Sunday, 24 February 2019

Solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can’t find the cable

Offer the solution to Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 can’t find the cable Ford UCDS Pro+.

Attach 4 images of Universal Can Diagnostic system V1.26.008 error:





Check if the driver is installed well. If you have no idea on how to install the driver, please watch this video made by engineer.

Guess this post is helpful:

Thursday, 21 February 2019

Opcom V1.99 Got "Interface communication error, or interface not powered from car!How To Solve?

Got one Opcom clone V1.99 running Vaux-com 120309a, first I had no issue, but I tried to test different software versions coming with hardware ending connection error with ecu. When I check interface by software, 120309a, I get the version and interface passes the test. But when I try to connect the car i receive ” Interface communication error, or interface not powered from car!“. But when the hardware is not connected to OBD2 I don’t receive error text. Instead the hardware passes through and ECU communication page opens. Then no communication with ECM appears due to not connecting with OBD2 port.

Here are some more info:
FW: V1.99
Interface: 120309a
Driver date: 7/12/2013
Driver version:
VCP in uncheck
I run Vaux-com 120309a on Win7.

Share the pictures with both sided of PCB.





Here Opcom clone V1.99 hardware outlook and package:
 Opcom clone V1.99

Finally Solved!!!
Tip for the ones with the same problem:
If no FW update was attempted and your device can pass fw+bootloader test don’t worry countinue reading!
Opcom or Vauxcom clone software version 2012 and above changes FTDI eeprom. Following that the drivers can be updated by windows due to hardware change if you had used other drivers than OPCOMUSB.inf, 2008 version, which cause the problem.
Open 2010 china clone and test your interface. If test is passed and you can see the FW version, try automatic vehicle identification. After reading ECM without closing the 2010 program, open vauxcom 120309a. Then choose your desired part to open and enjoy passing “Interface communication error, or interface not powered from car!” error message. If you get error message during working on 120309a try automatic vehicle identification on china clone 2010 again. You can try this cycle as much as you get error. Besides that, 120309a functionalities, database, is still available by this way.

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Wednesday, 20 February 2019

V2018.12 BMW E/F scanner reviews on Diagnosis, IMMO & Mileage Correction

BMW E F scanner v18.12.03 have the abilities of BMW OBD diagnostic, IMMO key programming, Mileage correction and coding etc. This post is on  v18.12.03 BMW E F scanner free download source, installation guide and reviews.

BMW E F scanner v18.12.03

Firstly, download V2018.12 BMW E F scanner for free:  
Password: ikmumq
3 Files in total:

Note: Both “EF 20181203” and “BMW_v018.12.03” folder include BMW explorer software.  In “BMW_v018.12.03” folder, you have to setup driver and software before use. In “EF 20181203” folder,  software is preinstalled and ready to use. MUST RUN “BMW-EXPLORER” AS ADMINISTRATOR!!!
Software version: BMW-Explorer v18.12.03:
1)Added new versions of SWFL for FEM/BDC and DME/DDE
2) Fixed programming FEM/BDC/EGS/DME/DDE

OS: Win7 8 10
Language: English and Russian


Then, install BMW-Explorer v18.12.03 for BMW E F scanner
Video to follow:

Finally, test BMW-Explorer v18.12.03 with BMW E F scanner.
Review 1:
As I understand 2018 BMW E/F scanner is BMW Explorer clone! Very interested in this because this have EGS ISN reset option that some said will be coming to VVDI2 in next update but that was 3 updates ago so i guess it is not coming..
I considered to get CGDI BMW that does almost the same things for BMW as VVDI2 and much more including this EGS ISN option but CGDI is meant to use with subscription (Subscription or free if you have CGDI MB or CG Pro 9S12. ) so i don’t need that. But 2018 BMW E/F scanner clone tool i would like to get if it works so any feedback from this E/F Scanner working or not working would be appreciated.

I know that buying BMW Explorer would be the right thing to do but it is crazy expensive (You can get the base version for 1.200€ + Module for authorization CAS1 CAS2 CAS3 CAS3 600€.) and while i can’t afford to invest that kind of money in tools for now i am willing to take a chance on clone tools like 2018 BMW E/F scanner clone. VVDI2 and CGDI also are not the origin developers of options like FEM key making, ISN reading. That all is coming from BMW Explorer. They have just cloned the service under their own tools.

Review 2:
Xhorse made a blue colored Bmw vvdi unit (said this 3 years ago)
That will have these explorer functions.
Will they also upgrade the vvdi2?

If not, i am thinking of buying cgdi BMW, instead of this explorer scanner. It cost a 116euros more.
The description of the bmw cgdi is very similar to the explorer.
I already have the full vvdi2 including Bmw. So i would prefer a vvdi2 update in the near future.

Nice feature on the cgdi bmw is the eeprom adapter, you can plug in. (costs extra,bought from
Would love to see that on the vvdi2.

Review 3:
It is free in cgdi bmw which is much cheaper in full as only some BMW activation in vvdi2
we will see how good is this e f scanner clone really. i will order full one.

Keep updating……
Please wait.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Motorola 705 Mileage Programmer Is Good For MC68HCXXXXXX

Motorora 705 SMART EEPROM mileage Programming Tool can support:MC68HC705B16/32, MC68HC705X16/32, MC68HC05B6/8/16/32, MC68HC05X16/32.Motorola 705 is Motorola 705 Programmer is easy to use DOS, Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP software .Onboard processor Device selection by 4 jumpers 2 color LEDs indicates mode of operation, security condition (check option available without PC) LPT port self-check function on a board 52PLCC PGA socket on board and additional adaptor for 64QFP device in complete
Motorola 705 Programmer

Motorola 705 Programmer
Easy to use DOS, Windows 95 / 98 / NT / 2000 / XP software
Onboard processor
Device selection by 4 jumpers
2 color LEDs indicates the mode of operation, security condition (check option available without PC)
LPT port self-check function on a board
52PLCC PGA socket on a board and additional adaptor for the 64QFP device in complete

Supported Devices:

Package list:
One 705 programmer
One MC68HC705B16 QFP-64

Additional items you'll need to use this tool:
Host: A 32 Bit x86 based or Pentium PC with a free LPT communication port.
Power supply: An 12 Volt / 500MA power adapter.
Note: You may purchase a 12V power adapter in this site if you like.
On the D53J mask set (MC68HC05X32) , DIV10 is forced in bootstrap mode. So 20 MHz Crystal must be used with this device.

Tuesday, 12 February 2019

ktmflash + powerbox tested on edc17C10 Work Fine!

30th September, 2018:
just ordered one ktmflash, will test on some tricore ecu and send report here soon.

20th October, 2018:
As promise i received ktmflash + powerbox tested on edc17C10 and work fine with this tactrix clone.
checksum ok all ok ,read write rapid , excellent
will test GPT and dsg soon but I think will work.

Q: So your tactrix is connected to the rear of the power box?
And then to laptop via the usb?
Just use ktag pinout?
I thought edc17c10 was GPT!
A: yes tactrix connected to the rear of the power box and in front gpt and tricore cable,cable gpt and tricore ktag seems to be ok and help of dimsport or ktag yes, good box.

21st October, 2018 update:
tested on edc17cp14 R/W chk ok

Question: Did you test VAG DSG/CVT with this clone? About software: Can we install on Windows 7 without internet or doesnt matter?
Reply on 29th January, 2019:
tested on dsg and work fine (not tested by obd2) and you can use with windows 7 with no internet connexion (not tested with connexion)..
this clone work same as ori with good tactrix hardware

KTMOBD and KTMFLASH china clone review, big thanks to moky test reports (from

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