabs?
Don’t use that. I did a ton of research while figuring this all out and that was one of the options I was considering, but you are correct, it is “too cowboy”. Especially when there exists a “secret” Tech2Win compatible Saab NAO 9.250 BIN

If you have other questions about Mangoose Pro GM 2, please go to and free to ask


Wednesday, 24 January 2018

Orange 5 V1.34 software download & install on Windows 8.1/7/XP

OEM Orange5 V1.34 software free download on Mega, install on Windows 8.1/7/XP (Youtube video) with customer reviews.

OEM Orange5 with Full Packet Hardware plus

Orange5 V1.34 software download free:!zFY0gZ5Z!hnwPFYHtygb...ylIAsz0qco
includes IMMO HPX 9V0 Software License
Software Version: V1.34
Operation System: Windows 8.1/7/XP
Language: English and Russian
Compatible with the OEM Orange5 China clone .
How to install Orange 5 V1.34 Windows 8.1/7/XP:

Very easy to install:
Step 1:Install Orange 5 driver
Open Orange 5 software CD
Copy orange5v1.34 folder to desktop
Connect Orange 5 USB programmer with laptop
select “Install from a list or specific location (Advanced)”
Click Next
Browse and save file to
C:/Documents and Settings/Aministrator/Desktop/orange5v1.34/Driver
Click Next
If the system prompts “Cannot Start this Hardware”. Press Finish to continue.
Open My Computer->Manager->Device Manager
Unplug Orange 5 USB cable then replug,you will see the driver is working

Step 2: Run Orange5 self test
Open orange5v1.34 folder on desktop
Open Orange5 setup
Select Options tab->Programmer Options,press Test
Orange Text passed. Hardware OK.

Step 3: Read & Write EEPROM
Select ECU configuration EEPROM
Select Group and Chip ,press Ok
Select Read icon
(Note: select the correct chip)
Read chip data complete
Save data
Click Write icon
Write chip (i.e 93LC66
Save data
Open data just read
click Write icon
Re-write 93LC66 to chip

Orange 5 programmer test reports:

2j74y ok
35080 ok
TMS IMMO Opel ok
Hc05 IMMO old VW ok
All functions open 1-10 except car radio get error, tested reading usual EPROMS all good. tested IMMO login code from dump, TMS VW works.
Already did few cars. IMMO SW included and also activation for other sw. No problem till now , of course I not test all but with some NEC all ok .
Everything works as it should, knock on wood. Not sure is there any script but software for IMMO, radio and dash coming together with clone.
Can extract the dump of an EEPROM with a programmer and modify it with the software came with the Orange.
Check in hc05b8, hc11e9 EEPROMs. All read and write very fast.
Have 4 secured MCU and they work ok. On Hc908az60 secured and on 68hc11 it work’s just perfect.
Tested with 1j35d, 4j74y, 1d69j, 0d69j, 0f82b, 3k91d, TMS 370c702 OK!

Orange 5 reviews:

I have it for a long time and for now everything is working properly.
One of the few clones that works well and works as an original.
Some adapters are not supplied and must be purchased separately

So far its reading and writing (with verify) all eeproms i try. Good tool so far.

I like PIN checking function (test insertions) very much .It saved my job a lot of time.
Great programmer. All that is stated works. If the speed of exchange is not important, you can do a lot. Many good calculators

It’s almost the same as the price on the Orange website. Besides – on the webpage is written OEM.
Clone but includes – Immo HPX 9V0
confirmed that oem orange 5 comes with immo hpx 9.0 and adapter set

On Hc908az60 secured it work’s good.
I have 4 secured mcu, and they work ok.
I have tried 68hc11, a lot of eeproms, and it work’s just perfect.

I have it 5.7 too and work perfect iven on win 10 x64..cas4-cas4+ and many more done no problem.. I also want to buy orange5

I have just bought orange 5 programmer and all seems to work well happy
I got fed up with my genuine upa usb s programmer which didn’t seem to want to read anything, it went through the motions and said success reading a load of zeros gavel
Straight out of the box this Orange 5 clone read and write eeproms 95640 and 95P08C3 in circuit no problem with no errors, but I had to make sure that my connections to the chip via test clip were all good and then tool work like charm nerd

TIP: Orange 5 Original vs Clone:
Do not get confused by Orange pricing. Orange charge separately for the device, the immo software, the airbag software and the radio software, plus a few specials.
All this comes with the clone.
To compare the two, you must add up all the costs from Orange. There is a very large saving if you buy the clone. But you cannot update it and you have no support from Scorpio. It will suit some people for sure. The adapters are poor quality, and for many the hardware does not work. No doubt as time goes by will will see huge threads about how to fix them. The company who makes it does not have a good reputation for quality or support.
I do not regret buying original Orange5 and Tango key programmer. But when I did there were no clones available as an alternative.
As for the Tango clone, it’s PCB and components are nothing like the original, and of a very poor quality. I have not seen inside an Orange5 clone yet.

Orange5 original price: US$1,299
Orange 5 clone price:  US$179
You make your choice.

Friday, 19 January 2018

How to setup Ford UCDS 1.26.008 software on XP SP3

About: UCDS software& Windows XP SP3

Anyway, I worked out that particular problem. The laptop ONLY runs in AHCI mode and UIDE won’t ‘talk’ to AHCI disks.
So I took your Windows XPSP3 CD and installed it on an old PC – this worked fine.   (620.8MB)
Photos attached to show installation.

2 CDROM.BAT Contents

3 Type Command for UIDE

4 UIDE Error
However, as stated right from the beginning, the UCDS CD DOES NOT CONTAIN A DRIVER! Therefore the cable will not work.
I have been working on and repairing PCs for over 30 years. There is something missing from your setup.
Problems and their solutions :-

  1. Windows XP Service Pack 3 (your .NRG file) is not needed. UCDS runs perfectly on Windows 7.

  1. If someone uses your .NRG, you should warn them it wipes the hard disk and takes over sole use of the computer.

  1. Your .NRG is not compatible with computers that only use the AHCI interface (specifically UIDE only ‘talks’ to legacy IDE interfaces).
You can get around this by doing the first boot (when pressing ‘A’) by putting the .NRG disk and your HDD into a compatible PC. When it is going to reboot, switch off and put everything back into the original laptop. XP SP3 is fine with AHCI, it’s just your .NRG disk that is not.

  1. Remember the errors that I sent you. Memorise them. They mean that your CD IS CORRUPT. I downloaded the UCDS1.26.008 software from another website and it works PERFECTLY on WINDOWS 7, FIRST TIME – including installing the DRIVERS.

Credits to the customer from

Thursday, 18 January 2018

VVDI2 & VVDI-Prog Review from

I’ve just got hold of VVDI2 &VVDI-Prog. I would like to put them through their paces, getting to know what they can & can’t do and generally get more experience using them testing the various features.
So… I thought it might be a good idea to first share experience myself.
2004 Suzuki Jimny:
The first job i did with this kit was actually a 2004 Suzuki Jimny, literally within around 30 – 45 minutes of the parcel being delivered. The software was quick and easy to install (No cd provided, need to download from dealer website and update to latest version).
Anyway, for the Suzuki i used the VVDI-prog with the EEPROM clip adapter to read the immobox 24c01 in-circuit. Then using the VVDI2 immobiliser data tool, i was able to create a dealer key with an Xhorse 4d/4c chip. Write the new dump back to the immobox with VVDI-prog, put it all back together and worked first time thankfully after previous failed attempts with other devices.
Anyway end goal complete and happy with the new purchase

I did some testing on the bench with a BMW EWS3 using VVDI2 with the CAS adapter cable (Needs external 12Vdc supply). It reads the EWS ok, but can’t write a file back to EWS.
I will try reading the EWS3+ that is in my car and produce a dealer key for it.
The ‘file change km’ seems to read from dump ok, and will allow you to modify file with new km (untested on car though). If i get some time later on will try read/write with VVDIprog.

Anyway end goal complete and happy with the new purchase from

VVDI2 software version V5.1.0 update,free download,support MQB!

VVDI2 latest software version V5.1.0 update

===== VAG V5.1.0 =====
1. Improvement MQB NEC35xx immoblizer/KM function, support following cars:
Audi A3/S3 2014+
Audi Q2
VW Golf7
VW Polo(MQB)
VW Tiguan II
VW Touran II
VW crafter 2017+
VW Passat B8 without virtual cockpit
Skoda Octavia III 2014.07+
Skoda Rapid 2015.06+
Skoda Kodiaq
Skoda Superb III
Seat Ibiza/Ateca/Toledo 2015.06+

Attention 1: This type only support cars with cluster Continental/VDO. JCI type and virtual cockpit was not includ
Attention 2: MQB Immobilizer function support original blank key and MQB key made by VVDI2
Attention 3: part of original blank key not support write data
Attention 4: MQB Immobilizer function require extra license. Customer who have copy 48 (96 bit) license will get MQB license for free
2. Improvement for autodetct in IMMO4 system
3. Add spanish language
4. Bugfix

===== BMW V5.1.0 =====
1. Improvement for read ISN from MSx8x ECU, require VVDI2 database file verison V1.0.0
2. Improvement for load MEV17xx EEPROM dump
3. Support change second hand FEM/BDC ISN and make original key working
4. Add spanish language
5. Bugfix

===== Porsche V5.1.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix

===== PSA V5.1.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix

===== Transponder Programmer V5.1.0 =====
1. Bugfix for update remote database
2. Bugfix for save points
3. Immobilizer data tool: bugfix for Fiat Ducato 93C56
4. Add spanish language
5. Bugfix

===== J2534 V5.1.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix

===== Online Upate Tool V5.1.0 =====
1. Add spanish language
2. Bugfix

===== Quick Start V5.1.0 =====
1. Bugfix!PoJBSBKD!nn1ai-JfcoqAM4hbnitabziaSWY-5vkz-1erx4gj7VY

Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...