Sunday, 25 February 2018

Galletto v54 experience: successful & not successful

(02/26/2018) Tested by myself, Galletto v54 clone:

1. EDC16U34 (03G 906 021 PD) via obd2 r/w caddy 2010 1.9tdi
2. Z10XE Opel Corsa 1.0 (ME1.5.5) on the bench r/w
3. Z18XE Opel Zafira Simtec 90 71.1 r/w (24kb file!!!) on the bench
4. Fiat Stilo 1.6 16v 2001y ecu 5NF.T1 via OBD2, on the bench via K line r/w
5. Land Rover 2.0 td4 diesel DDE4 Bosch r/w via OBD2
6. EDC16U1 r/w via OBD2 Touran 1.9TDi, Seat Altea 1.9 tdi
7. Delphy DCM3.4 Pezo 308 2.0 HDi 2007 via OBD2 (W not tested, just R)
8. EDC16C3 via OBD2 ok, full BDM on the bench r/w (grand vitara 1.9DDiS, 2007)
9. EDC15 PD 1.9 passat via OBD2 r/w
10. EDC15C2 Peugeot 406 restyl 2.0 HDI 2004 via OBD2 r/w
11. EDC15C7 r/w via OBD2 Fiat Marea 1.9 JTD 2002god
12. EDC17CP14 Audi A4 2.0 tdi 2009y (03L 906 019 AL, 03L 906 022 KC) r/w on the bench boot
13. Sagem S3000 on the bench read Jtag renesans
14. Astra G via obd read Delco 1.7 isuzu
NOT successful!!!
1. Golf G4 IAW4LV.H PV2 MY2 (036906034BB ) via OBD can not read even ecu data
2. BMW F10 2010y EDC17CP45 TPROT10 on the bench…boot SAK1797 only ecu data…can not read ee not read int. flash


Thursday, 22 February 2018

MQB dashboard odometer correction 3 options

Here OBDexpress introduces three devices for VAG MQB odometer correction:Xhorse Iscancar VAG MM-007,Obdstar tools and Xhorse VVDI2 key programmer
Option 1: Xhorse Iscancar VAG MM-007 v2.3.3
Iscancar VAG MM-007 is good at VAG vehicle maintenance incl. controller diagnostic, such as basic setting, channel adaption, read DTC, clear DTC, system login etc. and special functions like
OBD read PINs, adaption after replacing controller, gateway register etc.
Option 2: Obdstar tools (X300M, H110, Key Master, etc.)
Obdstar X300M is a universal odometer correction tool, working perfect as Digiprog 3
Obdstar key master is a full diagnostic tablet:
Immobilizer+ odometer adjustment+ EEPROM/PIC adapter+ OBDII+ ABS+ TPS+ SRS reset+ TPMS(low tire)reset+ Steering angle reset+ CVT learning/Value reset+ EPB+ Oil/service reset+ Battery matching+ Diagnosis(Japanese and Korean serials).
Option 3: Xhorse VVDI2 key programmer
VVDI2 works perfect in BMW and VAG key programming.
Note that Xhorse VVDI2 is the only key programmer can be used for VAG MQB platform instrument immobiliser. Instrument with NEC35XX (Continental/VDO)


Thursday, 8 February 2018

VVDI2+VVDI Prog Makes Keys to BMW X3 2004 EWS4

Here, you will learn how to program a new X3 2004 key and do eeprom job with Xhorse vvdi (VVDI2 and VVDI-Prog)

Q: Can i make a x series key with the vvdi2 and how? (it’s x3 2004)
A: Yes …it is ews4 (eeprom job )

Q: Taking the ecu out?
A: Not the ecu …taking immo box out …its a white box under the steering wheel same size as a pack of cigs.

Q: Do i need any adapter for that?
A: you just need open vvdi prog ,select ews4 and will show you the connections….solder it and you are good to read it

Q: And does it give you a key code like the cas’s
A: no , is it your first isn’t it?
Q: yes it is. Is this what i need?
A: thats not for ews4…VVDI prog have its own EWS4 adapter, so does the AK90
I mean there is ews4 incircuit connect by vvdi prog. Look here:

Q: how is the procedure
A: Put the ESW4 module in the adapter and lock it
To solder

Tuesday, 6 February 2018

BDM100 programmer and Delphi ECUs: 100% Confirmed!

BDM100 programmer is verified to work no issues with Delphi ECUs including:
Delphi ECUs
Delphi DCM3.2 ECUs
Delphi DCM3.x (MB Version)

In detail…

Delphi ECUs

In case of a Delphi ECU the powerdistribution cannot be provided by special
pads of the BDM port.

Use separate wires to connect GND and+12Vcc to the pins of the main connector
(The main connector of the Delphi ECU)

The voltage is provided by a stabilizedpower supply or by the main connector ofthe ECU at the cable harness of the car.

Warning ! Please always remind, if theopen ECU is connected to the cableharness of the car, it is already connected tothe battery!

Please, ensure that the ignition isswitched off while plugging the connections!
(The BDM pads of the Delphi ECU.)

Now place the BDM142 probe into thepositioning frame and carefully put the tipsof the spring contact probes on the pads onthe board
(The BDM142 probe contacting the BDMport pads of a Delphi ECU.)

The tips of the spring contact probes shouldreach a spring travel of 2mm minimum forbest contact conditions.

If you then applying power to the mainconnector of the ECU the red LED of theBDM142 probe lights up to indicate that thelogic on the board is supplied with therequired voltage.

Delphi DCM3.2 ECUs

On the DCM3.2 the required contacts arelocated in the smaller chamber of the mainConnector
(The main connector of the Delphi DCM3.2 ECU.)

Use separate wires with matchingconnectors to connect GND and +12Vcc to
the pins of the main connector
(The main connector of the Delphi DCM3.2 ECU.)

Compared to the standard BDM pin out, thepin out of the BDM-pads on that board ismirrored, probably due the board wasprogrammed first in the factory beforemounting it into the case
(The location of the required Pads.)

Now place a BDM147 probe into thepositioning frame and carefully put the tipsof the spring contact probes on the pads onthe board
(Like that the BDM147 probe will bepositioned over the DCM3.2 board.)

The tips of the spring contact probes shouldreach a spring travel minimum of 2mm forbest contact conditions.

If you then applying power to the mainconnector of the ECU the red LED of theBDM147 probe lights up to indicate that thelogic on the board is supplied with therequired voltage.

The BDM100 module is now operational

Delphi DCM3.x (MB Version)

On the DCM3.2 the required contacts arelocated in the smaller chamber of the mainConnector
(The main connector of the Delphi DCM3.2 ECU from Daimler-Chrysler.)

Use separate wires with matchingconnectors to connect GND and +12Vcc to
the pins of the main connector
(The main connector of the Delphi DCM3.2 ECU from Daimler-Chrysler.)

The PCB-Layout of the DCM3.2 from MBdiffers slightly from the otherversions.

You have to close two jumpers first beforethis ECU is readable!
(The location of the BDM pads and the twojumpers you have to close first.)

Compared to the standard BDM pin out, thepin out of the BDM-pads on that board ismirrored, probably due the board wasprogrammed first in the factory beforemounting it into the case
(The location of the BDM pads and the twojumpers you have to close first.)
Now place a BDM147 probe into thepositioning frame and carefully put the tipsof the spring contact probes on the pads onthe board
(Like that the BDM147 probe will bepositioned over the DCM3.2 board.)

The tips of the spring contact probes shouldreach a spring travel minimum of 2mm forbest contact conditions.

If you then applying power to the mainconnector of the ECU the red LED of theBDM147 probe lights up to indicate that thelogic on the board is supplied with therequired voltage.

The BDM100 module is now operational.

Sunday, 4 February 2018

Can I use MPPS V18 clone for Marelli ECUs reading?

Question: Can I use MPPS V18 China clone on Marelli ECUs?
Answer: Of course yes! Is a new feature coming with MPPS software v18 firmware v1.09.03
Look at the MPPS V18 Car List pdf
MPPS V18 coversMAIN + TRICORE + MULTIBOOT and a wide range of controllers incl. M3.8, M5.9, ME7xx, MED9, MED17, EDC15/16/17, Delphi, Siemens, Marelli, Delco, Sagem, Trionic

mpps v18
MPPS V18 Marelli ecu tuning review:

Mpps cable in bootloader-obd can calculate checksumMarelli 6F3 or others

Magneti Marelli 6f3, 6JF, 8F2, 8F3 in obd and multiboot with micro and eeprom works very well!

opel corsa 1.3jtd MT marelli ecu 6J0 C1,read/write true obd=ok. he reads 448kb and write it,wery fast…

Magneti Marelli 6f3, Reading at the BDM works very well!

Opel Corsa 2004 1.3cdti ecu Marelli MJD6JO.C2 Read OK, Write NOT OK (using full read dump in both cases, read and write), ecu not booting at all…. need to fix it by BDM.

MPPS V18 Marelli ECU List:

Make Model Engine EcuMake EcuType Connection Read Write Auto Checksum

(use “Ctrl”+”F” to search your ECU quickly)

Alfa Romeo Gulietta 1.4 MultiAir Marelli MJD8GA CAN Yes Yes Yes
Alfa Romeo Mito 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet 6SF CAN Yes Yes Yes
Alfa Romeo Mito 1.4 MultiAir Marelli MJD8GA CAN Yes Yes Yes
Alfa Romeo Mito 1.3 JTDM Marelli MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Ducati Hypermotard 1100 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Hypermotard 1100 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster 1100 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster 1100 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster 400 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster 620 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster 620 Dark Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster 695 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster S2R Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster S2R 1000 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster S2R 800 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster S2R Dark Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster S4R Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster S4R TS Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Monster S4R S TS Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Multistrada 1100 DS Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Multistrada 1100 S DS Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Multistrada 1100 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Multistrada 1100 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Multistrada 620 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Multistrada 620 Dark Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sportclassic GT 1100 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sportclassic Smart 1100 LE Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sportclassic Sport 1100 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sportclassic Sport 1100 B Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sportclassic Sport 1100 M Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sportclassic Sport 1100 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sportclassic Sport 1100 T Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sporttouring ST3 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sporttouring ST3 S ABS Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sporttouring ST4 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Sporttouring ST4 S ABS Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Streetfighter 1100 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Streetfighter 1100 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 1098 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 1098 R Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 1098 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 1198 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 1198 R Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 1198 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 749 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 749 Dark Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 749 R Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 749 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 848 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 848 Dark Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 999 Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 999 R Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Superbike 999 S Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Supersport 1100 DS Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Ducati Supersport 1100 S DS Marelli 59M/5AM K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Fiat 500 0.9 JTM Marelli TwinAir MJD8GSF CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat 500 0.9 JTM Marelli TwinAir MJD8GSW CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat 500 1.2L Marelli 5SF3.M1/M2 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat 500 1.2L Marelli 5SF8/9 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat 500 1.2 16V Marelli IAW MM9 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat 500 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet 6F3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat 500 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8DF CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat 500 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat 600 1.1 E3 Marelli IAW 59F K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Brava 1.6 16V Marelli IAW 49F K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Brava 1.6 16V Marelli IAW 4EF K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Bravo 1.6 16V Marelli IAW 49F K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Bravo 1.6 16V Marelli IAW 4EF K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Coupe 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6JF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Coupe 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Coupe 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Coupe 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Ducato 2.0 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Ducato 2.0 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Ducato 2.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Fiorino 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6JF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Fiorino 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Fiorino 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Fiorino 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Grande Punto 0.9 JTM Marelli TwinAir MJD8GSF CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Grande Punto 0.9 JTM Marelli TwinAir MJD8GSW CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Grande Punto 1.2L Marelli 5SF3.M1/M2 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Grande Punto 1.2L Marelli 5SF8/9 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet 6F3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Grande Punto 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Idea 1.2 16V Marelli IAW 5SF3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Idea 1.2 16V Marelli IAW 5SF8 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Idea 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6JF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Idea 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Idea 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Idea 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8DF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Multipla 1.6 16V Marelli IAW 5NF K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Panda 1.2 8V Marelli IAW 59F K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Panda 1.2 16V Marelli IAW 5NF K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Panda 1.2 16V Marelli IAW 5SF3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Panda 1.2 16V Marelli IAW 5SF8 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Panda 1.2 16V Marelli IAW MM9 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Panda 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6JF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Panda 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Panda 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Panda 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8DF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Punto 1.2 8V Marelli IAW 59F K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Punto 1.2 16V Marelli IAW 5SF3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Punto 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6JF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Punto 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Punto 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Punto 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8DF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Qubo 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Qubo 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Qubo 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8DF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Seidici 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Seidici 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Seidici 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8DF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Stilo 1.6 16V Marelli IAW 5NF K-Line No No Yes
Fiat Stilo 1.9 JDTM Marelli Multijet K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Strada 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Strada 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Fiat Strada 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8DF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Ford KA 1.3 TDCi Marelli Multijet 6F3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Musa 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet 6JF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Musa 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Musa 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Musa 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Musa 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8DF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Ypsilon 1.2 16V Marelli IAW 5SF3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Ypsilon 1.2 16V Marelli IAW 5SF8 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Ypsilon 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet 6JF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Ypsilon 1.3 JDTM Marelli Multijet 6F3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Ypsilon 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Ypsilon 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8F2/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Lancia Ypsilon 1.3 JTDM Marelli Multijet MJD8DF K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Agila 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Agila 1.3 16v CDTi Marelli MJD 602 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Agila 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602-3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Opel Astra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Astra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602-3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Opel Astra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli Multijet K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Corsa 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Corsa 1.3 16v CDTi Marelli MJD 602 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Corsa 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Opel Combo 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli Multijet 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Combo 1.3 16v CDTi Marelli MJD 602 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Combo 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Opel Meriva 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Meriva 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 KLine Yes Yes Yes
Opel Meriva 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Opel Tigra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Opel Tigra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 KLine Yes Yes Yes
Opel Tigra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Peugeot 106 1.4L 16v Marelli 6LPA K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Peugeot 206 1.4L 16v Marelli 6LPA K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Peugeot 307 2.0L 16v Marelli 6LPA K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Peugeot 407 2.0L 16v Marelli 6LPA K-Line Yes Yes Checksum Button
Suzuki Ignis 1.3 16v DDiS Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Suzuki Ignis 1.3 16v DDis Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Suzuki Swift 1.3 16v DDiS Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Suzuki Swift 1.3 16v DDiS Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Suzuki Wagon-R 1.3 16v DDiS Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Suzuki Wagon-R 1.3 16v DDiS Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Agila 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Agila 1.3 16v CDTi Marelli MJD 602 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Agila 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602-3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Astra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Astra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602-3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Astra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli Multijet K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Corsa 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Corsa 1.3 16v CDTi Marelli MJD 602 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Corsa 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Combo 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli Multijet 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Combo 1.3 16v CDTi Marelli MJD 602 K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Combo 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Meriva 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Meriva 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 KLine Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Meriva 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Tigra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 6JO K-Line Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Tigra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 KLine Yes Yes Yes
Vauxhall Tigra 1.3 16v CDTI Marelli MJD 602/3 CAN Yes Yes Yes


Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...