Thursday, 28 September 2017

How to choose a good Op-com Opel diagnostic tool?

There are many versions of Opcom firmware running with vaux-com 120309a. but what should you take Here I will chip in some words and hope it helps.
the first photo: opcom fw 1.95
the second photo: opcom fw 1.70
the third photo: opcom fw 1.65
the fourth photo: opcom fw 1.59
the fifth photo: opcom fw 1.45

Look here:
opcom-firmware-1.70-pcb-1 opcom-firmware-1.65-pcb-1 sp105-Opcom-firmware-1.59-PCB-1 opcom-firmware-1.45-pcb

Reply: The last official firmware is 1.64
Check also the official and you will see there the newest firmware version that it will come in the new version of opcom and it will be fw1.66
For vaux-com 120309a you need only opcom fw1.45
Even you are using the fake vauxcom 120309a+131223a version you need also fw1.45
Not any newer. But you can use any newer versions of firmware but you will have nothing new and it will not help you more then fw1.45

The most important is to have an original PIC chip that can program new firmware.

OPCOM-firmware-1.59-PIC18F458-chip (8) OPCOM-firmware-1.59-PIC18F458-chip (9)OPCOM-firmware-1.59-PIC18F458-chip (1) OPCOM-firmware-1.59-PIC18F458-chip (2) OPCOM-firmware-1.59-PIC18F458-chip (3) OPCOM-firmware-1.59-PIC18F458-chip (4) OPCOM-firmware-1.59-PIC18F458-chip (5) OPCOM-firmware-1.59-PIC18F458-chip (6) OPCOM-firmware-1.59-PIC18F458-chip (7)

So, if you wanna have Opel diagnostic with Opcom China clone, forget the firmware version (new v1.95 or old v1.45) and check if it’s with a PIC18F458 chip with the vendor. That is the most most most important!!!!!!!!! Anything else is secondary.

You can find that there is a PIC18F458 chip in all versions of Opcom china clone above. So use Opcom and vaux-com 120309a with relief.

Wednesday, 27 September 2017

Renault ECU Decoder and SIRIUS 32

Renault ECU decoders will be recommended for you here.These two has been successfully tested by users, who talk about it on forums.

Device to use: Mini Pro TL866A EEPROM Programmer
/Wellon Universal Programmer

ECU type: Renault Siemens Sirius 32N

Customer A
Device recommended: TL866 Mini pro programmer “if You are planning to work frequently on those ecu I recommend to buy TL866 Mini pro programmer.
With tsop44 adapter, this tool is very stable for reading F200 flash fitted on Sirius32”
TL866 -1renault flash f200
Customer B
Device recommended: TL-866 programmer & Wellon programmer
I also have TL-866 programmer and that one is working good too.
TL866 -2
wellon tells you which pins does not have good connections …
I bought TL-866 programmer with with tsop44 adapter… it’s good to have backup tools.
TL866 -3
Customer C
Device recommended: Fgtech gallettoRead Siemens sirius 32 with Fgtech galletto on boot mode flash.
The wiring diagram below:
Red —————-> pin 29
Red —————-> pin 30
Black —————-> pin 3 ground
Green —————-> pin 56 K-Line
Yellow—————-> pin 26 L-Linea
Gray wire you can use for boot 29f200
(Gray wire has already 1000 ohm resistor )

Monday, 25 September 2017

How to use Mini VCI+Techstream V12 to program TPMS

So some caveats but not enough for me to not be blown away at how awesome this is. First mine from this seller ( came with Techstream V12 which is not the newest version at this time, but was fine for me for a 2004 Lexus, and probably covers at least through 2016 or so.
I needed to program TPMS, I have a $1000 (when new) OTC Genisys that I use for diagnosis on all my rigs, but it has limited bi-directional capability for Toyota and would NOT do TPMS. Figured after surfing forums this was smart to try for a whopping $22. Now I went in knowing getting it to run on 64 bit machines is tricky, and I didn’t want to try, I’m not that smart anymore. Fortunately I have 2 old laptops that never touch the internet a Lenovo X220 with Windows 7 Ultimate 32 bit and a crappy old Acer Aspire with 7 Starter 32 bit. I put it on both but would note, the Atom based machine is just sufficient speed wise unfortunately for me it had the better battery of my choices.
Anyway cable and software came Prime in 1 to my location, even though I had gone 8 days shipping!!! Now both my laptops had no CD, so copied onto a USB drive. Installed per online blog instructions. Unlike some past users note my mini-CD had only the one version V12.10.017Techstream on the disc.
!!! Here is one of the caveats, on one of my machines the Avast was still new enough to pick up MALLWARE in the MVCI Firmware Update Tool. !!!
So actually on install, I just DIDN’T RUN IT and then when the install worked deleted that file!!! Worked just fine.
I had to do absolutely nothing on either machine other than click the two install files ( Techstream first, then the MVCI device driver) and change the TISFunction flag to 0 in the .ini file as instructed in the cryptic help file. Followed online blog instructions with the exception of not running the mallware ridden file and not messing with COM settings which some instructions mention. Again for me it was as easy as click on 1 file, edit .ini file, click on driver file, plug in cable, run program.
So another of the caveats, whatever they have done to hack this makes things a bit flakey on mine at least. Every time you enter another ECU it gives an error saying it didn’t work but to “try again and it might” and sure enough it does just fine. You can do anything a dealer can do with Techstream, look at any data, program any dealer programmable parameter, and most importantly for me change TPMS codes and key codes all for the $21 this cost. Would I burn a new ECU software update with this, no not me, not enough guts, but for the rest, AWESOME.
Just TOTALLY AMAZING to say it again.
Included a screenshot from updating the TPMS IDs, simply AMAZING no dealer, no kludge “swap tool” that doesn’t work reliably, just enter em like a dealer.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

CG100 Prog III 3.9.2 airbag software download

CG100 airbag software has been released and verified to work no issues by engineers for

CG 100 software download:
CG100III_BDM4_3.9.2.0 can be downloaded at
Works ok on Windows XP/WIN7/WIN8/32bit/64bit

CG100 airbag restore devices:
CG100 programer price:

CG100 prog iii car list:

  1. Support  and Adoption: Renesas  CG100 renesas programmer support Renesas R5F61797, RF61725, R5F61723, R5F61721, the model in the computer are assembled as follows: Toyota, Honda, Subaru
2. Support and Adoption: Infineon
64A-72F,XC2364A-104F,XC2365A-56F,XC2365A-72F,XC2365A-104F,XC2361B-24F,XC2361B-40F,XC2363B-24F,XC2361B-40F,XC2364B-24F,XC2364B-40F,XC2365B-24F,XC2365B-40F,the model in the computer are assembled as follows:Nissan, Suzuki, Hyundai, Ford, Mazda, Land Rover, Jaguar, GM.20seconds of read and write.this speed  supported  is exclusive  in the wordwide.
3.Support and Adoption: Freescale
MPC5604P(0M26V)(1M36W)the model in the computer are assembled as follows:Honda
4. Support and Adoption: ST
SPC560 the model in the computer are assembled as follows:Volkswagen
5. Support and Adoption: CPU
ATMEGA169,ATMEGA32,ATMEGA16,ATMEGA8,ATMEGA88,ATMEGA48. The instrument model tune number of kilometers
Add new vehicle models
Add 9S08GL16 CPU
Parallel FLASH:
AMD: AM29BL802D (can relieve MT34 anti-theft box on FAW Wei Chi )

Add SRS Model
Ford ED8T-14B321-AD 2336-56F (with XC2361-56F)
Ford ED8T-14B321-XX 2336-56F (with XC2361-56F)
JAC S2 L72013 5824901U1910-P34L1
Suzuki peak slave 38910-66M00 SPC560P50L3
Modern 95910-C9500-XC2336A without air curtain
Toyota 89170-0G020
Toyota 89170-0N050
Toyota 89170-08140

Add new KM calculation method:
VOLVO kilometer data is automatically calculated
(XC60) 9S12XHZ384,9S12XHZ512 (automatic modification with software)
(S60) 9S12XHZ384,9S12XHZ512 (automatic modification with software)
(S80) 9S12XHZ384,9S12XHZ512 (automatic modification with software)
(V60) 9S12XHZ384,9S12XHZ512 (automatic modification with software)
Update information for CG100:
CG100 V2.62 software release( May-5th 2015)
(1) Revised table algorithm
(2) Increase the renesas SRS computer advanced features
(3) Increase SPC560P40 SPC560P34 which can repaire gac gonow lang, jianghuai, new pentium B50, geely, new seahorses, zhongtai T600, jianghuai and yue
(4) Increase SPC560P40 SPC560P34 to read and write function
Increasing the SRS model as follows:
14 Ford mustang (DR33-14B321-AC)
BT43-14B321-AG 2361B-40F
BT43-14B321-AF 2361B-40F
BT43-14B321-AC 2661B-40F
CN15-14B321-AE 2361A-56F
CT43-14B321-AC 2361B-40F
CN15-14B321-CE 2361A-56F
The carnival GTC1BT-14B32-FD 2361A-72F
DL34-14B321-CA  2336B-40F
Raptor BL34-14B321-FB XC2361B-40F
Ford wild horse BR33-14B321-AF  2361B-40F
CX23-14D321-AE  2361A-56F
Land Rover
DK62-14D321-AG  2361A-56F
FH22-14D374-AC  2361A-56F
89170-0R101       R5F61797
89170-08150       R5F61725
89170-48550       R5F61725
89170-53300       R5F61797
89170-53340       R5F61797
89170-53420       R5F61797
89170-60641       R5F61725
98821-AJ180       R5F61725
98821-AJ210       R5F61725
98821-CA040       R5F61725
98821-CA100       R5F61725
98821-FJ020       R5F61725
98821-SG080       R5F61725
77960-SZN-X110-M1    R5F61725
77960-T7A-H610-M2    R5F61725
MEVD1725 ( N13 ) F20 ,F21 Серия
MEVD1724 ( N20 ) F10 , F11 , F12 , F13 , F18 , F25, F30 , F31 , F35 Серия
MEVD1726 (N55) F01 F10 F25 F25 F30
MEVD1728 (N63 S63) F01 F10
MEVD1729 (N20) F10 F20 F25 F30 F32
MEVD172 ( N55 ) F01 , F02 , F07 , F10 , F11 , F18 , F25
MEVD172P (N20) F10 F20 F25 F30 F32
MEVD172S (N55) F10 F20 F25 F30 F32
MEVD172G (N55) F10 F20 F25 F30 F32
MEVD17 ( N55 ) E70 , E71 , E60 , E82 , E84 , E88 , E90 , E91 , E92 , E93
MEVD1724 (N20) E89 E84
MEVD1726 (N55) E89 E84 E70 E71
MEVD1729 (N20) E89 E84
MED172 (N14/N16)
MEV172 (N14/N16)
MEV1722 ( N18 ) MINI
CG100 2.5 software release (Mar-24th-2015)
1. Increase domestic car transfer meter data:
Delica SW805516 ATMEGA88
Ling Yue V1 ATMEGA48
Ling Yue V1 (7 holes) ATMEGA88
Ling Yue V2 ATMEGA48
Ling Yue V2 ATMEGA88
Ling Yue V1(8holes)M3158B-ATMEG
Ling Yue V4 ATMEGA88
Pretec SW806615…8(1:637)ATMEGA88
81118(1:570) ATMEGA32
90318(1:570) ATMEGA32
90408(1:615) ATMEGA32
91007(1:615) ATMEGA32
100305(1:495) ATMEGA32
100512(1:495) ATMEGA32
P100050 ATMEGA32
P110303 ATMEGA32
XTD120814 ATMEGA32
Mr Fukuda
Mr Fukuda’s mann ATMEGA32
ZB157J1D1(1:500) ATMEGA16
Hafei Zhongyi
Zhongyi ATMEGA169 10KM.bin
Zhongyi ATMEGA169 500000KM.bin
SMA7181-09756210 ATMEGA169
SMA71882E3 ATMEGA169
Huatai Santa
Huatai Santa ZB155F2C1(1:637)
Geely Panda ZB156A V1 ATMEGA169
Geely Panda ZB156A V2 ATMEGA169
Geely Panda ZB156A V3 ATMEGA169
Geely prospect ZB118Q ATMEGA169
Geely free ship ZB137LS ATMEGA169
Geely free ship ZB137LZ ATMEGA169
Peter Jackson’s King Kong ZB118TYJ ATMEGA16
Golden eagle  ZB106 ATMEGA16
Global Hawk  ATMEGA16
England ZB118 ATMEGA16
Free ship ZB127LS V2 ATMEGA169
Free ship ZB136 ATMEGA169
Free ship ZB137YS ATMEGA169
3820010-8E1 ATMEGA169
3820010D2E2 ATMEGA169
Liberation ZB291 ATMEGA48V
Golden cup
Golden cup ZB153 ATMEGA169
Golden cup 3820N002E01 ATMEGA169
Lifan 520 100226 ATMEGA32
Lifan 620 101225
Lifan 520100816
QQ ZB1052(Automatic)
QQ ZB1052(Manual)
5A000 ATMEGA16
5A010 ATMEGA16
5A010 V1 ATMEGA16
5A011 ATMEGA32
5A200 ATMEGA16
5A201 ATMEGA16
5A201 V2 ATMEGA32
5A210 ATMEGA16
94004-V1210 ATMEGA16
94007-V3800 ATMEGA32
V1030 ATMEGA16
V2012 ATMEGA16
V2091 ATMEGA16
V2098 ATMEGA16
V2131 ATMEGA16
V2261 ATMEGA16
V2262 ATMEGA16
V2440 ATMEGA16
V2440 V2  ATMEGA16
V2441 ATMEGA16
V2520 V1 ATMEGA16
V2520 V2 ATMEGA16
V2520 V3 ATMEGA16
V3180 ATMEGA16
V3410 ATMEGA16
V3701 ATMEGA16
V6110 ATMEGA32
V7100(XTD12026) ATMEGA32
V7110(XTD12052) ATMEGA32
Jun bell, sailor
Wuling ZB105 ATMEGA169
Wuling ZB107A V1 ATMEGA169
Wuling ZB107A V2 ATMEGA169
WulingZB108A ATMEGA169
WulingZB108B ATMEGA169
WulingZB110A ATMEGA169
WulingZB110B ATMEGA169
WulingZB169N-A ATMEGA16
Changan bengbeng ATMEGA88
zhongHua 3475A01
2. Increase a few renesas CPU computer repair
89170-53300  Exclusive support
89170-53340  Exclusive support
89170-53420  Exclusive support
89170-60641  Exclusive support
98221-AJ180  Exclusive support
98221-AJ210  Exclusive support
98221-CA040  Exclusive support
98221-CA100  Exclusive support
98221FJ020   Exclusive support
98221FJ330   Exclusive support
98821SG080   Exclusive support
77960-T7A-H610-M2 Exclusive support
(3) Fixed software part issues
(4) Fixed software photos
(5) increased renesas two repair methods
(6) increasing  Volkswagen New Jetta Santana Jetta / new / / airbag computer repair in 2014
CG100 PROG III Airbag Restore Devices Support for MCU model:
R5F61721  R5F61723 R5F61725 R5F61797
XC2336A XC2336B XC2361A XC2361B XC2361E XC2360A XC2360B XC2387C XC2320S XC2310S  Time of reading and writting as 25seconds
0M26V MPC5604

cg100 airbag software:
SR23-19 SR23-20 SR23-21 SR23-22 SR23-23 SR23-25 SR23-26 SR23-27 SR23-28 SR23-29 SR23-30 SR23-31

Tuesday, 19 September 2017

TCU Flashing onBMW E85with INPA software

Here are some tips of how to flash TCU of BMW E85 (Z4) using BMW INPA software with a HQ K+DCAN cable or ICOM A2emulator (clone ok).

Car: Z4 3.0I with the ZF 6HP19 transmission
Purpose:want to test different TCU calibration files on my E85 (Z4)

All should be done via a K+DCAN usb cable running working INPA software

Which SGBD does the GKE211 use? 
For Inpa, its the GS19D.prg
Winfkp uses 10flash.prg

Here is a quick and dirty INPA script I wrote for you all for reference:
It sets the protocol to KWP2000 over K-Line and executes the IDENT job.
If it’s unable to use KWP over K-Line, it will display a large red box indicating so.

There are a few ways to execute a custom INPA script.
For quick and dirty testing, the CLI is probably easiest. c:\ec-apps\inpa\bin\inpaload <path to IPO file>:
c:\ec-apps\inpa\bin\inpaload c:\users\rjahl\downloads\gke211kwp_808.ipo
If you want to add the script to the E85 menu, copy the GKE211KWP_808.IPO file to the SGDAT folder and then edit the E85.ENG file in the CFGDAT folder.
In the [ROOT_GETRIEBE] section of the E85.ENG file, add two lines similar to the following:
[ROOT_GETRIEBE]DESCRIPTION=TransmissionENTRY=,,ENTRY=    GS19,Gearbox / Automatic GS19,ENTRY=   gsds2,GS 8.xx / GS 20,ENTRY=,,ENTRY=    gs30,Sequential Gearbox SSG,ENTRY=,,ENTRY=    GKE211KWP_808,GS19D Ancillary Diagnostics,
Alternatively, you could add a shortcut to the Windows desktop which runs INPALOAD.EXE and calls the custom script.

OK, done and working.

Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...