Wednesday, 29 November 2017

BDM Adapters Full Set for KTAG KESS V2 KTM100 Dimsport

used with LED BDM Frame
to do chip tuning (Denso, Marelli, Bosch, Siemens)
via KTAG KESS V2 KTM100 Dimsport chiptuning tools
BDM Adapter Features:
Adapter width: ~60mm width for original BDM Probe, not for low quality plastic with 40mm width.
Adapter thickness: 2mm
Adapter colour: Green
22 BDM adapters included in a full set:
1 14AM00T01M Bosch
2 14AM00T02M Delphi DCM
3 14AM00T03M Bootloader ST10xx
4 14P600KT04 Infineon Tricore EDC/MED17
5 14AM00T05M Marelli MPC55xx JTAG
6 14AM00T06M Delphi MPC55xx JTAG
7 14AM00T07M Denso CN1 Boot
8 14AM00T08M Denso CN2 Boot
9 14AM00T09M Denso CN3 Boot
10 14AM00T10M Denso CN1 AUD
11 14AM00T11M Denso CN2 AUD
12 14AM00T00M Delphi DCI
13 14AM00TBAS Base Adapter 1.27
14 14AM00T14M NexusEFI T6 Lotus
15 14AM00TB02 Magneti Marelli BDM insert
16 14AM00TB01 Siemens BDM insert
17 14AM00TB03 EDC7 BDM insert
18 14AM00T18M Magneti Marelli MPC/SPC56xx
19 14AM00T13M Nexus MPC5xx TRW ECU
20 VAG 1.6tdi – Siemens-Continental PCR2.1
21 14AM00T15M Toyota NEC76F-20
22 14AM00T16M Toyota NEC76F-26

bdm-adapter-full-set-1 bdm-adapter-full-set-2 Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (1) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (2) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (3) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (4) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (5) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (6) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (7) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (8) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (9) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (10) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (11) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (12) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (13) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (14) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (15) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (16) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (17) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (18) Denso-Marelli-Bosch-Siemens-bdm-adapter (19)

Monday, 27 November 2017

UPA-USB change mileage in Chery QQ

This toturial of correcting digital dash of Chery QQ via 2014 UPA USB(Pinouts attached)

EEPROM Contain Simple Checksum !!!!

Monday, 20 November 2017

Which Actia Multidiag clone should buy?

I want to buy an Actia Multi diag China clone.
On the I see prices between 160-300USD.
What is the difference, only software version?
Can someone tell me which I should buy?
Will I be able to install 2016 software on cheap 160$ version?

Clone Actia Multidiag Reviews:

What you find is the Chinese version 2013.1
Version 2016 can not be determined, it is necessary to flash chips.
The Chinese version uses a broken software, legal will never be, you can not use the Internet at the time.

Of course. You can use 2016Multi diag software.
Just search in Fantomel posts, he prepared Virtual Machine with software 2016 that works with cloned unit.

I have the Multidiag 2014/1 clone, its a great tool for eobd and french cars, has alot of features for FAP regeneration, injector reset etc. When installing software do exactly as shown, yes its a kind of broken software, starts from scratch everytime you startup but is a hell of an interface anyway..I make a lot of PUGs and CITs and for that its a great tool (with the advantage of being possible to use on other cars
Its up to you, Interface is great, China is not so great..If you can live with that then you will be happy with it

How to choose a working Multidiag clone:
multidiag actia

Clones are only VCI1 in yellow blue case, all chinese tools are the same, buy the cheapest multidiag ( advice with usb and rs232) and pay 10$ for parts, do rework and all will work ok. There is no sense to pay more for nothing since all clones need rework. Also china did not clone vci2, i think is no profit for them to use so many relay
Something like this you need with usb and rs232 like ori one and do the rework i posted:

In conclusion,

No tool is perfect, clone even not so perfect, no matter which version.

The main difference between different version is on the vehicle cover. The newer software version, the more vehicles it covers.
V2014.01 Multi-Diag and V2013.02 Multi-Diag will enter the VCI number automatically, but other versions must enter the VCI number manually.

2016 MULLER Multi-Diag ACCESS XS Diagnostic case
You all must understand that different profiles in actia activate different options of the program, so feuvert one of 2016 is one chopped profile with missing cars


How to setup UPA-USB v1.3 clone to work

I can not use 1.3 in my clone programmer UPA 1.3 from china, pcb red. The software that I go from the provider is the same file install.exe, lic and dll, also had uuprog.exe, that this thread is missing, but when I copy the 3 files and run the "cracked" uuprog.exe I received an instant fails, the Software does not load. If I keep the original uuprog.exe, then I am requested to activate the hardware device.
Has anybody overcome this problem yet?

Reply: Hi, I have a solution for those who want to run but can’t get it to work… I’ve only tested this on a 2014 Red UPA-USB device and it worked.

Note: bad UPA vs good UPA (i have the good one-left from

You need to find and download a version of the crack folder which includes the uuprog.exe file AS WELL as the uuprog.dll file. I think most versions that you find will have a virus in the uuprog.exe file.. so you disable all other AV except for Windows Defender running on Win7. It will intercept the file and remove the virus leaving the rest of it in tact – you will see it is initially about 60k and reduces to about 28k once Defender has cleaned the file. Move this file along with the uprog.dll and uprog.lic file into the main program folder.
Disconnect usb device then launch uuprog.. it takes ages but eventually fires up. Then plug the usb device in and you will get the usual annoying activation screen. Type abc as user and abc as registration and click activate.
That’s it.. then it should activate and find your device.
I think the crack has moved the code of the original uuprog.exe into a uuprog.dll file as they are the same size.. then the tiny cracked 28k uuprog.exe just launches the original code from the dll file but tricks activation step. Most downloads of the crack are missing the amended uuprog.exe probably because it was stripped during upload because it contains a virus.

For people who having a problem with activation, copy and replaced the .exe file contained in the attachment in to the installation directory. Run the file and when ask for registration, use ABC as for name and password.!oewQRYYT!rl9eHFVf_p_WnzdCLICUpeAOWlQFZyshsepn2Y916rY
Good luck

Saturday, 18 November 2017

UPA USB - Green or Red board?

Here, I’ll chip in some words of my experience of UPA USB original and the clone (green & red board).

I test in various china UPA interfaces and the interface that not block and dont need any modding and any eeprom is red one.
I test in 2 red UPA with (software from china)and works perfect. The only thing to bypass the reg is run soft and then connect UPA to USB and when ask for registration not write nothing, only click accept and run ok.

This days i make a how to. its simply.
1º install soft.
2ºcopy 3 files overwritten old.(this is the software from china its in all pages).
3º run soft.(it will run without asking nothing).
4º plug UPA(when UPA is plugged a window appear and ask for registration, in this moment click in activate).
I make a step that is use the new drivers whit UPA(in chineese pages are how to install and is what is the correct driver) but whit old drivers works too.
I make this steps in 2 red ones and works ok. but if try on a green PCB the soft kill the 24c128(if i remember well) and must be reprogramed.
The only difference between red and green is a pic that in red isn’t in mainboard and has in USB board. i think in there is any serial.

Also, I help collect reviews of UPA-USB device programmer… look here

Original UPA reviews:

Original tool is better….100% tested..

I have an original UPA USB for 150euro, shipping included.

Its ok but to have the clone if buy original then you will happy with it

UPA-USB V1.3 (Green) reviews:

Windows XP – UPA green works Perfectly!

The clone is fine, I tried reading few eeproms and writing to them – success. XP only. Win 7 not works.

I have a UPA USB with green board and I am satisfied 
for EPROM, for Motorola,
for NEC, tms

The green one is better!

the green, function very well, with adapters

Friend I bought the green, I did not have a problem, everything works ok for me.

UPA USB programmer (Red) reviews:

I did tested my UPA 1.2 red from China with some versions of software from China also but it didn’t worked. 

I have red version 1.3. I have installed software, patched all files, software does not start, gives an error. I use win7. I’ve tested on virtual machine xp, it killed my virtual machine.

I’m not able to use 1.3 on my china clone UPA 1.3 programmer, red pcb.

In conclusion:
Both red & green PCB are clone
UPA USB: Original -> Green -> Red


Solved: Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB Connection Issue

 Here we’ll provide the solution for Yanhua Mini ACDP 2 Android USB connection issue. When connecting ACDP to an Android phone with USB ca...